And so there they are "Sabbath after Sabbath" and "EVERY SABBATH" Acts 18:4 preaching to GENTILES and Jews in the Synagogues - with the result that "practically the WHOLE CITY" turns out "the next Sabbath" to hear the Gospel. Acts 13:44
And so having nothing at all like that in the NT "week-day-1 after week-day-1" or "EVERY week-day-1" for anything at all - in either NT or OT - -- by comparison -- you simply reject the "sola scriptura" information that we DO have on that point??
Even your own RCC claims that the Sabbath Commandment (though "bent" in their opinion to point to week-day-1) -- in fact all TEN Commandments apply to Christians to this very day.
But SDA BobRyan, HE, may <<simply reject the "sola scriptura" information which we DO have>> in Acts 13 on the relevance and application which <<that day>>--the Sabbath-- DOES have in connection with CHRIST'S RESURRECTION. 4 times mention of “the Sabbath”; 1 time of “this day”; 5 times mention of Jesus “raised”. Put the two together, and it is <<"wild rant..wild rant...wild rant">>; <<is not a point>>; <<conveys emotion but not much else>>.
And because SDA BobRyan <applies nothing at all> of Christ's Resurrection to anything regarding Jesus' work of redemption and salvation anywhere in the NT, but makes it a mere intermediate nuisance of some half-way-house between the Appearances to Mary and the other women, he <<simply>> regards all merit the NT and all the Scriptures ascribe and apply to Christ's Resurrection, as rejectable <<wild rant>>.