you are the first Calvinist on this board that i have seen that believes this.
If you believe that we have a choice, then what makes you a Calvinist?
I'm sure many on here would agree...but as for me, I read in the Bible that I must chose God. I also read that the fact that I believe shows that God has chosen me. I have read several explanations of the passages that speak of "chosen/election/Predestination" that explain them either as chosen based on foreknowledge of faith (wesleyan view) OR that it is all speaking of Corporate Election. I have not found these explainations convincing, and so, while i recognize there is a corporate aspect to election...there also seems to be an inescapable individual aspect of election before the foundation of the world, not based on foreseen faith.
Many will disagree with this idea, seeing the election/choosing passages in either a corporate way, or in a way of choosing those who god knew would choose him. That is fine, but I personally have not been convinced by either of these options.
The way this works itself out in life is something of a mystery, but the classic calvinist view goes like this: All people are sinners, and if God simply said, "Come" then none would come. So God chooses some, gives them the faith in Christ that they could not muster up on their own. So yes, I chose God, because he chose me. Election is not about keeping people out of heaven, but about getting people into heaven.
I realize the idea of unconditonal Election raises all sorts of questions and problems, but so does any other explanation. All of us are simply trying to answer the questions:
-Why do some believe and some don't?
-How does God's sovereignty and Human responsibility work?
Calvinists are simply those regular christians who think the Bible teaches unconditional election; THey also believe that sinners must repent and place their faith in Christ, and they believe we are called to share the Gospel with every man. Some might say that is a paraxdox, but so is the fact that God's plans "cannot be Thwarted" & "You have not because you ask not."