Proverbs 18:17
He that is first in his own cause seemeth just;
but his neighbor cometh and searcheth him.
17:any story sounds true until someone tells the other side and sets the record straight.
In a recent thread attention was being given to "professed" Believers who were being spoken about in a bad light.
In the providence of God, I know of a very similar situation,almost identical you could say that would really help develop this thread.
I had offered one post on the thread , but it has vanished, and I am told I cannot take part in the thread.
Did anyone else get such a message?
Nevertheless as we bring relevant scriptures to light this thread will be a fine compliment to the other as we wrestle to find a scriptural resolution to some of these issues.
Has anyone been in this situation online before?
I and a few others were on a forum that would put Calvinists on a "coffee break" where they could not post publically but "behind the scenes"the censors would discuss with them why they needed to rewrite what they posted,lol
This went on usually until the Calvinist left.
I know of a case where a moderator edited and rewrote a post so he could lie and say the Calvinist posted it,lol.
How desperate. Others knew about it, and were partaker of that sin.
Has something similar happened to you
Lets get to some truth here.
He that is first in his own cause seemeth just;
but his neighbor cometh and searcheth him.
17:any story sounds true until someone tells the other side and sets the record straight.
In a recent thread attention was being given to "professed" Believers who were being spoken about in a bad light.
In the providence of God, I know of a very similar situation,almost identical you could say that would really help develop this thread.
I had offered one post on the thread , but it has vanished, and I am told I cannot take part in the thread.
Did anyone else get such a message?
Nevertheless as we bring relevant scriptures to light this thread will be a fine compliment to the other as we wrestle to find a scriptural resolution to some of these issues.
Has anyone been in this situation online before?
I and a few others were on a forum that would put Calvinists on a "coffee break" where they could not post publically but "behind the scenes"the censors would discuss with them why they needed to rewrite what they posted,lol
This went on usually until the Calvinist left.
I know of a case where a moderator edited and rewrote a post so he could lie and say the Calvinist posted it,lol.
How desperate. Others knew about it, and were partaker of that sin.
Has something similar happened to you
Lets get to some truth here.