You have made a very serious charge against me, and I ask you to either back this up with some real evidence, or to apologize to me here on BB. You accuse me of "misrepresenting" the position of the SDA's, especially that of Bob Ryan. This is what he wrote (#55), in response to my comments, that EGW said that those who did not keep the Fourth Commandment, which is the Jewish Sabbath Day, and worshiped on Sunday, the Lord's Day, when Jesus Christ Rose from the dead, and the Day the Church was born, and the Day when the Holy Spirit was first poured out on believers; that these had broken the Law of God, and would therefore receive the "mark of the beast", which means that these do not belong to Jesus Christ, but rather to the devil, and these will not enter into heaven, but will be thrown into the lake of fire, which is eternal punishment. In #55 and elsewhere Bob as much as agreed with what EGW said, and also said that "
Time will tell who is right", whether it be what I believe to be true from the Bible, or what EGW "predicted". I also provided a link to EGW's writings, where she says that Sunday worshipers will receive the mark of the beast for breaking the Fourth Commandment, and provide this again,
Ellen G. White Estate: Daily Devotional - Maranatha
IF you are a Christian, then you must provide actual evidence for your accusation that I have misrepresented anyone, or, in the spirit of Bible teaching, apologize unreservedly here on BB to myself.
Sir, you are a classic example of misrepresenting others.
I did, I showed you the official SDA website, their stance concerning other christian faith. I will POST IT AGAIN at the end of this post.
I think your glasses owe you an apology.
Lets have a close look at bob's #55 post......... Nope nothing there.
The charge you are trying to bring on him is "Sunday worshipers will receive Mark of the beast" based on what Ellen G White said, NOTHING on what Bob said.
In post 55 Bob only mentions:
"Rev 14 contrasts the saints who "keep the commandments of God AND their faith in Jesus" -- with -- those who receive the mark of the beast - and it says this is all future. --
this is irrefutable"
That simply does not equate to "sunday worshipers will recieve the mark of the beast".
If you research the official SDA website they are going to tell you that folks who worship on sunday don't automaticly get mark of the beast, I will post in the end their stance.
If you want I can word a question that will force him to trip the line you want. I can give you lots of tips on playing dirty. But if you read previous debates he already answered that "charge".
I am going to copy and paste a official SDA stance :
The way their system runs is they have a general conference, This guy is the president.
The Seventh Day Adventist has an official website:
Will non-Adventists be saved?
Will non-Adventists be saved?
May 27, 2016 |
Q: Some Adventist leaders in my country compare the Seventh-day Adventist Church to the ark of Noah during the flood. They tell us that Christ will say to those who are not Adventists, “I never knew you." Is this biblical? — Gin, from Myanmar
A: To answer the second part of your question first, Jesus says in Matthew 7: 21, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” Then in vs. 22 Jesus quotes all of the good works that these people claim to have done, at the end of which He tells them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” (vs. 23).
Here Jesus is addressing those who expect to be saved by their works, but are actually practicing “lawlessness.” This could apply to anyone who makes these choices, including those who claim to be Adventist.
There are many precious people who have lived up to all of the faith they knew, and died trusting in Jesus. There will be more than just Seventh-day Adventists in heaven!
Now, regarding Noah’s ark, the Bible tells us that “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26,27, ESV).
God gave an important message to Noah, and for 120 years he warned the people that their world was coming to an end. The only way to be saved was to believe God’s message and come into the ark. Every person had the opportunity to accept the message and be saved. Those who rejected it were lost.
Today, in a world filled with evil and violence, God has entrusted to His remnant people — the Seventh-day Adventist Church — His last day message found in Rev. 14:6-10, the three angels’ messages. The essence of which is found in vs. 7: “’Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.’”
Just before Jesus comes, every person on earth will have the opportunity to decide whether they will be saved or lost — whether they will receive the seal of God or the mark of the beast (see Rev. 7:2,3; Rev. 9:4; Rev. 13:16-18). There are only two choices — to follow God, or to follow the beast.
Just as “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Gen. 6:8), so can we. We aren’t saved because we are Seventh-day Adventists; we’re saved because we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we have accepted His revealed truth in the Bible, and we have chosen to follow Him. “Noah walked with God; … according to all that God commanded him, so he did” (Gen. 6:9b, 22).
If you have a question that you would like to send in for consideration in my Q&A posts, you may send it to: