You are still bearing false witness. Can you provide any quote where I said a man "generates his own faith." In fact I repudiated such a statement. Why do you attribute to me the very things that I deny?
God does not give the unregenerate/the unsaved faith. I keep saying that, and keep asking for evidence from the Bible that if it is true provide Scripture. It is never provided. Why do you state fairy tale "truths." If you can't provide scripture don't post it.
Faith is not a work. Paul states that in Romans 4:4,5:
"But to him that worketh not but believeth but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness."
Faith is in opposition to works.
As I posted here:
It was a post that was never answered because the thread was closed shortly after.
I never said faith is generated. Neither did Jesus.
But Christ commended their faith. Your theology contradicts the work of Christ.