Where did you glean this from? I was poking at DHK, because he repeatedly states God doesn't make us robots. Like we would advocate such a stoopid thing...
Of course you would never admit it. It is the natural conclusion of your belief. You can't have it any other way. God has predetermined (you say), every thought, word, and deed--absolutely everything. Therefore, the natural conclusion--you are but a puppet in his hand, a robot so to speak without any free will. It is the natural logical outcome of your theology.
I can relate to what you are going through. I used to be a Catholic. Go to the Other Christian Den. Forum. Accuse the RCC of idolatry because they bow down in front of statues. They take offense. They deny that they are committing idolatry. Tell them they are committing idolatry every time they pray to Mary. They protest. That is not idolatry. And in my eyes it wasn't, until much later in my Christian walk I saw that it was.
Idolatry is not giving God the glory that is his, or taking away that glory and giving it to another. That is why prayer to Mary is idolatry. All prayer should be directed to God and Him alone.
It is frustrating when you don't see the logical outcome of your own beliefs. If you believe that God has predetermined absolutely everything on this earth, then we are nothing more than puppets or robots. This is the outcome of a denial of free will.
Now be careful when you respond to this. Because you do not respond out of your own will. It is God that predetermines your answer.