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Well-Known Member
Purgatory is a made up damnable lie for the sole purpose of fleecing the unlearned out of their money. As Luther stated, if the church really had the power to release people from their suffering, they should do it for free.

That’s the reason the RCC forbids their followers from reading the Bible. They don’t want them to learn the truth of their many falsehoods. They keep the people ignorant and believing their very salvation depends upon the RCC and their many paedo priests. If you confront them, they’ll kick you out and sentence you to millions of years of suffering. Utter nonsense!!

There is no one “in purgatory” because purgatory doesn’t exist. Your prayers for people “in purgatory” are just as meaningless as your prayers to the Saints.

Peace to you

Well you seem firmly in the camp of finding out the hard way.

Nothing is for free, every thing costs. From the blood, sweat, prayers and suffering of Christ, to the blood, sweat, prayers and suffering of all the saints.

My bothering to warn you and many others of Purgatory also costs.

These are costly graces extended to you that you reject, filled with your own knowledge, you have no room for the Truth.

Look at the scriptures the Church Fathers and Early Christians are referring to regarding purgatory, they are New Testament.


Well-Known Member
Augustine did not hold the current RCC view of Purgatory. He did view this as a temporal punishment (the "refining fire" where some would escape "as one escapes a fire" but not as the "celestial Hades" that the RCC has adopted.

Do I believe Augustine didn't know the difference between his paganism and Chriatianity? Yes. I believe he was honest. But I don't think that Augustine adopted the paganism the RCC grasped because his understanding of temporal punishment after death for some is not necessarily unbiblical (it depends on one's understanding of this "refining").

Have you considered yet that Augustines entire understanding of Jesus' work on the Cross is contrary to RCC doctrine? Like you, I believe Augustine got the cross of Jesus Christ (Christ's work of atonement) wrong and ventured into heresy. I also disagree with the RCC doctrine.

Who are you to declare heresy? Only an infallible Authority can declare heresy. It’s just your fallible interpretation of scripture.

Opinions of scripture aren’t the Truth of Scripture.


Active Member
Who are you to declare heresy? Only an infallible Authority can declare heresy. It’s just your fallible interpretation of scripture.

Opinions of scripture aren’t the Truth of Scripture.
There is only one infallibale Authority which is the Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments which is the King James Bible.

No, I do not go to men for interpretations of the Bible, no, I do not go to the pope, even the pope isn`t infillable. I believe the Bible, and the Bible teacheth that they will wake up either to everlasting life or everlasting torment.

The Bible saith so, meaneth so, and I will hold up this faith until the end. ALLEUIA!


Active Member
Jesus only needed to sacriface once, which was to cover for all our sins, present, past, and future. His priesthood is not changing, his blood is in the mercy seat for ever more.

I do not need to do anything to merit this grace except to put my faith in that precious blood which in fact without the shedding of such is any remission.

Jesus Christ paid it all, all to him I owe, precious Saviour. There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel`s vains, tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him by his words, just by trusting his precious blood.



Well-Known Member
Grace and salvation is free gift.

No, it was ransom at great cost.


Well-Known Member
Well you seem firmly in the camp of finding out the hard way.

Nothing is for free, every thing costs……
You demonstrate your ignorance of scripture every time you post.

In Romans 6:3, Saint Paul tells us eternal salvation is a gift. A gift is free. If you have to earn it, then it is “wages”.

I am firmly in the camp of believing what scripture teaches rather than man made doctrine designed to fleece the poor.

You think I’m going to learn the “hard way” and I think you and your popes will have to give an account to God for the false doctrine you have spread in His name.

I have prayed that God will open your eyes to truth while you still live and have the opportunity to turn from this falsehood.

Peace to you


Who are you to declare heresy?
A Christian.

Several Roman Catholic doctrines are heresies with God's Word as an authority.

Among these most are the result of the nature of Catholic doctrine itself. The Catholic Church came into being as a result of the union of Christianity with the Roman Empire. It is a product of blending paganism with Christiamity with doctrines growing from this base heresy.

These include the Roman Catholic understanding of Christ's work, Purgatory, the Catholic priesthood, Catholic "confession", penance, the Catholic doctrine of "Original Sin", the Catholic Mass, the Roman Catholic Eucharist, the role of a "pope", the union of Church and State, the Catholic concept of "Chriatendom"....among others.

The word "heresy" indicates something that is opposed to orthodoxy. You are correct that it depends on authority. A Muslim would view "heresy" differently than would a Christian. And the Catholic Church would view heresy differently than would a Christian church.

I can declare the RCC doctrine of Purgatory a heresy because per God's Word it is a heresy. It is "anti-Christ". But it is not a heresy to those who replace God with the RCC.

