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"seven church ages" false doctrine...

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No mystery to it. While there were many "christian" churches in that part of the world at that time, Jesus picked out 7 with different characteristics, to cover all types of churches that call themselves "Christian".

Obviously, all these types of churches have been around since that time & are present today-from the apostate "megachurches" of several big-time "televangelists" to the obscure "Christian" cults to the Holy Spirit-filled little "churches in the valley".

Again, the "seven church ages" doctrine is simply false.
In what respect?


Well-Known Member
No, you're wrong.

The main 'beast' will be ONE MAN, with a false prophet as his sidekick. this FP will be able to perform certain miracles IN THE PRESENCE OF HIS BOSS.

Which of these TWO Beasts is the main Beast?

1 - John saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having 7 heads and 10 horns, and upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon his (7) heads the name of blasphemy. WHO IS THIS BEAST FROM THE SEA? Is he the main Beast for you?

2- John saw another Beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a Dragon. WHO IS THIS BEAST FROM THE EARTH? Is he the main Beast for you?

Which of these TWO Beasts cited above is the main Beast for you?

We are interpreting the book of Revelation

1 - Which are the 7 heads of the devilish Beast from the sea, and what they represent?

2 - Who are the 10 horns having 10 crowns which united themselves to the Beast of the sea?

3 - What is the name of blaspheme upon the 7 heads of the Beast of the sea?

4 - Who is the another Beast like a LAMB that was seen by John, who came up out of the earth? - a dry land -

5 - Why does the another Beast have 2 horns, what they represent?


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Which of these TWO Beasts is the main Beast?

1 - John saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having 7 heads and 10 horns, and upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon his (7) heads the name of blasphemy. WHO IS THIS BEAST FROM THE SEA? Is he the main Beast for you?

It represents both the antichrist & his empire.

2- John saw another Beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a Dragon. WHO IS THIS BEAST FROM THE EARTH? Is he the main Beast for you?

It will be a false prophet, empowered by Satan.He will become the sidekick of the antichrist.

Which of these TWO Beasts cited above is the main Beast for you?

The beast from the sea, of course, as the beast from the earth can do miracles only in his presence.

We are interpreting the book of Revelation

1 - Which are the 7 heads of the devilish Beast from the sea, and what they represent?

The angel who showed John the vision of rev. 17 also interpreted it. He said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome.

2 - Who are the 10 horns having 10 crowns which united themselves to the Beast of the sea?

As the angel said, they are 10 kingdoms with their rulers which will ally themselves to the antichrist & give him their authority.

3 - What is the name of blaspheme upon the 7 heads of the Beast of the sea?

Scripture doesn't say, but it's likely the antichrist's name.

4 - Who is the another Beast like a LAMB that was seen by John, who came up out of the earth? - a dry land -

A false prophet, empowered by Satan, who will become the antichrist's deputy or sidekick.

5 - Why does the another Beast have 2 horns, what they represent?

They represent both religious & political authority. remember, he commands people to worship the antichrist & his image(religious authority) & issues the marka the beast.(Political authority)

See ? That wasn't so hard, was it? Simply believe Scripture literally as common sense allows, & it'll become clear to you. Abandon the false, man-made interps of it & ask the HOLY SPIRIT to teach & guide you !


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EVERY respect.

There simply have NOT been seven successive "church ages".

Yes there have - Admittedly they are man made attempts to clarify or give focus to the purpose of Revelation chapters 2 and 3 but then again so is every human endeavor to some degree an attempt to explain the precepts of the word of God including all Systematic Theologies.

I taught a Senior Adult's Sunday School class the Book of Revelation one year.
As part of the lesson on chapters 2 - 3 I collected 10 different views of "seven successive church ages" and we went over them as theories.
We were blessed and concluded that at very least the individual churches of the Revelation represented disconnected models of churches throughout the history of the church.

Personally I don't completely discount the concept of "seven successive church ages" though I agree it has its problems.

If there is truth to it - it will be evident after all is said and done.
Be mindful - the doctrine of the Trinity took several centuries to fully develop.


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Yes there have - Admittedly they are man made attempts to clarify or give focus to the purpose of Revelation chapters 2 and 3 but then again so is every human endeavor to some degree an attempt to explain the precepts of the word of God including all Systematic Theologies.

I taught a Senior Adult's Sunday School class the Book of Revelation one year.
As part of the lesson on chapters 2 - 3 I collected 10 different views of "seven successive church ages" and we went over them as theories.
We were blessed and concluded that at very least the individual churches of the Revelation represented disconnected models of churches throughout the history of the church.

Personally I don't completely discount the concept of "seven successive church ages" though I agree it has its problems.

If there is truth to it - it will be evident after all is said and done.
Be mindful - the doctrine of the Trinity took several centuries to fully develop.

Well, ACTUALLY, there have NOT been 7 successive church ages. the formulae you went over with your class were all man-made guesswork, not based in fact.

There's been but ONE church age since Jesus was here - the AGE OF GRACE (unmerited favor) of Jesus. This will end during the beast's reign, where Scripture says let everyone remain in the spiritual state they'll then be in.

As for the Trinity, there shoulda been no problem with it, as it's clearly set forth in the story of Jesus' baptism. it was, & still is, resisted by apostate, stubborn people.


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Well, ACTUALLY, there have NOT been 7 successive church ages. the formulae you went over with your class were all man-made guesswork, not based in fact.

There's been but ONE church age since Jesus was here - the AGE OF GRACE (unmerited favor) of Jesus. This will end during the beast's reign, where Scripture says let everyone remain in the spiritual state they'll then be in.

As for the Trinity, there shoulda been no problem with it, as it's clearly set forth in the story of Jesus' baptism. it was, & still is, resisted by apostate, stubborn people.


