But yet ignorant and unlearned men believe that this Purpose of Abundant Life through Christ was God's backup plan to man first having life through Adam !
I don't believe God has "back-up plans." But, it is possible for God to "ordain" (as in stand aside and let happen) Adam's sin rather than cause Adam's sin.
You are starting with a philosophical assumption and doing great violence to the text of scripture to try and prove your point. Scripture will never be your toady.
The fact is, the Living through Christ 1 Jn 4:9, the abundant life Jn 10:10 it was not possible through Adam even before the fall of man, no it was a Life given them in Christ before the world began.
And again this Life was not at all possible in Adam before the Fall into sin, and all True Christian service to God should be in response to Redemptive Love in Christ, as Paul writes as being true of himself, its true of all true believers 2 Cor 5:14-15
You have no earthly idea what you are talking about.
Adam was in a state of purity and he was able to be in the very presence of God--until the Fall. Since Christ comes to restore our relationship with God by living the perfect life we can't live, dying the death for our sins that we deserve to die, and being raised to newness of life, it is obvious something was lost at the Fall. You're ignoring simple biblical theology.
The text of scripture will never serve your purposes or your wrong (and perhaps blasphemous) assertions.
It was God's Purpose even for man in Adam to Live not unto themselves, but unto Him that died for them and rose again, that was never secondary in God's Purpose, to believe so is blasphemy ! 202
I'm beginning to think you are a universalist.
In Adam (which all humanity is) we are dead sinners "living unto ourselves" since the Fall. In Christ (which is NOT all of humanity), however, we are alive, pardoned rebels living to and for God.
What you're arguing for and how you're arguing will, at some point, necessitate saying that all humanity is in union with Christ because Adam was made in union with Christ. So, if you are to be consistent with you own ____ology (because what you're describing here certainly isn't any type of theology) you will have to say that all humanity is in union with Christ because Adam was created in union with Christs and, as such, all are saved. Of course, this is absolutely untenable by any reading of the Bible.
The Archangel