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all claim that their leaders have the perfect understanding of the bible, and all 3 elevate the doctrines an teachings of their leadership over those in bible
Haven't thought about it, but yes. How many times have we heard pastors explain that such and such is their understanding, to test it against Scripture and dismiss what fails the test? That's a far cry from the cults you mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Just like the jehovah's witnesses and the mormons.

The mormons and JWs are the result of the Bible alone heresy, they are part of the lawless generations that interpret scripture for themselves and find what they believe in it.

Atheists are a part of the same, they interpret scripture and find what they believe as well, nonsense to them.

The lawless rebellion will culminate, each man’s opinion will worshipped as his god, each claiming to be divine oracles.
These are the ones that will not suffer sound doctrine, they interpret their own doctrines.
‘All doctrine cometh from me and my interpretation of scripture.’

Pride is at the heart of private interpretation of scripture, the most hidden and subtle and deadly of sins.


Active Member
There is no final arbiter in Bible alonism to determine and interpret essential doctrine. Essential doctrine is just matter of opinion, that is building your house on sand.
Scripture doesn’t allow variance in interpretation, Bible aloners do.
The gates of Hell prevail against protestant churches all the time, unsettled on essentials, church splits and rancorous divisions breaking communion with the other.
Baptist’s divided against each other, Presbyterians divided against each other, Lutherans divided against each other.
All these Church splits indicate they are divided on something they each consider “essential “.

No, behind every non Catholic doctrine in Bible alonism, you will see a new human founded interpretation of scripture.
Starting with Luther’s innovations then a host of other interpretive innovators, all human founded traditions of men.
This is completely antithetical to the Church we read about in the scriptures.

My suggestion is that the pot shouldn’t call the kettle swine.
Well....'if the shoe fits'...(and it does)


Active Member
The mormons and JWs are the result of the Bible alone heresy, they are part of the lawless generations that interpret scripture for themselves and find what they believe in it.

Atheists are a part of the same, they interpret scripture and find what they believe as well, nonsense to them.

The lawless rebellion will culminate, each man’s opinion will worshipped as his god, each claiming to be divine oracles.
These are the ones that will not suffer sound doctrine, they interpret their own doctrines.
‘All doctrine cometh from me and my interpretation of scripture.’

Pride is at the heart of private interpretation of scripture, the most hidden and subtle and deadly of sins.
Pot meet kettle. SMH

Roy Kling

Active Member
Purgatory is a fictitious place invented by the Catholic church for profit and a means of control.

Purgatory is an evil satanic doctrine suggesting a person can be redeemed after death. In Catholic theology Purgatory is a place where a Christian's soul goes after death to be cleansed of the sins that have not been fully satisfied during life. Is this doctrine of Purgatory in agreement with the Bible? NO! The KJV Bible states clearly that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for all our sins, Romans 5: 8-21 KJV. Jesus suffered for our sins so we could be delivered from suffering, (Hell). To say that in any sense, we must pay for, atone for, or suffer because of our sins-is calling God a liar and that Jesus death was not a perfect, complete, and sufficient sacrifice.


Active Member
The mormons and JWs are the result of the Bible alone heresy, they are part of the lawless generations that interpret scripture for themselves and find what they believe in it.

Atheists are a part of the same, they interpret scripture and find what they believe as well, nonsense to them.

The lawless rebellion will culminate, each man’s opinion will worshipped as his god, each claiming to be divine oracles.
These are the ones that will not suffer sound doctrine, they interpret their own doctrines.
‘All doctrine cometh from me and my interpretation of scripture.’

Pride is at the heart of private interpretation of scripture, the most hidden and subtle and deadly of sins.
They aren't Bible alone, they have th.eir own extra books, and just since they use KJB, dosen't mean they are right. They wronglu divide and add to God's words


Active Member
Purgatory is a fictitious place invented by the Catholic church for profit and a means of control.

Purgatory is an evil satanic doctrine suggesting a person can be redeemed after death. In Catholic theology Purgatory is a place where a Christian's soul goes after death to be cleansed of the sins that have not been fully satisfied during life. Is this doctrine of Purgatory in agreement with the Bible? NO! The KJV Bible states clearly that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for all our sins, Romans 5: 8-21 KJV. Jesus suffered for our sins so we could be delivered from suffering, (Hell). To say that in any sense, we must pay for, atone for, or suffer because of our sins-is calling God a liar and that Jesus death was not a perfect, complete, and sufficient sacrifice.