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robycop3 said:
{QUOTE}=It represents both the antichrist & his empire.{/QUOTE}

robycop3, you said before in another post: "The main 'beast' will be ONE MAN, ..."

So I wanted to know from you who is this MAN that is the MAIN Beast for you, and I made two questions for you, as follow:

Here goes my questions:

1 - WHO IS THIS BEAST FROM THE SEA? Is he the main Beast for you?
2 - WHO IS THIS BEAST FROM THE EARTH? Is he the main Beast for you?
3 - Which of these TWO Beasts is the main Beast?

Now you are answering saying as above: "It represents both the antichrist & his empire".

Now, now, I wanted to know from you who is this MAN you say to be "the MAIN Beast", and you answered: "It represents both the antichrist & his empire".

Oh you are being evasive in your response and trying to go off at a tangent. Your spirit is trying to confound the readers here. Looks like you don't have the answer because you are not familiarized with God's Revelations, you are only familiar with histories as we can see through your posts.
I did ask for you this also: Which of these TWO Beasts cited above is the main Beast for you?
You answered as I quoted below:

roby said: "The beast from the sea, of course, as the beast from the earth can do miracles only in his presence".

Oh you are totally wrong, and I explain the why you are wrong.

1 - You are wrong Firstly because the MAN/Beast from the EARTH will do miracles in the presence of the MAN/Beast of the SEA only and only because the Beast of the SEA and the Great Whore which rides upon him- the Roman Catholic Church- it is the FIRST and OLD Beast that is already enthroned and reigning on earth, of course, precisely in the Vatican City.

And the Beast of the SEA is he who will rule and guide the FIRST period of 42 months or 1.260 days as says Scripture. Revelation 13:v.5 gives me support of this statement.

2 - You are wrong because the another Beast which will come yet from the earth -a dry land - Israel - like a lamb (a false lamb, a false messiah, an IMPOSTER - JESUS is the true Messiah) but the false lamb speaks as a Dragon -Revelation 13:v.11-18-, he is the own Satan incarnated, a former Cherub, the son of perdition, he is a Jew from the tribe of Dan, he has a name and a surname from his parents, and the NUMBER of his NAME is 666 - Six hundred threescore and six.

The Beast that will come from the earth it is he who will oppose and exalte himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God will sit in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. HE IS THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, WHICH WILL REIGN IN THE SECOND PERIOD OF 42 MONTHS. HE IS MUCH MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN THE BEAST OF THE SEA, HE HIMSELF IS THE MAIN BEAST, not the Beast of sea as you said ERRONEOUSLY.

We are interpreting the book of Revelation

continues in the next post


Well-Known Member

We are interpreting the book of Revelation

Oseas asked: 1 - Which are the 7 heads of the devilish Beast from the sea, and what they represent?

robycop3 answered: The angel who showed John the vision of rev. 17 also interpreted it. He said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome.

Oh now you agree and believe, as I - Oseas - have said, that the Beast of the sea is the MAN who is enthroned in Vatican City - the Pope - on the 7 hills of Rome on which the harlot - the Roman Catholic Church - sits.

Oseas asked: 2 - Who are the 10 horns having 10 crowns which united themselves to the Beast of the sea?

robycop3 answered:As the angel said, they are 10 kingdoms with their rulers which will ally themselves to the antichrist & give him their authority.

You, roby, you are totally wrong, worse, you are twisting the words of the angel of the LORD.

As the angel said, the 10 horns are 10 KINGS(not 10 kingdoms as you said) which have received no kingdom as yet (right now they have not any kingdom), but they will receive POWER AS KINGS one hour with the Beast (it because they have not POWER as KINGS, nor had kingdoms) --> nor rulers, as you said above, so you are wrong saying "their (supposed) rullers" give to the Beast of sea their authority. WHO WILL GIVE AUTHORITY TO THE BEAST OF THE SEA is the Beast that has two horns like a lamb, and speak as a Dragon; Revelation 13:v.2 gives me support of this statement.

Oseas asked: 3 - What is the name of blaspheme upon the 7 heads of the Beast of the sea?

robycop3 answered: Scripture doesn't say, but it's likely the antichrist's name.

Now, now, robycop3, Scripture revealed that this Beast is a blasphemer, and also was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and BLASPHEMIES; and power was given unto him to continue 42 months or 1.260 days- Revelation 13:v.5. You, robycop3, you said in your response to my question 1 that "He - the angel of the Lord - said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."
And you don't know what is the name of blasphemy wrought by this demon in his 7 heads as an alleged Christian leader and guide of the billions of blind followers of him, through the harlot - the Roman Catholic Church - on Europe, and Asia, Africa, Oceania(Australia), North America, Central America, and South America? 7 regions that divide the planet earth

Oseas asked:4 - Who is the another Beast like a LAMB that was seen by John, who came up out of the earth? - a dry land - that is Israel

robycop3 answered: A false prophet, empowered by Satan, who will become the antichrist's deputy or sidekick.

Again you are totally wrong, robycop3, but completely wrong, saying this Beast is the Antichrist's deputy or sidekick, and spread false interpretations of Scriptures, as always do, for your own perdition. The Beast like a lamb with two horns and speak as a DRAGON, he is the MAIN Beast who WILL MANIFEST HIMSELF very soon as the messiah of the Jews, they are waiting the manifestation of their peculiar messiah, not JESUS.

The Beast like a Lamb, a false lamb, a false and esoteric messiah, AN IMPOSTER, he will rule and guide the second period of 42 months or 1,260 days of the Antichrist's Empire. It is the Beast like a lamb who will make great signs and wonders, so that he will make fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and will deceive them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he has power to do in the sight of the FIRST Beast, that is the Beast of sea -the Pope and the Great Whore- , the RCC.

