Oh no, I am not wrong, absolutely, and you, reading my posts, have learned and are learning a lot of things, I see that now you are writing as I have written in my messages here in this Christian site, as follow:
OK, Let's take a deep and detailed look at what you have written in this sentence.
The Christians readers of Scriptures know that the expression "sea" means waters, and they know by the same Word that "waters", where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.Rev.17:v.15
In our discussion, I asked unto you: question 1 above: Which are the 7 heads of the devilish Beast from the sea, and what they represent? You answered saying: "... the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."
Well, I was surprised by your answer so I commented, as follow:
Oh now you agree and believe as I have said, that is, the Beast of the sea is ONE MAN who is enthroned on 7 hills of Rome - Vatican City - (today this MAN is Pope Francis), also on which the harlot-the Roman Catholic Church- is sat, just as well you spoke truthfully.
You see, we can do nothing against the Truth, but for the Truth. 2Cor.13:8 - God is the Truth, understand? The Word is God.
Again: you wrote: "The beast from the sea will be ONE MAN,..."
You are speaking of a Beast of the sea that will come yet, ok? And as you said "the Beast from the sea will be ONE MAN" of course, but you need to understand that THIS ONE will be more one among 265 already enthroned in Rome before him, as you said in your post: "the heads (of the Beast) represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome". The harlot is very old, it has around two thousand years.
That said, we can STATE that the Pope Francis is not, and will not be, the last Beast of the sea enthroned in Rome - in Vatican City, so we can say that he will die maybe soon, and then, ONLY THEN, "The beast from the sea will be ONE MAN", and THIS ONE, say I, will be actually the last Pope and he will taken the name Paulus*VII, and THIS MAN is who will rule and guide the FIRST PERIOD of 42 months or 1,260 days of the Antichrist's Empire. (Revelation 13:v.5 gives us support in this statement.
* Note: When is elected a new Pope, he uses to change his native name, and takes another name or nickname as the prostitutes do. The native name of the present Beast of the sea, the Pope Francis - is Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
Remember: You wrote: ... and the term 'beast also refers to the empire he will form.
I asked in my post before: question 3 : - What is the name of blaspheme upon the 7 heads of the Beast of the sea?
You answered: Scripture doesn't say, but it's likely the antichrist's name.
An I commented about your reply saying, as follow:
Now, now, robycop3, Scripture revealed that this Beast of sea is a blasphemer, and also was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and BLASPHEMIES; and power was given unto him to continue 42 months or 1.260 days- Revelation 13:v.5. You, robycop3, you said in your response to my question 1 that "He - the angel of the Lord - said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."
And do not you know what is the name of blasphemy of this demon in his 7 heads? The Beast of sea is an alleged Christian leader and guide of the billions of blind followers of him, through the harlot - the Roman Catholic Church - that is sat on Europe, and Asia, Africa, Oceania(Australia), North America, Central America, and South America? these are the 7 regions that divide the planet earth where the Great Whore sits.
God is Truth. By the way, God is a title, the Word is God, yeah, the Word Who is really God, the Father.
When I wrote in my post above, quoting Revelation 13: v.5 to give support in my statement regarding the 42 months or 1,260 days, which is the FIRST period of the Empire of Antichrist, RULED BY THE FIRST BEAST, the BEAST of sea, enthroned in ROME, the POPE and the GREAT WHORE, which rides upon the Beast, yeah, I supposed you knew how to interpret what Scripture was referring to, that is to the FIRST PERIOD of the satanic Antichrist's Empire. But you did not know to interpret to what Revelation 13:v.5 was referring, unfortunately, although I have emphasized this detail in my post for your understanding.
Remember: You wrote: ... and the term 'beast also refers to the empire he will form.
Remember: I asked you in my post before: question 3 : - What is the name of blaspheme upon the 7 heads of the Beast of the sea?
You answered: Scripture doesn't say, but it's likely the antichrist's name.
I commented your reply saying, as follow:
Now, now, robycop3, Scripture revealed that this Beast of sea is a blasphemer, and also was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and BLASPHEMIES; and power was given unto him - unto the Beast of sea (Rev.13:v.6)- to continue 42 months or 1.260 days- Revelation 13:v.5. You, robycop3, you said in your response to my question 1 that "He - the angel of the Lord - said the heads represented 7 mountains on which the harlot sits. This can only be the 7 hills of Rome."
And you don't know what is the name of blasphemy of this demon in his 7 heads as an alleged Christian leader and guide of the billions of blind followers of him, through the harlot - the Roman Catholic Church - on Europe, and Asia, Africa, Oceania(Australia), North America, Central America, and South America? the 7 regions that divide the planet earth.
Remember: The triple crown papal tiara symbolises the (supposed) triple power of the Pope as "Father of Kings", "Governor of the World" and "Vicar of Christ". - Vicarius Filii Dei
God is light, dear roby, and in Him is no darkness at all. Also God is Truth. By the way, God is a title, the Word is God, yeah, the Word He Who is really God, the Father.
In Christ JESUS, KING of kings and LORD of lords