And since people couldn’t read and mass was held in the dead language of Latin, which even many priests couldn’t understand, the corrupt RCC replaced the truth of scripture with their many false doctrines.
No, this is ridiculous. You couldn’t become a priest without knowing your Latin, Latin was the ordinary language of the Church, still is.
Being a dead language was actually beneficial, because words don’t change their meaning over time as with living languages.
The People knew Ecclesiastical Latin because of its constant use in Mass and the priests catechising them generationally.
My own parents grew up understanding the Mass in Latin from early childhood, I understand the Latin Mass.
The priests preached the Gospels in the vernacular languages anyway, and homilies were always in the vernacular languages explaining the Scriptures with singular interpretation handed down from the Apostles.
The real corruption occurred when Luther suggested each ploughboy and his dog should subjugate scripture to his opinions and formulate his own doctrines from them.
The twisting of scripture has not ended among them since they are all self appointed Popes.
Yes a priesthood of all believers, but not a Popehood of all believers as we see among Bible aloners.
The lawlessness of each man subjugating The Holy Word of God to his snot nosed subjective opinion, creating his own doctrines of men is not the truth of Scripture.
The corruption and falsehoods in Bible alone Protestantism are endless, every wind of doctrine can be obtained from them.
I say I am Catholic people know exactly what I believe.
People say they are “ Bible alone “ I don’t know what the hell they believe, I’ve heard countless crazy interpretations and doctrines, and I know I’m far from hearing them all.
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