When this Beast like a lamb, the false and esoteric messiah, manifest himself not so far from these days, he will give to the FIRST Beast enthroned in the Vatican City, the Papacy and his woman, the Great Whore, the Roman Catholic Church, which rides upon the FIRST Beast, yeah, the Beast like a Lamb, the false and KABBALISTIC messiah, who speaks as a Dragon, will give to the Beast of the sea his Power, and his Throne, and great Authority. The kabbalistic esoteric Beast like a lamb is much much powerful than the Beast of the sea.

Oseas asked: 5 - Why does the another Beast have 2 horns, what they represent?

robycop3 answered: They represent both religious & political authority. remember, he commands people to worship the antichrist & his image(religious authority) & issues the marka the beast.(Political authority)

Once again you, robycop3, are wrong completely. The Beast like a lamb who has TWO horns like a lamb and speaks as a Dragon, this MAN will come from the earth - a DRY land - Israel - this Beast transfigured as a lamb is a kabbalistic and esoteric Jewish MAN, he is of kabbalah, a devilish religion familiarized with devilish esotericism or esoterism (in other words, spiritism), this explains why he has power to make great wonders, so that he will make fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And will deceive them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he has power to do in the sight of the FIRST Beast, the Beast of the sea, the Pope, who is enthroned in the Vatican City.

robycop3 said: See ? That wasn't so hard, was it? Simply believe Scripture literally as common sense allows, & it'll become clear to you. Abandon the false, man-made interps of it & ask the HOLY SPIRIT to teach & guide you !

What you ae saying would be valid if you had the HOLY SPIRIT, instead the spirit of lie.
You are wrong totally, and spreading your false interpretations of the Word of God and a lot of lies. You are being a stumblinblock among God's people as a sower of tares. There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word (the Word made flesh), and the Holy Spirit: and these three are One.
What will be the reward of your work face the Most High and Almighty God, sowing tares among God's people?
If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy.

Revelation 22:v.18-19
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

In Christ JESUS , KING of kings and LORD of lords


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robycop3 said:
{QUOTE}=It represents both the antichrist & his empire.{/QUOTE}

robycop3, you said before in another post: "The main 'beast' will be ONE MAN, ..."

So I wanted to know from you who is this MAN that is the MAIN Beast for you, and I made two questions for you, as follow:

Here goes my questions:

1 - WHO IS THIS BEAST FROM THE SEA? Is he the main Beast for you?
2 - WHO IS THIS BEAST FROM THE EARTH? Is he the main Beast for you?
3 - Which of these TWO Beasts is the main Beast?

Now you are answering saying as above: "It represents both the antichrist & his empire".

Now, now, I wanted to know from you who is this MAN you say to be "the MAIN Beast", and you answered: "It represents both the antichrist & his empire".

Oh you are being evasive in your response and trying to go off at a tangent. Your spirit is trying to confound the readers here. Looks like you don't have the answer because you are not familiarized with God's Revelations, you are only familiar with histories as we can see through your posts.
I did ask for you this also: Which of these TWO Beasts cited above is the main Beast for you?
You answered as I quoted below:

roby said: "The beast from the sea, of course, as the beast from the earth can do miracles only in his presence".

Oh you are totally wrong, and I explain the why you are wrong.

1 - You are wrong Firstly because the MAN/Beast from the EARTH will do miracles in the presence of the MAN/Beast of the SEA only and only because the Beast of the SEA and the Great Whore which rides upon him- the Roman Catholic Church- it is the FIRST and OLD Beast that is already enthroned and reigning on earth, of course, precisely in the Vatican City.

And the Beast of the SEA is he who will rule and guide the FIRST period of 42 months or 1.260 days as says Scripture. Revelation 13:v.5 gives me support of this statement.

2 - You are wrong because the another Beast which will come yet from the earth -a dry land - Israel - like a lamb (a false lamb, a false messiah, an IMPOSTER - JESUS is the true Messiah) but the false lamb speaks as a Dragon -Revelation 13:v.11-18-, he is the own Satan incarnated, a former Cherub, the son of perdition, he is a Jew from the tribe of Dan, he has a name and a surname from his parents, and the NUMBER of his NAME is 666 - Six hundred threescore and six.

The Beast that will come from the earth it is he who will oppose and exalte himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God will sit in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. HE IS THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, WHICH WILL REIGN IN THE SECOND PERIOD OF 42 MONTHS. HE IS MUCH MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN THE BEAST OF THE SEA, HE HIMSELF IS THE MAIN BEAST, not the Beast of sea as you said ERRONEOUSLY.

We are interpreting the book of Revelation

continues in the next post

You continue to be WRONG. The beast from the sea will be ONE MAN, and the term 'beast also refers to the empire he will form. And the beast from the earth will only be one man as well.

Your RC harlot recognizes God, while the beast won't recognize any object of worship but himself. And the beast from the earth will be his subordinate & sidekick.

The RCC simply isn't popular enough any more to take over most of the world. It had its chance in the 16th & 17th centuries when it had its own navy & many militia units in several nations. That was the zenith of its power. While it'll TRY to control the beast, as Rev. 17 shows, the beast will turn on it & devastate it.

But the writings of Daniel & Paul, as well as the context of Revelation all clearly point to ONE MAN. Now, just WHO that'll be, I have no idea, as he hasn't yet been made manifest.

And early in his reign, the rapture will occur, so there won't be anyone to recognize him as the prophesied antichrist, nor will there be hardly anyone left who'll oppose the "marka the beast". There won't be enough "trib saints" to provide any serious opposition to the beasts or their domain.

And the "abomination of desolation" will be when the antichrist sets up his statue in the coming temple in Jerusalem, enters that temple himself, & while there, declares himself to be God. To reinforce this, the false prophet will supernaturally cause the statue to speak.


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We are interpreting the book of Revelation

Oseas asked: 1 - Which are the 7 heads of the devilish Beast from the sea, and what they represent?

robycop3 answered: The angel who showed John the vision of rev. 17 also interpreted it. He said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome.

