Well-Known Member
I believe that grace can be resisted, and I don't believe in a limited atonement. I also don't believe that God created millions of people for the sole and primary purpose that they would burn in Hell forever. Having said that, if I can still be a Calvinist then I am one.
The question is why would you want to be? I agree with what you said and I do not consider myself to be an Arminian just a bible believer. I have never liked labels as they are usually used as a pejorative. Look at the division that it has caused on this board.
Of course it does. Why would you make such a moronic statement. Don't try to dig through Edwards, that idea can be found in Sproul's little paperback "Chosen by God". If you can't see the difference between God making a man sin and knowing a man will sin and allowing that action to continue to completion then I don't know what to say to you. Sometimes I don't know if you are just pulling my leg or if you really are that dense.
Now you do not need to be insulting Dave. The fact that you clearly do not know what the WCF/LBCF says is your problem. You can not have God determine all things and then turn around and make the statement that He just allows it to happen. Calvinist theology is chock full of contradictions as you have just shown. Calvinists do not seem to be able to grasp the difference between God determining all things and making a man sin which would make God the author of the sin and God giving man a free will and knowing he will sin and holding him responsible for that sin.
Sproul is writing from a flawed calvinist view. Your trying to prove your calvinist view is right by trusting in calvinist writers.
Scripture verses alone can support all the points of the TULIP. At the worst, from scripture they can all be deduced. I do think Calvinism has some flaws that I have mentioned above. I also think Edwards has the best writing on free will if you are interested in such things, which @AFJ seems to be. But I am not encouraging him to become a Calvinist. It has flaws, it can get you in hot water with your local church, and most important of all, it appears to no longer be "cool". It is so 2015! All the cool kids now are leaving the Young, Restless and Reformed for Roman or Eastern Catholicism.
The only ones that think scripture supports the TULIP/DoG are committed calvinists. Just a simple reading of the TULIP doctrine will show it's flaws. TULIP calls into question the character of God.
The YRR need another theology that has someone tell them what to think and after finding the flaws in calvinism have just traded one bad theological view for another. Thankfully not all are doing that as many are just coming back to the bible and leaving all the baggage behind.
I am just encouraging @AFJ to study the bible as the Holy Spirit guides him.