So where does knowledge and all those other stuff like faith, etc., come in ?
I never said they had no place in God’s economy.
Remember that fallen man is divided by sin-caused, man-made divisions such as religions, creeds, politics, philosophies.
Remember also that God’s creation, man, is SCATTERED ALL OVER THE WORLD, in tongues, tribes, nations, throughout all known ages. Bear in mind, as well, that AFTER the ascension of Christ, only 120 people in an upper room in a small corner of a dusty town in THE WHOLE EARTH knew that a Savior had come, lived among men, died, rose from the dead, and ascended to Heaven where He is to come from again.
The rest of mankind AT THAT POINT IN TIME, were either caught up in the religions of the heathen, or in the religion of the judaizers. And GOD’S ELECT were among them, BORN in them, REARED and RAISED up in them, religions and practices and ways of life that were condemned by God, and these were IGNORANT.
WASHED AND REDEEMED, but still immersed in the sinfulness of a fallen, condemned, and JUDGED ALREADY world. WHY ? they had NO KNOWLEDGE. They were UNREGENERATES, and regeneration is the work of the Spirit, WHO KNEW EACH AND EVERY ONE OF HIS SHEEP, who they are, where they were, and what circumstances of a fallen life they were in.
I never said they had no place in God’s economy.
Remember that fallen man is divided by sin-caused, man-made divisions such as religions, creeds, politics, philosophies.
Remember also that God’s creation, man, is SCATTERED ALL OVER THE WORLD, in tongues, tribes, nations, throughout all known ages. Bear in mind, as well, that AFTER the ascension of Christ, only 120 people in an upper room in a small corner of a dusty town in THE WHOLE EARTH knew that a Savior had come, lived among men, died, rose from the dead, and ascended to Heaven where He is to come from again.
The rest of mankind AT THAT POINT IN TIME, were either caught up in the religions of the heathen, or in the religion of the judaizers. And GOD’S ELECT were among them, BORN in them, REARED and RAISED up in them, religions and practices and ways of life that were condemned by God, and these were IGNORANT.
WASHED AND REDEEMED, but still immersed in the sinfulness of a fallen, condemned, and JUDGED ALREADY world. WHY ? they had NO KNOWLEDGE. They were UNREGENERATES, and regeneration is the work of the Spirit, WHO KNEW EACH AND EVERY ONE OF HIS SHEEP, who they are, where they were, and what circumstances of a fallen life they were in.