Oh now you agree and believe, as I - Oseas - have said, that the Beast of the sea is the MAN who is enthroned in Vatican City - the Pope - on the 7 hills of Rome on which the harlot - the Roman Catholic Church - sits.

Oseas asked: 2 - Who are the 10 horns having 10 crowns which united themselves to the Beast of the sea?

robycop3 answered:As the angel said, they are 10 kingdoms with their rulers which will ally themselves to the antichrist & give him their authority.

You, roby, you are totally wrong, worse, you are twisting the words of the angel of the LORD.

As the angel said, the 10 horns are 10 KINGS(not 10 kingdoms as you said) which have received no kingdom as yet (right now they have not any kingdom), but they will receive POWER AS KINGS one hour with the Beast (it because they have not POWER as KINGS, nor had kingdoms) --> nor rulers, as you said above, so you are wrong saying "their (supposed) rullers" give to the Beast of sea their authority. WHO WILL GIVE AUTHORITY TO THE BEAST OF THE SEA is the Beast that has two horns like a lamb, and speak as a Dragon; Revelation 13:v.2 gives me support of this statement.

Oseas asked: 3 - What is the name of blaspheme upon the 7 heads of the Beast of the sea?

robycop3 answered: Scripture doesn't say, but it's likely the antichrist's name.

Now, now, robycop3, Scripture revealed that this Beast is a blasphemer, and also was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and BLASPHEMIES; and power was given unto him to continue 42 months or 1.260 days- Revelation 13:v.5. You, robycop3, you said in your response to my question 1 that "He - the angel of the Lord - said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."
And you don't know what is the name of blasphemy wrought by this demon in his 7 heads as an alleged Christian leader and guide of the billions of blind followers of him, through the harlot - the Roman Catholic Church - on Europe, and Asia, Africa, Oceania(Australia), North America, Central America, and South America? 7 regions that divide the planet earth

Oseas asked:4 - Who is the another Beast like a LAMB that was seen by John, who came up out of the earth? - a dry land - that is Israel

robycop3 answered: A false prophet, empowered by Satan, who will become the antichrist's deputy or sidekick.

Again you are totally wrong, robycop3, but completely wrong, saying this Beast is the Antichrist's deputy or sidekick, and spread false interpretations of Scriptures, as always do, for your own perdition. The Beast like a lamb with two horns and speak as a DRAGON, he is the MAIN Beast who WILL MANIFEST HIMSELF very soon as the messiah of the Jews, they are waiting the manifestation of their peculiar messiah, not JESUS.

The Beast like a Lamb, a false lamb, a false and esoteric messiah, AN IMPOSTER, he will rule and guide the second period of 42 months or 1,260 days of the Antichrist's Empire. It is the Beast like a lamb who will make great signs and wonders, so that he will make fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and will deceive them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he has power to do in the sight of the FIRST Beast, that is the Beast of sea -the Pope and the Great Whore- , the RCC.

When this Beast like a lamb, the false and esoteric messiah, manifest himself not so far from these days, he will give to the FIRST Beast enthroned in the Vatican City, the Papacy and his woman, the Great Whore, the Roman Catholic Church, which rides upon the FIRST Beast, yeah, the Beast like a Lamb, the false and KABBALISTIC messiah, who speaks as a Dragon, will give to the Beast of the sea his Power, and his Throne, and great Authority. The kabbalistic esoteric Beast like a lamb is much much powerful than the Beast of the sea.

Oseas asked: 5 - Why does the another Beast have 2 horns, what they represent?

robycop3 answered: They represent both religious & political authority. remember, he commands people to worship the antichrist & his image(religious authority) & issues the marka the beast.(Political authority)

Once again you, robycop3, are wrong completely. The Beast like a lamb who has TWO horns like a lamb and speaks as a Dragon, this MAN will come from the earth - a DRY land - Israel - this Beast transfigured as a lamb is a kabbalistic and esoteric Jewish MAN, he is of kabbalah, a devilish religion familiarized with devilish esotericism or esoterism (in other words, spiritism), this explains why he has power to make great wonders, so that he will make fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And will deceive them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he has power to do in the sight of the FIRST Beast, the Beast of the sea, the Pope, who is enthroned in the Vatican City.

robycop3 said: See ? That wasn't so hard, was it? Simply believe Scripture literally as common sense allows, & it'll become clear to you. Abandon the false, man-made interps of it & ask the HOLY SPIRIT to teach & guide you !

What you ae saying would be valid if you had the HOLY SPIRIT, instead the spirit of lie.
You are wrong totally, and spreading your false interpretations of the Word of God and a lot of lies. You are being a stumblinblock among God's people as a sower of tares. There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word (the Word made flesh), and the Holy Spirit: and these three are One.
What will be the reward of your work face the Most High and Almighty God, sowing tares among God's people?
If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy.

Revelation 22:v.18-19
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

In Christ JESUS , KING of kings and LORD of lords

No, YOU are wrong, either making up your goofy stuff as you go, or are repeating the garbage of whatever cult you're a member of.

You need to read ALL the eschatological Scriptures, not simply the Revelation, which is an addition to the others.


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The purpose of Revelation was to reveal what was going to come to pass....

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.... - Revelation 1:1

Which all of this was to heavy for just ordinary churches in Asia that did not amount to anything....

The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches. Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; - Revelation 1:20 - Revelation 2:1

Ephesus - Messianic - Beginning with the Apostle to the Circumcision, Peter
Smyrna - Martyr - Beginning with the Apostle to the Un-Circumcision, Paul
Pergamos - Orthodoxy formed in this time... Pergos is a tower... Needed in the dark ages
Thyatira - Catholicism formed in this time - The spirit of Jezebel is to control and to dominate.
Sardis - Protestantism formed in this time- A sardius is a gem - elegant yet hard and rigid
Philadelphia - Wesleyism formed in this time - To be sanctioned is to acquire it with love.
Laodicea - Charismatic movement formed in this time - Beginning with DL Moody, the first to make money off of ministry

Candlesticks - Seven church congregations
Stars - Individuals within the congregations, all held in the right hand of Christ
Seals - The seven seals sealed each congregation within the lambs book of life

And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. - Revelation 5:4

If this interpretation is not correct why all the ado?

