Perhaps. I don't know simply because people who are not vaccinated but have natural immunity continue often get covid two and three times. And from the studies that have been posted on the BB it does appear the vaccinated are surviving covidcat a much higher rate than the unvaccinated. The problem being acquiring natural immunity is far more dangerous than acquiring immunity via a vaccine.
If we are comparing immunity then we have to consider the risks of each method of acquiring immunity. And one is far more likely to suffer serious effects and death via covid than the vaccines.
this relies upon honesty in reporting, Jon, and we know that hasn't happened. So I think it's at best unclear to declare which method of acquiring immunity is the safest.
It's been said before, but apparently it bears repeating again ... when the untreated recovery rate was/is >99% ... that's a steep hill to climb for improvement for any medicine, right?
So how do we discern which studies are trustworthy (accurate) and which ones have ... bend ... to 'em?
Several nations are reporting cv vax deaths equalling the cv disease deaths. I'd say that doesn't really promote the vote for taking the cv vax. this isn't even accounting for the life changing side effects which are more probable than death.
In congressional testimony this week, volunteers for last summer's cv vax trials have said they were removed from the trial because of their adverse effects ... so therefore the trial could show "it's safe." We knew last fall Pfizer was actively blocking peer review of their trial's findings. Who does that? Why?
Finally ... given all of this varying result whether from honest error or nefarious manipulation ... shouldn't the outlook remain "your choice" no prejudice one way or the other? But that isn't happening. This is becoming more divisive than a Thanksgiving table discussion splitting democrats and republicans. Folks are "backdooring" the promotion of the cv vax by advocating for other measures like "company rights" when our nation has been founded upon individual rights.
Our consciences have been seared by the separation of understanding what is in a woman's womb ... and irrationality by this cv event with what actually DOES involve one's own body ... ALONE.
The removal of the restrainer is certainly well underway. 2 Thess 2. We've lost our ability to be rational and empathetic.