Really? A history lesson? After Luther we had John Calvin, he and Luther agreed on everything except minor issues. He wrote "Institutes of Christian Religion", and whether you wish to title it "Calvinism" or "Reformed Theology", it IS THE GOSPEL, that is after Rome, "What do we believe", he put together, best, what the bible teaches. All Churches were Reformed, founding fathers, every denomination in the West aside from some liberal Churches, the 1800's were terrible, we had Darby with his Dispensationlism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, and German "Higher Criticism", by the time HC hit England it affected the Churches, particularly Baptist in a big way, so much so Spurgeon called it the "Downgrade", basically no longer teaching Scripture, but liberal views of scripture and man made Religion (Amrinianism), then followed Pentecostalism, Holiness, Oneness etc, but up until this time there was one Church, and if you knew the bible you'd see Reformed Theology matches it perfect, not that it's perfect, IE Infant Baptism with some.
So in my debates, I engage in high level Scholarly debates, debating Dan Barker, head of "Freedom From Religion" foundation shortly, and when I debate liberals who deny Predestination, Sovereign Election, etc. their main objection is what Paul warned "It isn't fair", so I point out that if God DIDN'T Predestine some to Salvation, leave others in their rebellion against Him, if He just let life play out, BILLIONS WOULD STILL BE LOST, HE COULD STOP IT BY PUTTING A BIBLE IN EVERY IRANIAN AND INDIAN AND CHINESE HOME, but He doesn't, so what's the difference, EITHER WAY HE DECREED NOT ALL BE SAVED. If you are unable to understand this point I'm sorry, others do, and as stated it's very effective.
In addition, if God didn't decree all that happens, there is no way He could guarantee His Son would be crucified "Shoot I keep sending Him but out of their free will they just won't crucify Him", which of course contradicts Acts 4 where it states that God Predetermined Pilate, Herod, the Jews and the Romans to do what His hand has disposed". Finally there would be no guarantee THAT ANYONE WOULD COME, nope their free will trumped God's Free Will, just amazing, this is why I won't debate Arminians anymore.
I started as Arminian, I lamely fought Reformed Theology, but a true Christian with the Spirit, when faced with God's word "I prevented him from sinning against you" "Shall we receive good from the Lord and not evil", "If Calamity comes to a city has not the Lord brought it", "God hardened the Amorites hearts to hate Israel, that they might make way and be destroyed", "Oh Lord, why do you harden our hearts so we fear you not", "I pray NOT for the world, but for those you have given me", "N

NE is able to come to me unless the Father who sent me draws (Greek "Dragged") him, and I will raise it up on the last done, ALL that the Father Draws WILL COME", "The die is cast in the lap, but every turn is of the Lord", "The Kings heart is a stream in the hands of the Lord, He turns it everywhere He wishes", "The Lord is in the Heavens, and does all He pleases on Heaven, Earth and the deep", "I have reserved 7000 who will not bow the knee to Baal". "The Lord opened Lydia's heart so she could hear what he was saying", "All that were appointed to eternal life, believed", not the other way around as Arminians want it.
I could go on forever but there's not point, Arminians don't believe their own scripture, they'll make some sny comment, or throw out some ridiculous analogy to try to make God look bad for actin the way He does, but then there are other Arminians who had no idea Scripture, and above is just a taste, every page is filled with God's sovereignty, no one can jump over John 6, Romans 9 or Eph 1, the bottom line is that we are a sinful race, we are called rebels, haters of God, and it's not just of God to save everyone, it's not just to save anyone, so He does it for His name sake, for His own Glory, "Predestined before the foundation of the the praise of His glory", in forming Israel He said "I'm about to act, but I do it for MY NAME SAKE, for how shall my name be blasphemed.
Once you accept this great truth, you'll notice it everyone "the Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want, He leads me in paths or righteousness for HIS NAME SAKE", not for Davids sake, but for God's sake. "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil", why would Christ tell us to ask God to NOT "lead us into temptation", "and Jesus was LED BY THE SPIRIT TO BE TEMPTED BY SATAN".
As I say once Arminians are faced with the truth, I mean really understand it, and THEN REJECT IT, they don't have the Spirit of God, I've just seen this too much, not saying they won't fight it like I did, but when faced with the full truth of God's revelation of Himself and how He acts, to reject that means the Spirit isn't there to discern the word, its THOSE I won't debate, and I can spot them a mile away anymore, but honest Christians who have trouble, but step out in faith WILL come to the truth, every biblical character knew God controlled all that is, even pagan King Nebuchadnezzar, he, like Arminians, was admiring his great Kingdom, and taking credit (Glory for it), he was warned by Daniel but his memory was weak, and sure enough God oops violated his free will, turned him into the mind of a animal, after His corrections the King said, "He does His will in the army of Heaven, and the inhabitants of Heaven, He establishes Kingdoms and tears them down, and no one can stop His will or say to Him 'what have you done".
So if anyone wants to learn the Faith of our Fathers, ask questions, but no debates, just a waste of time