View attachment 262754


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No, YOU are wrong, either making up your goofy stuff as you go, or are repeating the garbage of whatever cult you're a member of.

You need to read ALL the eschatological Scriptures, not simply the Revelation, which is an addition to the others.

If we are all wrong please present a detailed explanation of the significance of the seven stars, churches, and seals... And lay off the sarcasm!


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The purpose of Revelation was to reveal what was going to come to pass....

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.... - Revelation 1:1

Which all of this was to heavy for just ordinary churches in Asia that did not amount to anything....

The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches. Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; - Revelation 1:20 - Revelation 2:1

Ephesus - Messianic - Beginning with the Apostle to the Circumcision, Peter
Smyrna - Martyr - Beginning with the Apostle to the Un-Circumcision, Paul
Pergamos - Orthodoxy formed in this time... Pergos is a tower... Needed in the dark ages
Thyatira - Catholicism formed in this time - The spirit of Jezebel is to control and to dominate.
Sardis - Protestantism formed in this time- A sardius is a gem - elegant yet hard and rigid
Philadelphia - Wesleyism formed in this time - To be sanctioned is to acquire it with love.
Laodicea - Charismatic movement formed in this time - Beginning with DL Moody, the first to make money off of ministry

Candlesticks - Seven church congregations
Stars - Individuals within the congregations, all held in the right hand of Christ
Seals - The seven seals sealed each congregation within the lambs book of life

And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. - Revelation 5:4

If this interpretation is not correct why all the ado?

View attachment 262754

You were doing fine up to the "7 church ages" bunk, which is totally-false. And the seals represent some of the plagues of the great trib.


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If we are all wrong please present a detailed explanation of the significance of the seven stars, churches, and seals... And lay off the sarcasm!

The angel explained the meaning of the stars & candle holders. The seals represent some of the plagues of the great trib, as is seen by simply reading about what'll happen as each of them is opened.

And there's no sarcasm intended. I am dead-serious about a cult, as no true Christian church teaches such hooey as "7 church ages". If a church calling itself Baptist or any other ordinary Christian denom is teaching such garbage, it's only a pseudo-quasi church with a serious problem in its theology.

According to most models of the church ages men have invented, the "Philadelphia" age, supposedly so pure and faithful, saw the rise of some of the worst cults in the USA, such as the LDS, SDA, & JW, as well as several bloody wars.

Now, why were those seven churches so important? They were among the first ones established outside Judea, beginning to carry the Gospel across the world. Jesus was giving a chance to the ones that were in error for them to clean up their own acts before He took drastic action.


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I have given my best interpretation. The bible, especially Revelation, is written with much metaphor. I cannot believe one can study Revelation, and the bible, and see the same perspective as another fellow believer. You will agree and disagree on the interpretation of different passages...

John Bunyan was a great writer in metaphors/parables and he explains the use of them in his "The Barren Fig Tree" work (http://www.chapellib.../bun-barren.pdf):

6 He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.
7 Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?
8 And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it:
9 And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down. - Luke 13:6-9

In parables there are two things to be taken notice of, and to be inquired into of them that read.

First, The metaphors made use of.
Second, The doctrine or mysteries couched under such metaphors.

The metaphors in this parable are,
1. A certain man;
2. A vineyard;
3. A fig-tree, barren or fruitless;
4. A dresser;
5. Three years;
6. Digging and dunging, &c.

The doctrine, or mystery, couched under these words is to show us what is like to become of a fruitless or formal professor. For,

1. By the man in the parable is meant God the Father (Luke 15:11).

2. By the vineyard, his church (Isa 5:7).
3. By the fig-tree, a professor.
4. By the dresser, the Lord Jesus.
5. By the fig-trees barrenness, the professors fruitlessness.
6. By the three years, the patience of God that for a time he extendeth to barren professors.
7. This calling to the dresser of the vineyard to cut it down, is to show the outcries of justice against fruitless professors.
8. The dressers interceding is to show how the Lord Jesus steps in, and takes hold of the head of his Fathers axe, to stop, or at least to defer, the present execution of a barren fig-tree.
9. The dressers desire to try to make the fig-tree fruitful, is to show you how unwilling he is that even a barren fig-tree should yet be barren, and perish.
10. His digging about it, and dunging of it, is to show his willingness to apply gospel helps to this barren professor, if haply he may be fruitful.
11. The supposition that the fig-tree may yet continue fruitless, is to show, that when Christ Jesus hath done all, there are some professors will abide barren and fruitless.
12. The determination upon this supposition, at last to cut it down, is a certain prediction of such professors unavoidable and eternal damnation.

But to take this parable into pieces, and to discourse more particularly, though with all brevity, upon all the parts thereof. A certain MAN had a fig-tree planted in his vineyard. The MAN, I told you, is to present us with God the Father; by which similitude he is often set out in the New Testament. Observe then, that it is no new thing, if you find in Gods church barren fig-trees, fruitless professors; even as here you see is a tree, a fruitless tree, a fruitless fig-tree in the vineyard.

Fruit is not so easily brought forth as a profession is got into; it is easy for a man to clothe himself with a fair show in the flesh, to word it, and say, Be thou warmed and filled with the best. It is no hard thing to do these with other things; but to be fruitful, to bring forth fruit to God, this doth not every tree, no not every fig-tree that stands in the vineyard of God. Those words also, Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away, assert the same thing (John 15:2). There are branches in Christ, in Christs body mystical, which is his church, his vineyard, that bear not fruit, wherefore the hand of God is to take them away: I looked for grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes, that is, no fruit at all that was acceptable with God (Isa 5:4). Again, Israel is an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself, none to God; he is without fruit to God (Hosea 10:1). All these, with many more, show us the truth of the observation, and that Gods church may be cumbered with fruitless fig-trees, with barren professors.

