Yes, as Gary North and Rushdoony, both free-market/Austrian school advocates, point out, that Israel often sinned in not observing the seventh year sabbath and/or the Jubilee. Property rights were and still are limited by God's design and decrees, but not by state fiat. For example, and using the extreme to make the point, no one has the "right" to committ murder on their private property.
Also, the fact that land ownership was to revert back to the original title-holder negated any claim to property the state might venture. Both corporate and state ownership of land was practically non-existent, except for properties that were necessary to the works and enterprises thereof. Just like the Constution of the U.S. was originally designed - to limit the ability of the state and commercial interests to purchase and hold property in order to artificially control its value.
As for "moral theft", there is no theft whatsoever in an employer-employee relationship as long as the employer is paying what was agreed. The idea that Marx hatched out that profit represents that portion of labour that is exploited or stolen from the laborer is irrational, and it comes straight from Hell. The employer-employee realtionship is not parasitic, it is symbiotic. It is win-win, not win-loose. Theoretically, the farmer could pick his own peaches and sell them, and never hire anyone to help. But he increases his income by hiring me to help him. He gets more profit, and I get a paycheck. We both win. He doesn't "steal" anything. It's preposterous to call it that.