Yes I say.
However, you will not condemn the slaughter of 56 million unborn children supported by the party of death.
I also will not condemn you for the countless millions who have gone to hell on your watch while you've focused on condemning folks rather than sharing the loving Gospel of Jesus Christ that snatches men from the fires.
When you discover a hell to which I have the keys to condemn someone, you let me know. Jesus commissioned me to preach the Good News. If your god has told you to condemn those whom Jesus came to seek and save, then have your god take that up with Jesus.
One can only assume that you support abortion.
You mean like one can assume that you hate your neighbors and desire to see them go to hell since you're too busy condemning folks because of your pet sin rather than doing what God says to do?
It is the party of death that worships abortion.
And there seems to be another party of death and dead works that worships it's fight against abortion. Lay your idol down.
As I noted earlier they celebrated the slaughter of the unborn at their 2012 nominating convention that once again nominated that rabid supporter of abortion, Obama!
Note now that you have been celebrating your so called condemnation of THEM. SO which one of you is more just? Them for celebrating the slaughter of the unborn or you for celebrating their condemnation?
Certainly the party of death cannot be saved.
Yall and your silly politics. People are saved. Parties don't have eternal souls.:thumbsup:
Are you questioning my salvation zaac. If so be bold about it.
Oh don't blink because you know that I wouldn't have nary an ounce of reticence in saying you don't know Jesus if I thought you didn't know Jesus.
You are bold about judging everyone on this forum. You harp repeatedly about spreading the Gospel and saving souls.
Scripture tells us to judge those within the church and not those outside the church. SO which ones are YOU judging. And I make no excuses for urging Christians to being about the business to which Christ has commissioned us.
However, when you show absolutely no concern for the 56,000,000 unborn babies that have been murdered your preaching sounds hollow!
Pure foolishness brought about by your desire to serve this god of fighting abortion that you've manufactured that supersedes the mandate that Christ has commissioned Christians for.
What sounds hollow is your continued bellowing about 56 million unborn babies out one side of your neck while you bellow about condemning countless others out the other side of your neck. Save the unbridled hypocrisy for someone else.
Your ignorance of Scripture is showing. It is ignorant of the whole of Scripture to say that Jesus Christ did not come to condemn sin. His very coming condemned sin because of unbelief. Consider the following words of jesus Christ:
Either your READING glasses fell off or you've taken to flat out telling lies to support your other untruths. And that's what people do who are trying to give support for lies. They have to keep adding to their arguments so that they can convince people that their lies are the truth.
So put your glasses back on and show us all where I said that Jesus didn't come to condemn sin?
You see zaac the Gospel is not good news to the unbeliever, it is condemnation.
You see OldRegular, you don't have a clue as to what the Gospel is if you think it is not supposed to Good News to the unbeliever. Who on earth do you think Christ came seeking to save? He didn't come seeking them to condemn them. You don't have a clue what the Gospel is if you think its purpose is to condemn.
No wonder you're stuck on your idol of fighting against abortion. You don't understand Christ's commission. You're starting to sound more and more like one of the Sadducees who held their politics in higher esteem than they did the truth of God. And you sound much like one of the Pharisees stuck on some legalistic what you think you know about the law to the point of condemning folks. How about we deliver a load of #3 Surge Stone to your front lawn and you can cast your stones in condemnation at all those folks worthy of being condemned, unlike yourself.
Herschel Hobbs in the book, Revelation, Three Viewpoints, writes, page 120, concerning the Gospel:
Ray Frank Robbins, page 208 of the same book, writes about the Gospel as follows:
I'll concern myself with what Herschel and Ray Frank say when they crawl up on a tree and die for the sins of humanity.:thumbsup:
So you see zaac the coming of Jesus Christ is salvation to the believer but condemnation to the unbeliever.
For you see OldRegular,, what the coming of Jesus Christ has accomplished doesn't change what He's commissioned the Christian to do.
You're like clanging cymbals, absent the love of Christ running around condemning folks rather than giving them the Good News that is the Hope in Jesus Christ.
Spend some time at His feet.