"There are branches in Christ, in Christs body mystical, which is his church." - John Bunyan

I also declare, by means of defining these churches as ages, declare this as Christs church mystical, or, by definition of the word, "inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination."


Well-Known Member
You continue to be WRONG. The beast from the sea will be ONE MAN, and the term 'beast also refers to the empire he will form. And the beast from the earth will only be one man as well.

Your RC harlot recognizes God, while the beast won't recognize any object of worship but himself. And the beast from the earth will be his subordinate & sidekick.

The RCC simply isn't popular enough any more to take over most of the world. It had its chance in the 16th & 17th centuries when it had its own navy & many militia units in several nations. That was the zenith of its power. While it'll TRY to control the beast, as Rev. 17 shows, the beast will turn on it & devastate it.

But the writings of Daniel & Paul, as well as the context of Revelation all clearly point to ONE MAN. Now, just WHO that'll be, I have no idea, as he hasn't yet been made manifest.

And early in his reign, the rapture will occur, so there won't be anyone to recognize him as the prophesied antichrist, nor will there be hardly anyone left who'll oppose the "marka the beast". There won't be enough "trib saints" to provide any serious opposition to the beasts or their domain.

Oh no, I am not wrong, absolutely, and you, reading my posts, have learned and are learning a lot of things, I see that now you are writing as I have written in my messages here in this Christian site, as follow:

OK, Let's take a deep and detailed look at what you have written in this sentence.

The Christians readers of Scriptures know that the expression "sea" means waters, and they know by the same Word that "waters", where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.Rev.17:v.15

In our discussion, I asked unto you: question 1 above: Which are the 7 heads of the devilish Beast from the sea, and what they represent? You answered saying: "... the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."

Well, I was surprised by your answer so I commented, as follow:
Oh now you agree and believe as I have said, that is, the Beast of the sea is ONE MAN
who is enthroned on 7 hills of Rome - Vatican City - (today this MAN is Pope Francis), also on which the harlot-the Roman Catholic Church- is sat, just as well you spoke truthfully.
You see, we can do nothing against the Truth, but for the Truth. 2Cor.13:8 - God is the Truth, understand? The Word is God.

Again: you wrote: "The beast from the sea will be ONE MAN,..."

You are speaking of a Beast of the sea that will come yet, ok? And as you said "the Beast from the sea will be ONE MAN" of course, but you need to understand that THIS ONE will be more one among 265 already enthroned in Rome before him, as you said in your post: "the heads (of the Beast) represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome". The harlot is very old, it has around two thousand years.

That said, we can STATE that the Pope Francis is not, and will not be, the last Beast of the sea enthroned in Rome - in Vatican City, so we can say that he will die maybe soon, and then, ONLY THEN,
"The beast from the sea will be ONE MAN", and THIS ONE, say I, will be actually the last Pope and he will taken the name Paulus*VII, and THIS MAN is who will rule and guide the FIRST PERIOD of 42 months or 1,260 days of the Antichrist's Empire. (Revelation 13:v.5 gives us support in this statement.

* Note: When is elected a new Pope, he uses to change his native name, and takes another name or nickname as the prostitutes do. The native name of the present Beast of the sea, the Pope Francis - is Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Remember: You wrote: ... and the term 'beast also refers to the empire he will form.

I asked in my post before: question 3 : - What is the name of blaspheme upon the 7 heads of the Beast of the sea?

You answered:
Scripture doesn't say, but it's likely the antichrist's name.

An I commented about your reply saying, as follow:
Now, now, robycop3, Scripture revealed that this Beast of sea is a blasphemer, and also was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and BLASPHEMIES; and power was given unto him to continue 42 months or 1.260 days- Revelation 13:v.5. You, robycop3, you said in your response to my question 1 that "He - the angel of the Lord - said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."
And do not you know what is the name of blasphemy of this demon in his 7 heads? The Beast of sea is an alleged Christian leader and guide of the billions of blind followers of him, through the harlot - the Roman Catholic Church - that is sat on Europe, and Asia, Africa, Oceania(Australia), North America, Central America, and South America? these are the 7 regions that divide the planet earth where the Great Whore sits.

God is Truth. By the way, God is a title, the Word is God, yeah, the Word Who is really God, the Father.
When I wrote in my post above, quoting Revelation 13: v.5 to give support in my statement regarding the 42 months or 1,260 days, which is the FIRST period of the Empire of Antichrist, RULED BY THE FIRST BEAST, the BEAST of sea, enthroned in ROME, the POPE and the GREAT WHORE, which rides upon the Beast, yeah, I supposed you knew how to interpret what Scripture was referring to, that is to the FIRST PERIOD of the satanic Antichrist's Empire. But you did not know to interpret to what Revelation 13:v.5 was referring, unfortunately, although I have emphasized this detail in my post for your understanding.

Remember: You wrote: ... and the term 'beast also refers to the empire he will form.

Remember: I asked you in my post before: question 3 : - What is the name of blaspheme upon the 7 heads of the Beast of the sea?

You answered:
Scripture doesn't say, but it's likely the antichrist's name.

I commented your reply saying, as follow:

Now, now, robycop3, Scripture revealed that this Beast of sea is a blasphemer, and also was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and BLASPHEMIES; and power was given unto him - unto the Beast of sea (Rev.13:v.6)- to continue 42 months or 1.260 days- Revelation 13:v.5. You, robycop3, you said in your response to my question 1 that "He - the angel of the Lord - said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."
And you don't know what is the name of blasphemy of this demon in his 7 heads as an alleged Christian leader and guide of the billions of blind followers of him, through the harlot - the Roman Catholic Church - on Europe, and Asia, Africa, Oceania(Australia), North America, Central America, and South America? the 7 regions that divide the planet earth.

