I realize this author is not supportive of Calvinism, but would Calvinists here agree with him that this is a correct summary of our contention?
Evangelical leaders, such as John Piper, Mark Driscoll, Matt Chandler, Tim Keller and many other influential teachers are all promoting John Calvin’s so-called “doctrines of grace.” In short, these doctrines teach that God has long ago decided who will and will not be saved. Accordingly, the chosen ones, a preselect number of people referred to as “the elect,” will most certainly be saved, while the rest are left without any hope. Of course, there is much more explanation and various approaches of interpretation given by Calvinistic teachers that may serve to somewhat soften the blow of this harsh claim. Nonetheless, the idea that God has predetermined to save a particular number of people to the neglect of all others is the primary point of dispute regarding this dogma.