I watched many believers have to walk away from a solid baptist church about 8 years ago because of the PD programs. It was very difficult and I still bump into many of them who still are hurt from it. I read much of Warren's literature on this and he promoted getting ride of anyone who didn't agree with the PD stuff. People were told to get on board or leave, myself included. I left and most all others did.
I have seen the same thing too. I have seen churches where it was obvious that the pastor was not filled with the Holy Spirit but filled with a methodology and success as his aim. If anyone has read their Bible they would know that Jesus was not always "successful" in the eyes of many today but their ignorance blinds them. An example is the instruction He gave His disciples when sent them out. Another was when he was run out of the synagogue. While they would probably not admit to it, those people are nothing more than health wealth gospel followers. They expect success from a particular methodology and from imitating someone else who is in a completely different area. (Whatever happened to imitating the Koreans and Africans? Whatever happened to imitating Jesus? I get the impression that some people are so gullible to follow a methodology and not the Lord Himself simply because they have failed to read their Bible. Years ago I was pastorinmg a church and one of the leaders was on the state church growth board. He was so focused on growth and living in fantasy land that he did not win or disciple one person during that time. He could not blame that on me because he knew where I stood because we were not in the big city where he got his ideas.
I also believe that God allows failures to teach us who is the real leader. If God blessed a methodology man he would be proud. We have seen it so many times when a good preacher is humiliated because of his pride. He may be exalted by his denomination or those around him and gets puffed up while he fails to recognize the One who put him there and focuses on how great He is rather than how great God is. It becomes and egocentric charade and the man feels like he is absolutely necessary. Were the prophets successful considering the fact that the majority were executed?
When I heard Rick Warren speak at the conference I attended he mentioned about two things among many others. He talked about a church he pastored and did not do all that well because it was a not a very good fit. He could not identify with a large number of the people. He also said that PDC may not work for you.
Sometimes I wonder how stupid some can be. But I guess I should not be surprised when they do not read and study their Bible. I knew a man that was so focused on PDC as the answer that I know he spent very little times reading and studying his Bible and so much time reading church growth materials. The church nearly died and became so in debt that they had to sell the property and buildings. Before that the church had been paid for. The interesting things is that another church plant bought the building and ministry is thriving in that same building.
God works through people and give them what they need if they seek Him.
A few days ago I was in a men's meeting and of the 20 who were there I think there were 17 who were in the construction business. The city is not even close to being made up of that kind of percentage of men in construction. The pastor had started out in construction and had his own construction business. He draws men who will stand up and be counted. He is a man's man.
In the conference I attended Rick Warren stated that he came to the conclusion that you will draw who you are not who you are trying to be. Does that have to do with PDC? Isn't it more about how God has made you?
The conclusion I have come to is when I hear people say they used PDC as a methodology or any other methodology and it failed I find someone who knows little about his Bible and the God who is.