Well-Known Member
Purgatory is a fictitious place invented by the Catholic church for profit and a means of control.

Purgatory is an evil satanic doctrine suggesting a person can be redeemed after death. In Catholic theology Purgatory is a place where a Christian's soul goes after death to be cleansed of the sins that have not been fully satisfied during life. Is this doctrine of Purgatory in agreement with the Bible? NO! The KJV Bible states clearly that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for all our sins, Romans 5: 8-21 KJV. Jesus suffered for our sins so we could be delivered from suffering, (Hell). To say that in any sense, we must pay for, atone for, or suffer because of our sins-is calling God a liar and that Jesus death was not a perfect, complete, and sufficient sacrifice.

You are in terrifying ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Wouldnt you agree that if Christ truly suffered & died for His children that it would be unnecessary to have a purgatory?

Jesus took away the capital charges, we still have damages to account for.

Those in purgatory are saved.

Every idle word is liable, let alone major damages, this is what many of you haven’t grasped.

Restitution has to be paid, Jesus is a Just Judge.

You either make restitution here, or you make restitution in Purgatory.

Far better you give back all your ill gotten gains, or give time and help to others like community service for your neglects of love in this life than to pay it out in purgatory.

Much of what needs restoring is our lack of Love to others, family, friends, strangers and enemies.

You may be forgiven, but someone walked away from you hungry or more distressed, when they were sent to you to receive love and kindness.

These are the things.

The least things you do or don’t do for the least people, you do or don’t do for Jesus.

“ Love one another as I have loved you “

Do you love others as Jesus Loves? Where you fall short is where the problem is.

We can’t love as Jesus loves unless we constantly maintain active union with Him, denying self.

This prayer helps powerfully over time.

“ My Jesus, to be sure of our union today, I pray You to seal my thoughts with your thoughts, my will with Your Will, my desires with Your Desires. I pray you to seal my affections and my heart beats with yours, so that they may draw life only in You. My Jesus, I plunge myself into the immensity of Your Holy Will. Making it mine, I want to make up for everyone. I want to enclose all souls in the power of Your most Holy Will”

This way you don’t neglect love, because Jesus thoughts, desires and affections are brought to your day and everyone you meet.
You don’t ignore someone that it was God’s Will that you should love and help, you see with Jesus eyes, you think with Jesus thoughts.

Jesus is acting and doing, and in this way we fulfil His command, to love one another as He has loved us.

Otherwise we accrue restitutions in as far as we neglected to love as Jesus loves, as we were commanded to love.


Well-Known Member
Purgatory perfects in love, it makes a soul look like Jesus.

All imperfections are cleaned away and all that remains is the image and likeness of Jesus.

Earth Wind and Fire

Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Jesus took away the capital charges, we still have damages to account for.

Those in purgatory are saved.

Every idle word is liable, let alone major damages, this is what many of you haven’t grasped.

Restitution has to be paid, Jesus is a Just Judge.

You either make restitution here, or you make restitution in Purgatory.

Far better you give back all your ill gotten gains, or give time and help to others like community service for your neglects of love in this life than to pay it out in purgatory.

Much of what needs restoring is our lack of Love to others, family, friends, strangers and enemies.

You may be forgiven, but someone walked away from you hungry or more distressed, when they were sent to you to receive love and kindness.

These are the things.

The least things you do or don’t do for the least people, you do or don’t do for Jesus.

“ Love one another as I have loved you “

Do you love others as Jesus Loves? Where you fall short is where the problem is.

We can’t love as Jesus loves unless we constantly maintain active union with Him, denying self.

This prayer helps powerfully over time.

“ My Jesus, to be sure of our union today, I pray You to seal my thoughts with your thoughts, my will with Your Will, my desires with Your Desires. I pray you to seal my affections and my heart beats with yours, so that they may draw life only in You. My Jesus, I plunge myself into the immensity of Your Holy Will. Making it mine, I want to make up for everyone. I want to enclose all souls in the power of Your most Holy Will”

This way you don’t neglect love, because Jesus thoughts, desires and affections are brought to your day and everyone you meet.
You don’t ignore someone that it was God’s Will that you should love and help, you see with Jesus eyes, you think with Jesus thoughts.

Jesus is acting and doing, and in this way we fulfil His command, to love one another as He has loved us.

