Haven't read the whole thread, so I'll respond as if mine were the first response.to a nation that for almost forty years has sanctioned and financed infanticide?
About 50 million children legally executed since 1973. Is that kind of nation worthy of a Christian's allegiance and devotion?
The modus operandi of the Left is to indict America on every turn, ignoring its true history and effect on the world, and ascribing the sins and crimes of humanity to its political system.
This is just more of that vomitus.
But this nation is not committing infanticide. Some of its heathen people are killing their children, yes. And the Marxists which are in power are funneling our money (our debt, really) to other nations so other heathens can kill their children, but the nation cannot be indicted with this crime. This is a crime of the Left, and the Right has tirelessly lobbied (those "horrible" lobbyists) and published and given millions to combat it. The Right is slow to take up arms.
And yes, one should pledge his allegiance to a nation that recognizes the Christian's liberty and right to lobby and petition the government for a redress of grievances.