Not to derail the current OP, but a rhetorical set of Q's: What "original mss" [like the one of Jeremiahs/Baruch's that was cut up [and burned by the King, or the other that was thrown into the river, or the 'original' Table of Commandments that were shattered by Moses himself, etc? Do you have these "originals" to compare to? Of course not.
As for language, God [even Jesus], spake ot Paul in Hebrew [original language], Acts 26:14 KJB, and yet it is recorded in Koine Greek [translated language] by Luke. God is the inspiration, and Luke was inspired of the Holy Spirit [for it is men that inspiration works upon, 2 Peter 1:21 KJB]. Numerous other examples could be given., however, it [any language] is better to be translated, so that there is understanding in the common tongue [see 1 Corinthians 14:19; Acts, etc]
Yet to the actual point, God does not require anyone to know 'original' languages, but to trust in His preservation and translation of the words themselves, by His Holy Spirit. Psalms 12:6-7; Acts 2:6, etc.
Yes, every detail is in scripture [KJB], for God does not contradict His word, and has magnified His word above all His name, and the Holy Spirit, speaks that which He hears, and not of Himself, and leads us into all Truth, and the scripture [John 10:35 KJB] is Truth.
Some of the details in such vision, are more difficult [not impossible] for us to show in a simple manner by a single text or two of scripture [KJB], for some plainly revealed details given in a vision, require a great deal of cross references, and study to show the equality between the two, Law and Testimonies. For instance, a 'picture' [a vision] is worth how many words, as the common wise saying goes?