God created Adam "upright". Adam sinned.
Adam did not become un-upright and then sin but sinned in the same nature he was given.
Provide a verse detailing how Adam changed from "good" to "bad" prior to the transgression. You cant because you are dealing with philosophy and not Scripture. No passage presents Adam 's nature as changing. No passage presents man as having a different nature than Adam possessed.
We are responsible for our own death (another issue!....prove the issue was a spiritual rather than physical death).
Totally amazing how you simply deflect and ignore my challenge while shifting to another challenge toward me- totally amazing! I ask you to show me one instance where harmatia is ever viewed as anything but evil and your response is? Ignore and issue me another challenge! Totally Amazing, that is why I get so frustrated dealing that type of mentality as there can be no real debate.
Even more amazing is that you change the subject by issuing me another challenge and then answer it in my behalf and claim victory - totally amazing. No substantive conclusions can ever be attained by dealing with that kind of rationale - just a contiuing circle of futility.
However, your challenge is easy to answer. When did God say Adam would die? Did he say 930 years later you will die or "in the day you eat"?? Come on I know you can answer this question!
Hence, when did this concept of "die" enter God's creation? When did Paul say it entered the world in Romans 5:12?
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; - Rom.5:12a
So, when did "death" enter this world? At creation? Or at the point when "sin" entered this world by the singular act of disobedience that Paul goes on talking about in Romans 5:15-19?????
So, this sin and this death were not part of original creation because they "entered" afterwards. Right?
So, now how do we define this "death"? What is it? Did he PHYSICALLY die "in the day he ate"? No! He did not physically die until 930 years of age.
So, what is this "death"? It is "spiritual separation from God"! What does that entail? Have you read post #135??? Not yet? I suggest you read it at this very point right now if you have not, because I prove that "spiritual separation from God" is a STATE OF SIN as a moral condition of man that had no existence prior to that one act of disobedience and it is this MORAL CONDITION or STATE of sin that is "passed unto all men".
So a CHANGE OF MORAL CONDITION occurred with the fall that is transmitted/passed unto all his descendants as that is now the characteristic of the fallen human nature - case closed.