As we grow older our metabolism changes - slows down.
We need less calories, less carbohydrate, less processed foods, less animal protein.
More fiber, fresh veggies, fresh fruit.
Since my 40's, 50's (I'm now in my 70's) I have had a major battle controlling my weight.
High Blood Pressure : Many years ago I asked a doctor about a weight losing regimen (because obesity and over weight cause/contribute to hypertension according to the medical profession, at least on paper)- these were his words - "lets get your blood pressure under control before we think of doing that".
Every time I mention weight control I get a token positive answer but less than a half dozen words with no answers to take out the door. Since ObamaCare I have had 6 doctor changes (against my will). Same O.
So I have done my own research.
If the billions/trillions of dollars sunk into heart disease and cancer medications (just those two) were devoted to research and the development of a balanced mineral-vitamin diet and the natural enrichment of the soil which produces our food... Oh, WAIT - PHARMA would go bankrupt! Weeping, wailing, etc...