Ok forgive me; i just thought
@BobRyan said the opposite.
Let me see if I may elaborate a little more here.
Brother bob and I are both Seventh-day Adventists, but that does not make us clones of each others thoughts, but we are bound together in one heart, that is in Christ Jesus.
Such points as the one currently being asked about, we may truly have a difference of belief [an opposing view], not that we necessarily do, but it may appear so, but even if we truly do,
I am right and brother Bob is wrong.

Hahahaa [just poking brother Bob ...] ... Of course, how could it be any other way? I could only speak to my conscience and he to his, according to the light and experiences we have received.
Now, if in truth, we do actually disagree on this particular point, he may say he is right and I am wrong, and really, we would then have to come together in a more private setting, and see if we cannot come to a more unified [through scripture of course] position, as such as is possible. We are warned in scripture about causing unnecessary division, and there is a warning to those who deliberately attempt to cause undue division between brethren.
Both brother Bob, and he is truly a brother to me [we have spent quite some time in multiple forums battling for the faith once delivered to the saints], and I, have different experiences in life, different places, peoples, studies, and so on.
My experience, tells my conscience to answer as I have.
Brother Bob's conscience may [I assume, but do not presume] tell him to answer as his experience gave to him.
My experience in this particular point, has demonstrated to me [if to no one else], that anything in the vision [Story of Redemption] can indeed be shown from scripture [KJB] with some pious, intelligent and studious work.
If brother Bob does indeed disagree [and I do not say he actually does, but even if he does], I do not call him impious, unintelligent, and/or lazy. He is my brother through and through. From my perspective, it would simply mean to me [presently] we [together] need to look at it, and see if we cannot more harmonize. I am not infallible, and if I am shown a more excellent way, I take that route.
In a quartet, or duet, etc, the voices, may not always hit the same exact pitch, but the heart is union, and next time, through more brotherly work, the pitches come more closely together.
If in final analysis, there is a true disagreement, and it cannot be immediately reconciled here, it will be reconciled above, there and then. And I [and I am sure he as my brother] can wait for that day, which is soon anyway.
I do not put words into brother Bob's mouth here, just giving my perspective of it.