The RCC considers Augustine's understanding of the Cross a "heresy". This is not because of God but because it is opposed to the RCC understanding (yes, Augustine departed from Scripture, but he also stands in contradiction to the RCC).


Well-Known Member
A Christian.

Several Roman Catholic doctrines are heresies with God's Word as an authority.

Among these most are the result of the nature of Catholic doctrine itself. The Catholic Church came into being as a result of the union of Christianity with the Roman Empire. It is a product of blending paganism with Christiamity with doctrines growing from this base heresy.

These include the Roman Catholic understanding of Christ's work, Purgatory, the Catholic priesthood, Catholic "confession", penance, the Catholic doctrine of "Original Sin", the Catholic Mass, the Roman Catholic Eucharist, the role of a "pope", the union of Church and State, the Catholic concept of "Chriatendom"....among others.

The word "heresy" indicates something that is opposed to orthodoxy. You are correct that it depends on authority. A Muslim would view "heresy" differently than would a Christian. And the Catholic Church would view heresy differently than would a Christian church.

I can declare the RCC doctrine of Purgatory a heresy because per God's Word it is a heresy. It is "anti-Christ". But it is not a heresy to those who replace God with the RCC.

The RCC considers Augustine's understanding of the Cross a "heresy". This is not because of God but because it is opposed to the RCC understanding (yes, Augustine departed from Scripture, but he also stands in contradiction to the RCC).

Every Bible aloner claims the bible as their authority, which is absurd since they come away with different interpretations and doctrines from the same Bible.

What they are actually claiming is that their opinions are the highest authority. It’s not Bible alone, it’s Ego alone.


Active Member
Who are you to say what is misinterpretation of Scripture?
The Bible says salvation is a free gift not of works, amen. That's clear and simple. I don't need any coucils, I just need the Bible with the Holy Ghost. I rebuke and repove thee.
Every Bible aloner claims the bible as their authority, which is absurd since they come away with different interpretations and doctrines from the same Bible.

What they are actually claiming is that their opinions are the highest authority. It’s not Bible alone, it’s Ego alone.
No, the Bible is authority.


Well-Known Member
Augustine did not hold the current RCC view of Purgatory. He did view this as a temporal punishment (the "refining fire" where some would escape "as one escapes a fire" but not as the "celestial Hades" that the RCC has adopted.

Do I believe Augustine didn't know the difference between his paganism and Chriatianity? Yes. I believe he was honest. But I don't think that Augustine adopted the paganism the RCC grasped because his understanding of temporal punishment after death for some is not necessarily unbiblical (it depends on one's understanding of this "refining").

Have you considered yet that Augustines entire understanding of Jesus' work on the Cross is contrary to RCC doctrine? Like you, I believe Augustine got the cross of Jesus Christ (Christ's work of atonement) wrong and ventured into heresy. I also disagree with the RCC doctrine.
Augustine was like a Luther, in the sense both were saved, but they also still were notable to reform their theology enough to escape some of the heresy and bad doctrines held by Rome


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You demonstrate your ignorance of scripture every time you post.

In Romans 6:3, Saint Paul tells us eternal salvation is a gift. A gift is free. If you have to earn it, then it is “wages”.

I am firmly in the camp of believing what scripture teaches rather than man made doctrine designed to fleece the poor.

You think I’m going to learn the “hard way” and I think you and your popes will have to give an account to God for the false doctrine you have spread in His name.

I have prayed that God will open your eyes to truth while you still live and have the opportunity to turn from this falsehood.

Peace to you

So, you claim the Catholic Church 'forbids it's followers from reading the bible'? Where do you get this nonsense?? I read the bible every day and with the Catholic Church's knowledge and encouragement. Don't post lies. False witness is a sin.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Every Bible aloner claims the bible as their authority, which is absurd since they come away with different interpretations and doctrines from the same Bible.

What they are actually claiming is that their opinions are the highest authority. It’s not Bible alone, it’s Ego alone.

There are SO many different interpretations and thus SO many evangelical denominations ALL claiming that the Holy Spirit revealed this 'truth' to them. Is the Holy Spirit schizophrenic? They can't explain this.


Well-Known Member
There are SO many different interpretations and thus SO many evangelical denominations ALL claiming that the Holy Spirit revealed this 'truth' to them. Is the Holy Spirit schizophrenic? They can't explain this.
Its the Holy Spirit that brings illumination to us, and not the Church of Rome claiming to have the only right understanding, as Catholics see the Papacy and the traditions of the church as only way to understand the scriptures correctly, which denies the Holy Spirit teachings
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