Wouldnt you agree that if Christ truly suffered & died for His children that it would be unnecessary to have a purgatory?
Jesus took away the capital charges, we still have damages to account for.
Those in purgatory are saved.
Every idle word is liable, let alone major damages, this is what many of you haven’t grasped.
Restitution has to be paid, Jesus is a Just Judge.
You either make restitution here, or you make restitution in Purgatory.
Far better you give back all your ill gotten gains, or give time and help to others like community service for your neglects of love in this life than to pay it out in purgatory.
Much of what needs restoring is our lack of Love to others, family, friends, strangers and enemies.
You may be forgiven, but someone walked away from you hungry or more distressed, when they were sent to you to receive love and kindness.
These are the things.
The least things you do or don’t do for the least people, you do or don’t do for Jesus.
“ Love one another as I have loved you “
Do you love others as Jesus Loves? Where you fall short is where the problem is.
We can’t love as Jesus loves unless we constantly maintain active union with Him, denying self.
This prayer helps powerfully over time.
“ My Jesus, to be sure of our union today, I pray You to seal my thoughts with your thoughts, my will with Your Will, my desires with Your Desires. I pray you to seal my affections and my heart beats with yours, so that they may draw life only in You. My Jesus, I plunge myself into the immensity of Your Holy Will. Making it mine, I want to make up for everyone. I want to enclose all souls in the power of Your most Holy Will”
This way you don’t neglect love, because Jesus thoughts, desires and affections are brought to your day and everyone you meet.
You don’t ignore someone that it was God’s Will that you should love and help, you see with Jesus eyes, you think with Jesus thoughts.
Jesus is acting and doing, and in this way we fulfil His command, to love one another as He has loved us.
Otherwise we accrue restitutions in as far as we neglected to love as Jesus loves, as we were commanded to love.