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And Orrin Hatch, John McCain and other prominent Republicans.The most interesting fact I know about Sen. Kennedy was that he considered Jerry Falwell his friend.
May others show you more mercy, concern, understanding, sympathy at your passing than you show here. I see nothing of Christ in your posts in this thread.
Jim, what were these contributions?
And Orrin Hatch, John McCain and other prominent Republicans.
I think most Americans would be very surprised at the friendships that develop across party lines in both the House and Senate. Most people can have mature relationships that leave politics at the door because they genuinely care for the person. Sad to see most Christians can't do that.
That's true of everyone. The impersonal nature makes the written text much less friendly. For this reason, we should always be sure to choose our words carefully, so as not imply unfriendliness where none exists, and we should also extend grace to those whose posts might appear unfriendly, where no unfriendliness was intended.I think it's easier to be civil when I am face to face than when I am sitting at a computer.
That's true of everyone. The impersonal nature makes the written text much less friendly. For this reason, we should always be sure to choose our words carefully, so as not imply unfriendliness where none exists, and we should also extend grace to those whose posts might appear unfriendly, where no unfriendliness was intended.
Yes, that's probably true. I myself have often misjudged a person's words as being harsh at first glance, when they weren't being harsh at all.Or maybe we should not be quick to take what others write that way.
Again, what has he done to make this country better? Entitlement and welfare don't count. Those will be the down fall of our country not for building it up.
Can a man be justified before God if he sits in judgement on others? Judging and sitting in condemnation are just as sinful as murder.I will stand before God as a sinner saved by grace but I will not have to answer for supporting the slaughter of 50 million unborn children. I cannot believe such a man can be characterized as "godly".
God help us.I think [Kennedy] demonstrated a personal touch that is the mark of a godly person. For my sons, this is a quality to be emulated.
It is a fine quality called the ability to compromise. Each side gets something out of it. Not all points are equal in value, and some may be negotiable to win a greater good. The Kennedy's were not gods, they were men. But their family has given its very blood in defense of our liberty. I am thankful for them.I agree. Kennedy was at heart a socialist. If anything good can be said about him is that he was true to his political philosophy. He has been praised as "working across the aisle" but I believe the record will show he got what he wanted when doing so.