In the interest of balance, I will share 2 reasons why negative manifestations of glossolalia happen: in charismatic circles:
(1) The forces of evil seek to counterfeit and discredit the Spirit's most effective tools of spiritual growth. I currently lead a small weekly Monday prayer group. The members are Methodists, not Charismatics. Our prayers have brought us astounding miracles like healing when doctors pronounced death sentences and other dramatic answers to prayer. But 2 members of our group were previously members of a large non-Charismatic Spiritual Warfare group that prayed for struggling believers and even performed exorcisms and deliverance ministries. There was a chilling relentless onslaught of evil coincidences that destroyed their lives, caused their pastor to be fired, and drove all but these 2 prayer warriors from church--any church! By challenging Satan in such a direct, inexperienced, and perhaps prideful way, Charismatics, too, can get in way over their heads!
(2) In our obsession with instant gratification, too many Charismatics have little patience with a long period of spiritual longing and seeking that can lead to spectacular spiritual gifts. Their pastors urge them , "Just speak it out and the Spirit will take over!" Such manipulation leads to counterfeit experiences that can create problems similar to playing with a Ouija board. When anyone releases control of their tongues to unseen forces and is unconsciously motivated by the desire for a spiritual drug-like high, any spiritual entity may well take over their tongue. The Holy Spirit doesn't jump just because we crack our whip!
Many Charismatics pride themselves in their successful deliverance ministries. They think that other denominations are full of demon-oppressed people who are blind to their dire condition. In fact, their reckless pressure to induce speaking in tongues often creates the issues of demonic oppression that their deliverance ministry is intended to combat!
(1) The forces of evil seek to counterfeit and discredit the Spirit's most effective tools of spiritual growth. I currently lead a small weekly Monday prayer group. The members are Methodists, not Charismatics. Our prayers have brought us astounding miracles like healing when doctors pronounced death sentences and other dramatic answers to prayer. But 2 members of our group were previously members of a large non-Charismatic Spiritual Warfare group that prayed for struggling believers and even performed exorcisms and deliverance ministries. There was a chilling relentless onslaught of evil coincidences that destroyed their lives, caused their pastor to be fired, and drove all but these 2 prayer warriors from church--any church! By challenging Satan in such a direct, inexperienced, and perhaps prideful way, Charismatics, too, can get in way over their heads!
(2) In our obsession with instant gratification, too many Charismatics have little patience with a long period of spiritual longing and seeking that can lead to spectacular spiritual gifts. Their pastors urge them , "Just speak it out and the Spirit will take over!" Such manipulation leads to counterfeit experiences that can create problems similar to playing with a Ouija board. When anyone releases control of their tongues to unseen forces and is unconsciously motivated by the desire for a spiritual drug-like high, any spiritual entity may well take over their tongue. The Holy Spirit doesn't jump just because we crack our whip!
Many Charismatics pride themselves in their successful deliverance ministries. They think that other denominations are full of demon-oppressed people who are blind to their dire condition. In fact, their reckless pressure to induce speaking in tongues often creates the issues of demonic oppression that their deliverance ministry is intended to combat!