Fair enough, and you debate like a gentleman. Thanks for that.
And the same for you. Civility is the least we can do for fellow image bearers.
C4K said:
I will have to do more research into the funding. I was under the impression that funds have at least been used in the past to fund abortions.
Here is a posting from the ACLU describing some abortion that can be federally funded. Their complaint of course is that there is not enough funding for them.
I think this a red herring of sorts. I mean who cares what the ACLU thinks? You're OP questions the endorsement and funding of the Federal government of abortions. I don't see anything in current law or in the Federal budget that meets the levels you are ascribing to it.
C4K said:
I also think I remember reading that the new health care bill is funding insurance used for abortions?
You're gonna have to cite chapter and verse on this one. From what I read in the actual passed (and signed) bill this isn't there.
C4K said:
I would disagree with you that the federal government does not 'endorse' abortions. Roe v Wade made it clear that women have the right to kill their children. I do not think we would accept that for any other group of people.
Have you read the Roe decision? Just curious because in it and in subsequent rulings related to the issue the Court (or lower courts) never take the position of saying "Hey, we really think everyone should have an abortion in the US" or "Abortions are the best form of birth control." That is endorsement of a practice.
What the legal case does is (and listen I completely disagree with it but let's look it for what it is) lift any law against abortion. It doesn't line women up at clinics. It doesn't wave banner asking women to terminate their pregnancies.
The Court ruling (specifically in Roe) only prohibits laws against the practice but never endorses the practice.
Honestly I know a number of people (of several political affiliations) who morally are against abortion but legally say the government can't tell a woman what to do with her body. (Ironically these same people favor the health care law...weird) They don't want to see more abortions, they want to see more responsibility.
So I guess to satisfy the request in the OP show us where the government (which we pledge allegiance to) has condoned, funded, or endorsed the practice.