Otherwise we accrue restitutions in as far as we neglected to love as Jesus loves, as we were commanded to love.
Allow me to remind you that you are on a Baptist board, not a Catholic one. Right. Nobody here is reading and attending to the butter flies or like an old Irish Sister of Charity once told me, “ that answer son doesn’t buy any potato’s.” So recognize where you are and who your audience is and do you have something tangible to answer Boyo?

Earth Wind and Fire

Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Purgatory perfects in love, it makes a soul look like Jesus.

All imperfections are cleaned away and all that remains is the image and likeness of Jesus.
So why does Jesus the Savior need a holding place that Denys people access to Him as a condition to Salvation? Besides your punishing people for venial sins which should not keep people from access to the lord.


Well-Known Member
Allow me to remind you that you are on a Baptist board, not a Catholic one. Right. Nobody here is reading and attending to the butter flies or like an old Irish Sister of Charity once told me, “ that answer son doesn’t buy any potato’s.” So recognize where you are and who your audience is and do you have something tangible to answer Boyo?

Those who are ignorant of Purgatory need to hear about it the most. Not only don’t they help others in purgatory, they don’t mitigate purgatory for themselves.

Neglects pile high, people blow opportunities to love others as Jesus loves.

Jesus is the standard by which we must love?

The first step is to recognise we cannot do this of ourselves.

Humility is not in doing this and that, it is recognising that only with Jesus can we truly love others as He does.
It’s also having a realistic understanding of ourselves, truly understanding ourselves and how lacking in love we actually are, we are totally reliant on Him to love through us.

As you progress in the unity prayer, you get shown yourself as you truly are, and it is traumatic, it’s shocking. But it is better to know this here in this life, rather than see it in the next life.
Jesus infuses us to the degree we deny self, He Loves and does in us and through us.
Jesus doesn’t neglect anything, we do.

The difference between our doing and loving and Jesus doing and loving is Purgatory.

Very important people understand this.


Well-Known Member
So why does Jesus the Savior need a holding place that Denys people access to Him as a condition to Salvation? Besides your punishing people for venial sins which should not keep people from access to the lord.

What are the precious stones but those times when Jesus acts and does through us, when Self is denied completely.
Jesus lives out His virtues, goodness and love through us unhindered.

Our lives judged as a whole, these are the gems that are lasting.

“It is no longer I that lives, but Christ who lives in me.”

Is Jesus living your life in and through you, or are you still operating by your human will? Is self still governing your days and days actions?

“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.”

Jesus produces the fruit in our lives, if we deny self, self doesn’t produce fruit, not fruit that is lasting. All things of self are burned.

Remaining in Jesus means constantly renewing your union with Jesus, daily, hourly and every moment.
When we operate by self and our will, we forget Jesus and are on our own little unproductive misadventure.

“My Father is glorified and honored by this, when you bear much fruit, and prove yourselves to be My [true] disciples.”

True disciples look like their master. We look and act like Jesus which gives glory and honour to The Father.
Self doesn’t give Glory and honour to The Father, The Son does through us.

All stain of self must be burned away, all that remains are the gems of The Son which give honour and Glory to The Father.


Well-Known Member
What are the precious stones but those times when Jesus acts and does through us, when Self is denied completely.
Jesus lives out His virtues, goodness and love through us unhindered.

Our lives judged as a whole, these are the gems that are lasting.

“It is no longer I that lives, but Christ who lives in me.”

Is Jesus living your life in and through you, or are you still operating by your human will? Is self still governing your days and days actions?

“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.”

Jesus produces the fruit in our lives, if we deny self, self doesn’t produce fruit, not fruit that is lasting. All things of self are burned.

Remaining in Jesus means constantly renewing your union with Jesus, daily, hourly and every moment.
When we operate by self and our will, we forget Jesus and are on our own little unproductive misadventure.

“My Father is glorified and honored by this, when you bear much fruit, and prove yourselves to be My [true] disciples.”

True disciples look like their master. We look and act like Jesus which gives glory and honour to The Father.
Self doesn’t give Glory and honour to The Father, The Son does through us.

All stain of self must be burned away, all that remains are the gems of The Son which give honour and Glory to The Father.
Where is the realm of purgatory in the inspired 66 books of the Canon of scripture located, as none of the Apostles taught it?


Well-Known Member
Where is the realm of purgatory in the inspired 66 books of the Canon of scripture located, as none of the Apostles taught it?

It’s in your scripture if you understand the scripture. Already quoted it for people.

It also helps to have all 73 books of the original bible.
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