Remember: The triple crown papal tiara symbolises the (supposed) triple power of the Pope as "Father of Kings", "Governor of the World" and "Vicar of Christ". - Vicarius Filii Dei

God is light, dear roby, and in Him is no darkness at all. Also God is Truth. By the way, God is a title, the Word is God, yeah, the Word He Who is really God, the Father.

In Christ JESUS, KING of kings and LORD of lords


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
I have given my best interpretation. The bible, especially Revelation, is written with much metaphor. I cannot believe one can study Revelation, and the bible, and see the same perspective as another fellow believer. You will agree and disagree on the interpretation of different passages...

John Bunyan was a great writer in metaphors/parables and he explains the use of them in his "The Barren Fig Tree" work (http://www.chapellib.../bun-barren.pdf):

6 He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.
7 Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?
8 And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it:
9 And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down. - Luke 13:6-9

In parables there are two things to be taken notice of, and to be inquired into of them that read.

First, The metaphors made use of.
Second, The doctrine or mysteries couched under such metaphors.

The metaphors in this parable are,
1. A certain man;
2. A vineyard;
3. A fig-tree, barren or fruitless;
4. A dresser;
5. Three years;
6. Digging and dunging, &c.

The doctrine, or mystery, couched under these words is to show us what is like to become of a fruitless or formal professor. For,

1. By the man in the parable is meant God the Father (Luke 15:11).

2. By the vineyard, his church (Isa 5:7).
3. By the fig-tree, a professor.
4. By the dresser, the Lord Jesus.
5. By the fig-trees barrenness, the professors fruitlessness.
6. By the three years, the patience of God that for a time he extendeth to barren professors.
7. This calling to the dresser of the vineyard to cut it down, is to show the outcries of justice against fruitless professors.
8. The dressers interceding is to show how the Lord Jesus steps in, and takes hold of the head of his Fathers axe, to stop, or at least to defer, the present execution of a barren fig-tree.
9. The dressers desire to try to make the fig-tree fruitful, is to show you how unwilling he is that even a barren fig-tree should yet be barren, and perish.
10. His digging about it, and dunging of it, is to show his willingness to apply gospel helps to this barren professor, if haply he may be fruitful.
11. The supposition that the fig-tree may yet continue fruitless, is to show, that when Christ Jesus hath done all, there are some professors will abide barren and fruitless.
12. The determination upon this supposition, at last to cut it down, is a certain prediction of such professors unavoidable and eternal damnation.

But to take this parable into pieces, and to discourse more particularly, though with all brevity, upon all the parts thereof. A certain MAN had a fig-tree planted in his vineyard. The MAN, I told you, is to present us with God the Father; by which similitude he is often set out in the New Testament. Observe then, that it is no new thing, if you find in Gods church barren fig-trees, fruitless professors; even as here you see is a tree, a fruitless tree, a fruitless fig-tree in the vineyard.

Fruit is not so easily brought forth as a profession is got into; it is easy for a man to clothe himself with a fair show in the flesh, to word it, and say, Be thou warmed and filled with the best. It is no hard thing to do these with other things; but to be fruitful, to bring forth fruit to God, this doth not every tree, no not every fig-tree that stands in the vineyard of God. Those words also, Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away, assert the same thing (John 15:2). There are branches in Christ, in Christs body mystical, which is his church, his vineyard, that bear not fruit, wherefore the hand of God is to take them away: I looked for grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes, that is, no fruit at all that was acceptable with God (Isa 5:4). Again, Israel is an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself, none to God; he is without fruit to God (Hosea 10:1). All these, with many more, show us the truth of the observation, and that Gods church may be cumbered with fruitless fig-trees, with barren professors.

"There are branches in Christ, in Christs body mystical, which is his church." - John Bunyan

I also declare, by means of defining these churches as ages, declare this as Christs church mystical, or, by definition of the word, "inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination."

I declare you're full of baloney on much of this, especially the "church ages".


Well-Known Member
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Oh no, I am not wrong, absolutely, and you, reading my posts, have learned and are learning a lot of things, I see that now you are writing as I have written in my messages here in this Christian site, as follow:

OK, Let's take a deep and detailed look at what you have written in this sentence.

The Christians readers of Scriptures know that the expression "sea" means waters, and they know by the same Word that "waters", where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.Rev.17:v.15

In our discussion, I asked unto you: question 1 above: Which are the 7 heads of the devilish Beast from the sea, and what they represent? You answered saying: "... the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."

Well, I was surprised by your answer so I commented, as follow:
Oh now you agree and believe as I have said, that is, the Beast of the sea is ONE MAN
who is enthroned on 7 hills of Rome - Vatican City - (today this MAN is Pope Francis), also on which the harlot-the Roman Catholic Church- is sat, just as well you spoke truthfully.
You see, we can do nothing against the Truth, but for the Truth. 2Cor.13:8 - God is the Truth, understand? The Word is God.

Again: you wrote: "The beast from the sea will be ONE MAN,..."

You are speaking of a Beast of the sea that will come yet, ok? And as you said "the Beast from the sea will be ONE MAN" of course, but you need to understand that THIS ONE will be more one among 265 already enthroned in Rome before him, as you said in your post: "the heads (of the Beast) represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome". The harlot is very old, it has around two thousand years.

That said, we can STATE that the Pope Francis is not, and will not be, the last Beast of the sea enthroned in Rome - in Vatican City, so we can say that he will die maybe soon, and then, ONLY THEN,
"The beast from the sea will be ONE MAN", and THIS ONE, say I, will be actually the last Pope and he will taken the name Paulus*VII, and THIS MAN is who will rule and guide the FIRST PERIOD of 42 months or 1,260 days of the Antichrist's Empire. (Revelation 13:v.5 gives us support in this statement.

