I just read this entire thread. Well, most of it. I only glanced at anything that wasn't on the OP, which was (estimated) about 2/3 of the thread. My response is going to cover the OP and many (not all) the points brought up off topic.
I am a Christian. A born again, blood bought, redeemed and sanctified Christian. Also, I am an American. A red blooded, patriotic, flag waving American.
Are these two at odds? Not in any way, shape, or form. Because being patriotic and loving your country does not mean condoning all her actions. I have a 5 year old daughter. If she grows up and becomes a serial killer, I will still love her with all my heart. Even if I have to visit her only in prison, she will still be my daughter.
America is the same way. I mourn over her actions while loving her. She is my country, the land I was born in, the land I was raised in, and the land I have fought for. I will proudly fly a flag in her honor.
But, first and foremost, I am a Christian. God is at the center. Reaching the lost, preaching the gospel, and being a testimony to others is more important than America.
But these two are not opposed. In fact, many times they cross over into each other. Giving to someone in need? That's being a good Christian. And a good American. Serving soup in a kitchen? That's being a good Christian. And a good American. Striving to better your country and move it towards God and away from godlessness? That's being a good Christian. And a good American.
I love America. I am very Patriotic. But I am a Christian.
It has been said that "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." If we are to reach people and make a change in America, you need to be a a good Christian. And the first steps to being a good Christian coincide with being a good American. Namely, caring.
What makes a country great is not the amount of power they have, or the amount of money they make. "America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great." We're headed in that direction now. But to get back to greatness, we need to be good again. And that starts with the things are both Patriotic and Christian. Caring.
Being Patriotic is not flying a flag, cheering the troops, or saying a pledge. It's caring about your fellow man and country enough to do whatever it takes to make them better, up to and including giving your life. I'm not necessarily talking a out dying for our country, but to care about your fellow man so much that you will do whatever you can to make him better, thus making your country better. That's Patriotic, and that's Christian.
In the political realm, I believe that's part of being a Christian and a Patriot. Voting, legislating, and getting involved politically is an outward showing of an inward love. Preach, share the gospel. But also try and make a national change for good. The two are not mutually exclusive.
That's why I believe that it is perfectly acceptable to be both a Christian and a Patriot.