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Yes, I did read a commentary to find this, though it came to my mind a few minutes ago that we are a sweet savour unto the LORD.

Precious are the death of his saints.

Not every "all" and other similar words is referring to the entirely, but within a certain context of areas.

Not every "he" in the same sentence with another "he" is referring to the person.

We must study to shew ourselves approved as good workers, rightly dividing the truth.


Mike Gendron really summed it up in this article below:

Purgatory is a travesty on the justice of God and a disgraceful fabrication that robs Christ Jesus of His glory and honor. He alone satisfied divine justice, once and for all, by the perfect and finished sacrifice of Himself. The fatal deception of Purgatory blinds Catholics from the glorious Gospel of grace. It is one of Satan's many lies which keep his captives from knowing and trusting the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. It is Christ alone that will present us "faultless before the presence of his glory" (Jude 24).



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Charity is perfect love, second kinda of making works a must, we are saved by faith not works.

There is no other cross in the other life, its either paradise or everlasting torment.

We are sinless to him when born again, Jesus already took on himself our sins.

Do not twist scripture.
Do not twist scripture?? LOL, how many denominations do y'all have now because of your many of interpretations of scripture? Every evangelical denomination claims they hold 'the truth' and that the others are wrong. Tell me, is it limited atonement or unlimited atonement? An important doctrine that y'all fight like cats and dogs over on this board for years now.


Well-Known Member
Do not twist scripture?? LOL, how many denominations do y'all have now because of your many of interpretations of scripture? Every evangelical denomination claims they hold 'the truth' and that the others are wrong. Tell me, is it limited atonement or unlimited atonement? An important doctrine that y'all fight like cats and dogs over on this board for years now.

Disagreements over how we understand a verse or verses is much different then what the RCC does in adding things to scripture because some Pope or council has said they should be added is another.

What we do all agree on is that we are saved by faith in our risen Lord.

As John was inspired to say "but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name." Joh 20:31

A man does not need a priest or minister to teach him about salvation through faith in God. The scriptures are not written in a secret code but are there for any man to read and understand. Does that mean that they will know everything that God has to say, NO but there is not a man that has been able to honestly say they knew the mind of God.

Look at it this way:
Is Jesus Lord without being our savior? Yes
Is Jesus our Savior without being our Lord? No
Does Jesus expect those who know him to live a certain way? Yes.
Do those "certain ways" in any way determine if one is saved or not? No.
Can someone know Jesus as Lord and Savior, and thus be saved, but not fully understand what all of that means? Yes.

And that's why I am a Baptist.


Active Member
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;


Active Member
But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;

But this man offering one sacrifice for sins, for ever sitteth on the right hand of God,


Well-Known Member
Purgatory is literally made up doctrine to coerce poor families into giving money to the RCC to build Saint Peter’s.

Just think of it; They claim your loved ones are suffering for millions of years in anguish. If you give money to the church, it takes a little time off the suffering. Where is the hope of the peace and rest that Christ promised?

Jesus said come to Him and He would give you rest. The doctrine of purgatory has Jesus saying, “just kidding… once you come to Me you still have to suffer for millions of years before you get that peace and rest”.

As stated, it is a damnable lie. It makes a mockery of Christ’s on the cross. When Christ said, “it is finished” He must have lied according to RCC doctrine because it wasn’t really finished since a person still has to suffer millions of years in purgatory.

Peace to you


Well-Known Member
Purgatory is literally made up doctrine to coerce poor families into giving money to the RCC to build Saint Peter’s.

Just think of it; They claim your loved ones are suffering for millions of years in anguish. If you give money to the church, it takes a little time off the suffering. Where is the hope of the peace and rest that Christ promised?

Jesus said come to Him and He would give you rest. The doctrine of purgatory has Jesus saying, “just kidding… once you come to Me you still have to suffer for millions of years before you get that peace and rest”.

As stated, it is a damnable lie. It makes a mockery of Christ’s on the cross. When Christ said, “it is finished” He must have lied according to RCC doctrine because it wasn’t really finished since a person still has to suffer millions of years in purgatory.

Peace to you

This is why protestants in Purgatory have no one pray for them, the false new human interpretations of scripture denied the reality of Purgatory.

When the Early Christians and Fathers quote the Scripture speaking of Purgatory, you need to listen.

All imperfections in Love have to be burned away before you can stand in the light of Pure Love. Not only must we not owe God anything, we can not owe each other anything to enter the Light.
The King was not just concerned with the great debt owed Him, he was very concerned with debt between his servants.
Primarily we are judged by our Love not just of God, but of one another.

You have been indoctrinated in one of the many false human interpretations of scripture from the Protestant rebellion.

When Protestants and Baptists that find themselves in the Purgatory they never believed in, they are extremely grateful that at least Catholics still remember them in prayer.