* Note: When is elected a new Pope, he uses to change his native name, and takes another name or nickname as the prostitutes do. The native name of the present Beast of the sea, the Pope Francis - is Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Remember: You wrote: ... and the term 'beast also refers to the empire he will form.

I asked in my post before: question 3 : - What is the name of blaspheme upon the 7 heads of the Beast of the sea?

You answered:
Scripture doesn't say, but it's likely the antichrist's name.

An I commented about your reply saying, as follow:
Now, now, robycop3, Scripture revealed that this Beast of sea is a blasphemer, and also was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and BLASPHEMIES; and power was given unto him to continue 42 months or 1.260 days- Revelation 13:v.5. You, robycop3, you said in your response to my question 1 that "He - the angel of the Lord - said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."
And do not you know what is the name of blasphemy of this demon in his 7 heads? The Beast of sea is an alleged Christian leader and guide of the billions of blind followers of him, through the harlot - the Roman Catholic Church - that is sat on Europe, and Asia, Africa, Oceania(Australia), North America, Central America, and South America? these are the 7 regions that divide the planet earth where the Great Whore sits.

God is Truth. By the way, God is a title, the Word is God, yeah, the Word Who is really God, the Father.
When I wrote in my post above, quoting Revelation 13: v.5 to give support in my statement regarding the 42 months or 1,260 days, which is the FIRST period of the Empire of Antichrist, RULED BY THE FIRST BEAST, the BEAST of sea, enthroned in ROME, the POPE and the GREAT WHORE, which rides upon the Beast, yeah, I supposed you knew how to interpret what Scripture was referring to, that is to the FIRST PERIOD of the satanic Antichrist's Empire. But you did not know to interpret to what Revelation 13:v.5 was referring, unfortunately, although I have emphasized this detail in my post for your understanding.

Remember: You wrote: ... and the term 'beast also refers to the empire he will form.

Remember: I asked you in my post before: question 3 : - What is the name of blaspheme upon the 7 heads of the Beast of the sea?

You answered:
Scripture doesn't say, but it's likely the antichrist's name.

I commented your reply saying, as follow:

Now, now, robycop3, Scripture revealed that this Beast of sea is a blasphemer, and also was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and BLASPHEMIES; and power was given unto him - unto the Beast of sea (Rev.13:v.6)- to continue 42 months or 1.260 days- Revelation 13:v.5. You, robycop3, you said in your response to my question 1 that "He - the angel of the Lord - said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."
And you don't know what is the name of blasphemy of this demon in his 7 heads as an alleged Christian leader and guide of the billions of blind followers of him, through the harlot - the Roman Catholic Church - on Europe, and Asia, Africa, Oceania(Australia), North America, Central America, and South America? the 7 regions that divide the planet earth.

Remember: The triple crown papal tiara symbolises the (supposed) triple power of the Pope as "Father of Kings", "Governor of the World" and "Vicar of Christ". - Vicarius Filii Dei

God is light, dear roby, and in Him is no darkness at all. Also God is Truth. By the way, God is a title, the Word is God, yeah, the Word He Who is really God, the Father.

In Christ JESUS, KING of kings and LORD of lords


No, Francis is not the AC. He at least pays lip service to God, while the AC won't. He does not rule most of the world. He has no false prophet sidekick working miracles. He did not, nor won't commit the abomination of desolation. He won't issue any marka the beast. Whatever cult you belong to, they're simply fulla beans.


Well-Known Member
No, Francis is not the AC. He at least pays lip service to God, while the AC won't.

Oh you are manifesting yourself as a follower and messenger of the satanic Beast of the sea giving testemony of this demon and of the Great Whore enthroned upon 7 mountains in Vatican City - Rome, in whose throne is sat the idolater Pope Francis, by the way, he is the elected 266th Pope to rule and guide the Whore, the Roman Catholic Church.

He does not rule most of the world.

The own satanic and idolater and blasphemer Beast of the sea described above, he himself says he is the ruler of the world.
The triple crown papal tiara symbolises the triple power of the Pope as (supposed, say I) "Father of Kings", "Governor of the World" and "Vicar of Christ". or Vicarius Filii Dei -

He has no false prophet sidekick working miracles.

You are saying that firstly because you have not the spirit of Christ to interpret the prophecies of Revelation and Word of God-the Word is God-, and second because you manifest yourself as a follower and messenger of this devilish and idolater Beast of the sea. What prevails is the Word of God, not your devilish words. What you say is not true, it is tares to be burned with everlasting fire.

Revelation 13:v.11-14 reveals that the Beast like a lamb, is one MAN who speaks as Dragon, the own Satan incarnated.(John 8:v.44 gives more details about who Satan is) As is written, the Beast like a lamb WILL EXERCISE all the power of the Beast of the sea before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first Beast of the sea, whose deadly wound was healed. And he - the Beast like a lamb - WILL DO great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he-the Beast like a lamb- has power to do in the sight of the Beast of sea.

He did not, nor won't commit the abomination of desolation. He won't issue any marka the beast. Whatever cult you belong to, they're simply fulla beans.

Who really says clearly what abomination of desolation is, and who WILL BE this satanic MAN and his SATANIC WORKS, it is the Word of God. The Word is God, and reveals really this MAN WILL OPPOSE and WILL EXALTE himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God WILL SIT in the temple of God -in Jerusalem- , shewing himself that he is God, yeah, the Word of God is who says clearly WHAT and WHO the abomination of desolation is. The Word is God.

That said, what you are sowing here through your posts is tares, you are possessed by a deceiver and disguised spirit falsifying and twisting the Word of God. The Word is God.

So I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this BOOK, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Revelation 22:v.18-19
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