The seven questions were written in black in post questions, looking for seven answers..Biblicist asked these questions two threads black...and yet you must have skipped over them there also

I asked in post 73 in black ink the first two questions also. Did Adam have a human spirit in Gen1:31? I am trying to get clarification on your posting.
I would like you to answer all seven questions.
No need to deflect by posting 5x that b.c. eternal life is In Christ. Everyone agrees. Focus on the seven questions if you would be so kind.
1]Did Adam not have a spirit? Scripture teaches that whatever Adam was he did not possess “spiritual life”. I would say that Adam had a human spirit, but not what the Bible calls spiritual life (i.e., the indwelling of God). Many have debated the meaning of “soul and spirit”. I tend to shy away from this philosophy and stick to the Bible. (see 1 Corinthians 15; James 3; Romans 6, 8; 1 John 4; John 6,8, 11, 14, and 17).
2]Did Adam not have a soul? Yes, Adam had a soul. (see Deuteronomy 4, Psalm 61, Jeremiah 6; Joshua 23; and 1 Corinthians 15)
3] If Adam had a spirit, pre-fall was it a dead spirit? Not applicable. Per Scripture Adam had what it was to be man, but not “spiritual life” as defined by the Bible (see the answer to the first question along with the passages noted)
4] Are you suggesting God created man with a dead spirit/soul? No. I am suggesting that God gave Adam the breath of life and made Adam a living soul. Adam was, however, did not merit in himself the glory of God (Adam’s state did not equate to Spiritual Life as defined in the Bible). Adam was created as man. This state of creation is evidenced by how Adam behaved under God’s command (see James 3; John 11, 14; and 1 Corinthians 15).
5] If Adam had a "spirit/soul" that was alive and able to commune with God, Did any EVENT happen that changed the status of the non material part of Adam, his spirit, or soul? Adam did not have a “spirit/soul”. Adam did have a soul. But Scripture does not define “spiritual life” or “of the Spirit” as “having a spirit/soul. What Scripture tells us is that there was a change in Adam. He became “like God” in knowing good and evil. Scripture does not speak of a change in Adam’s nature or as Adam dying spiritually (Biblically this would be God dying in Adam or, at best, Adam defeating God as the Spirit worked to do good and Adam chose evil).
6] is there any event that left Adam with a dead spirit? Not biblically. There are a few philosophical ideas out there about two human natures (a pre-fall nature and a post-fall nature). But the Bible does not actually speak of these theories. The Bible presents possessing spiritual life as Christ dwelling in that person and God putting His Spirit in that person. So if we stick to the Bible the answer is simply that God did not create Adam a spiritual being, but a human being that would need to be reborn (like a seed that must fall to the ground to become what it was ultimately meant to become). (see 1 Corinthians 15; Genesis 3, James 3)
7] how are ALL MEN spiritually dead? Natural man is not created “in Christ”. Christ IS the Life. Adam was created “of the flesh”. Adam is the representative of natural man where as Christ a life giving Spirit. Spiritual life is Christ living in us. (John 1, 3; 1 Corinthians 15; 2 Corinthians 13 Romans 5, 8)
Do you define "spiritual life" as "Christ living in us" (Romans 8)?