Poverty is one effect of racism.Ok, then let me get back on topic.
Successful black men have their ability questioned because there is no way to differentiate between the “best man for the job” being black and the need to promote to fill a minority quota. So the successful black man looses the benefit of the doubt.
Non Blacks suffer REAL SYSTEMIC RACISM. Asian-Americans with higher entrance scores than either black or white counterparts are routinely denied admission to prominent Universities because of Racial Stereotypes and quotas.
Injustice fuels resentment and anger. Every time affirmative action is PERCEIVED (irrespective of reality) as advancing an individual BECAUSE OF RACE, everyone not of that race feels the sort of personal resentment that fuels exactly the sort of racial hatred that you sought to eliminate. It is RECONSTRUCTION feeding the growth of the KKK all over again.
REALITY CHECK: Typical black family marching and rioting probably has a single mother with a unskilled job raising multiple children from more than one father with a husband/father in prison or out on parole. What “equality” do you propose “whitey” should do that will change the trajectory of those children’s life?
I also identified the devaluation of minorities as a result of affirmative action. It is often assumed they were given what others earned.
The destruction of the nuclear family is another indirect result of racism (it is the result of the DNC using race as political capital).