Your illustration is entirely wrong. God gives out an invitation to everyone, but no one wants to come. Then God grabs His elect by the hand and drags them to the party. 'Then the Master said to the servant, "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in!"' (Luke 14:23).
So God created sin and evil for His own glorification and praise, allowed men to fall into complete degeneration after making everything "very good" in the beginning, and makes it necessary for Jesus to die for the sins of a few, and then simply makes men saved for no reason other than His good pleasure?
Why didn't God just make men saved to begin with? He could have let Jesus off the hook when He prayed, "If it be possible, let this cup pass from me." He could have banned sin, the serpent, and the tree of life from the Garden of Eden before the whole sin fiasco developed, and that would have eliminated thousands of years of the endless suffering and deaths of billions of people.
But you believe God wanted all of this suffering to take place, even delighting in the fact that billions of those He made hopeless sinners must now be fried in Hell forever and ever for being the sinners they were made by God to be? Something smells fishy here and I don't think it is the Bible.