This spiritual reality is not a joke or a scam, Purgatory is real.
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****I tried to post this in response to Cathode in another thread about praying for the dead, but it would not let me post for some reason. So I'm just making it a separate thread.

Here's what the Catholic Encyclopedia says about purgatory...

"Purgatory - A place or condition of temporal punishment for those who, departing this life in God's grace, are,
not entirely free from venial faults, or have not fully paid the satisfaction due to their transgressions."

The very definition, according to Catholics, is POLAR opposite of the truth that God, Himself, said in His Word.

One CANNOT pay for their own sins. There is NOTHING one can do in this life or the next to satisfy the wrath of God for their own iniquities - be they "venial" or "mortal" - it matters not. Sin is sin. One can steal from petty cash at work or rape a child. The consequences one pays here are different in terms of jail time or social consequences, but the separation from God is the same. Sin is sin.

ONLY JESUS CHRIST can pay the price for sin.

Hebrews 9 says "It is appointed once to die and THEN the judgment." When one dies, he or she will go immediately to one of either place.

How can one die "in God's grace" as the Catholics teach and STILL have sins that Jesus' blood hasn't covered? If Jesus isn't powerful enough to cover your "venial" sins in this life, then he isn't powerful at all and the whole Bible is a lie.

Purgatory is a damnable lie.
Purgatory is a result of Hellenistic influences (of a "celestial Hades"). It became Purgatory as we know it today in the late 11th century AD (the previous century seeing a focus on departed saints). And obviously praying for the deceased is meaningless ritual (e.g., Jesus' words of the rich man in Luke 16).

I absolutely agree with you.

My concern, however, is in the value of casting pearls before swine. Catholicism a blend of Christianity and paganism. I believe some are saved despite Catholic doctrine. But this depends on the faith to which they cling (the gospel or Catholic dogma).

I say that simply to say that I am not sure there is any type of benefit to be gained debating Catholic doctrine. The doctrine of Purgatory is a symptom of a more significant problem. It is a manifestation of the paganism at the root.


Well-Known Member
Purgatory is a result of Hellenistic influences (of a "celestial Hades"). It became Purgatory as we know it today in the late 11th century AD (the previous century seeing a focus on departed saints). And obviously praying for the deceased is meaningless ritual (e.g., Jesus' words of the rich man in Luke 16).

I absolutely agree with you.

My concern, however, is in the value of casting pearls before swine. Catholicism a blend of Christianity and paganism. I believe some are saved despite Catholic doctrine. But this depends on the faith to which they cling (the gospel or Catholic dogma).

I say that simply to say that I am not sure there is any type of benefit to be gained debating Catholic doctrine. The doctrine of Purgatory is a symptom of a more significant problem. It is a manifestation of the paganism at the root.

So do you think Augustine was pagan, or didn’t know the difference between Christian and pagan beliefs?
Scholars on all sides would laugh at that idea.

Why would Augustine be preaching on Purgatory, the greatest theologian of the early Fathers of Christianity.

Your claims of paganism are false, Purgatory is a Christian belief found in Scripture and in the early Christian Tradition and doctrine.

This is the danger following private interpretations of scripture, it nullifies it for you, and blinds you to the Truth of Scripture.

The Fathers only maintained the Apostolic interpretation of scripture handed down to them. The Apostles interpretation of Scripture handed down.

“If the baptized person fulfills the obligations demanded of a Christian, he does well. If he does not–provided he keeps the faith, without which he would perish forever–no matter in what sin or impurity remains, he will be saved, as it were, by fire; as one who has built on the foundation, which is Christ, not gold, silver, and precious stones, but wood, hay straw, that is, not just and chasted works but wicked and unchaste works.” Augustine, Faith and Works, 1:1 (A.D. 413).

“Now on what ground does this person pray that he may not be ‘rebuked in indignation, nor chastened in hot displeasure”? He speaks as if he would say unto God, ‘Since the things which I already suffer are many in number, I pray Thee let them suffice;’ and he begins to enumerate them, by way of satisfying God; offering what he suffers now, that he may not have to suffer worse evils hereafter.” Augustine, Exposition of the Psalms, 38(37):3 (A.D. 418).

“And it is not impossible that something of the same kind may take place even after this life. It is a matter that may be inquired into, and either ascertained or left doubtful, whether some believers shall pass through a kind of purgatorial fire, and in proportion as they have loved with more or less devotion the goods that perish, be less or more quickly delivered from it. This cannot, however, be the case of any of those of whom it is said, that they ‘shall not inherit the kingdom of God,’ unless after suitable repentance their sins be forgiven them. When I say ‘suitable,’ I mean that they are not to be unfruitful in almsgiving; for Holy Scripture lays so much stress on this virtue, that our Lord tells us beforehand, that He will ascribe no merit to those on His right hand but that they abound in it, and no defect to those on His left hand but their want of it, when He shall say to the former, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom,” and to the latter, ‘Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire.'” Augustine, Enchiridion, 69 (A.D. 421).

“During the time, moreover, which intervenes between a man’s death and the final resurrection, the soul dwells in a hidden retreat, where it enjoys rest or suffers affliction just in proportion to the merit it has earned by the life which it led on earth.” Augustine, Enchiridion, 1099 (A.D. 421).


Well-Known Member
This is why protestants in Purgatory have no one pray for them, the false new human interpretations of scripture denied the reality of Purgatory.

When the Early Christians and Fathers quote the Scripture speaking of Purgatory, you need to listen.

All imperfections in Love have to be burned away before you can stand in the light of Pure Love. Not only must we not owe God anything, we can not owe each other anything to enter the Light.
The King was not just concerned with the great debt owed Him, he was very concerned with debt between his servants.
Primarily we are judged by our Love not just of God, but of one another.

You have been indoctrinated in one of the many false human interpretations of scripture from the Protestant rebellion.

When Protestants and Baptists that find themselves in the Purgatory they never believed in, they are extremely grateful that at least Catholics still remember them in prayer.

This spiritual reality is not a joke or a scam, Purgatory is real.
Purgatory is a made up damnable lie for the sole purpose of fleecing the unlearned out of their money. As Luther stated, if the church really had the power to release people from their suffering, they should do it for free.

That’s the reason the RCC forbids their followers from reading the Bible. They don’t want them to learn the truth of their many falsehoods. They keep the people ignorant and believing their very salvation depends upon the RCC and their many paedo priests. If you confront them, they’ll kick you out and sentence you to millions of years of suffering. Utter nonsense!!

There is no one “in purgatory” because purgatory doesn’t exist. Your prayers for people “in purgatory” are just as meaningless as your prayers to the Saints.

Peace to you


Well-Known Member
All people want to avoid the unquenchable fire – hell – but Christians will all be “salted with fire” which is good and restores flavor – purgatory. St. Paul also speaks of our works’ quality being tested with fire and that we can be saved from destruction, but only by first getting through the fire. (1 Corinthians 3:13-15) While this passage is often used to argue against the existence of purgatory saying that it only refers to our works as passing through this fire, Catholic teaching holds that our works are reflections of our faith, attached to our faith, and expressions of our very being. James 2:20-24 substantiates the connection between faith and works by using the example of Abraham’s faithful obedience in action as an expression of his faith in God

It isn't denying the effect of the shed blood of Christ but is a purification. It isn't whether or not the blood is applied. A person is either saved when they die or they are not. Purgatory is NOT a second chance for salvation as I was told when I was a Baptist.
There is NO doctrine of Purgatory in the bible, as its ALL taken from non inspired apocrypha books and non inspired catholic tradition


Well-Known Member
The everyone is referring to those who go to hell, not those who don't.

I still don't understand the use of "purgatory" if Jesus blood cleanseth us and we are eternally saved for ever more. We took on his righteousness and we have no more blemish.

Jesus paid it all....
Indeed, but Rome denies Pauline Justification, as per them, we must get sanctified enough by sacraments of grace to be found able to merit from God our salvation


Well-Known Member
Purgatory is a made up damnable lie for the sole purpose of fleecing the unlearned out of their money. As Luther stated, if the church really had the power to release people from their suffering, they should do it for free.

That’s the reason the RCC forbids their followers from reading the Bible. They don’t want them to learn the truth of their many falsehoods. They keep the people ignorant and believing their very salvation depends upon the RCC and their many paedo priests. If you confront them, they’ll kick you out and sentence you to millions of years of suffering. Utter nonsense!!

There is no one “in purgatory” because purgatory doesn’t exist. Your prayers for people “in purgatory” are just as meaningless as your prayers to the Saints.

Peace to you
Paul stated it very clerly, if found in Christ, at moment of death absent from the bible, and then with Christ, so is Jesus then now in Purgatory also?
We are spiritually in heavenly places, no, when we die, we sleep till twinkling. Jesus is not in any mystical place called Purgatory.

I do think the RCC allow bible reading, but with tons of notes.


So do you think Augustine was pagan, or didn’t know the difference between Christian and pagan beliefs?
Augustine did not hold the current RCC view of Purgatory. He did view this as a temporal punishment (the "refining fire" where some would escape "as one escapes a fire" but not as the "celestial Hades" that the RCC has adopted.

Do I believe Augustine didn't know the difference between his paganism and Chriatianity? Yes. I believe he was honest. But I don't think that Augustine adopted the paganism the RCC grasped because his understanding of temporal punishment after death for some is not necessarily unbiblical (it depends on one's understanding of this "refining").

Have you considered yet that Augustines entire understanding of Jesus' work on the Cross is contrary to RCC doctrine? Like you, I believe Augustine got the cross of Jesus Christ (Christ's work of atonement) wrong and ventured into heresy. I also disagree with the RCC doctrine.
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