It is just as true about you as it is about me being in favor of abortion.
Seems you do not like your own logic turned on you.
There is no logic to your lie! You are simply flailing around because there is no defense for your support of the "party of death" and their celebration of the slaughter of the unborn.
I agree that the "party of death", which has no problem with the slaughter of the unborn, is perfectly willing to use
taking care of the elderly, the homeless, the malnourished children, the poor of all ages in our land
to advance their political agenda of a Marxist state for this country. They have been doing it at least since the days of FDR.
I will also assert that the Conservatives in this country are opposed to that Marxist state. They believe that the primary care giver for any of "the elderly, the homeless, the malnourished children, the poor of all ages in our land" is the family, and that is consistent with Scripture.. Where that is not possible Conservatives believe that the care of "the elderly, the homeless, the malnourished children, the poor of all ages in our land" is appropriately done by the Churches, the communities, and the state in that order.
I will also assert, and you cannot refute what I say, that given the country has been saddled with the "Ponzi Schemes" called Social Security and Medicare, the Republican party is striving, against the Marxists in the Federal government, to keep these plans from going bankrupt. One reason they are going bankrupt is that the "party of death" has colluded in the slaughter of 30% of the people who would now be paying into the Funds. Of course they could be paying into the funds only if the evil triumvirate of Obama, dingy Harry, and flaky Pelosi would stop colluding to destroy the free enterprise system and the economy.