Time and time again I've provided proof. The answer is the tax revision bill.
Tax Plan’s Biggest Cuts Could Be in Living Standards
The Joint Committee’s analysis of an early version of the Senate Republican plan found that 10 years from now, millionaires would get a tax cut worth $8,500, on average. People earning $75,000 or less, by contrast, would experience a tax increase.
This is not showing that the rich are taking money from the poor and middle class, this is showing that in 10 years millionaires that run S-Corporations will continue to be able to keep some of their own business generated money. In ten years the income tax cuts will sunset, which would restore tax rates to 2017 levels, but corporate tax cuts continue. At that time Congress can choose to extend the income tax cuts or let them expire. The last time this happened, the Dem-controlled Congress and Obama extended the cuts.
There is no take from the middle class and give to the rich going on here.
Adding in the cuts to Social Security, Medicaid, education and other programs that Republicans are planning to cull to pay for the tax reductions, the cost to poor and middle-income families would be even greater.
Whoa! That's quite the question begging. Glibly saying, "Adding in the cuts to Social Security, Medicaid, etc." does not make it so. Besides you've already posted an article from AARP saying both Ryan and McConnell are not planning any cuts in these programs. Have you forgotten that you posted that so soon afterwards? It was only ten days ago:
Automatic Medicare and Medicaid Cuts under Paygo averted under Temporary Funding Deal