I never said that Adam was a divine being. I said that Adam did not posses by nature what the Bible calls spiritual Life ("Christ living in us").Adam was certainly not a divine being, but had he not fallen into sin, his body would not have become 'dust' (Genesis 3:17-19; 1 Corinthians 15:47-49) because he would not have died. But of course, he did and he has, and so have all his progeny.
Adam is quite unable to give life to his fallen seed; only the Lord Jesus Christ can do this. That is why He is described as a 'life-giving spirit.' But Christ's body before His resurrection was just the same as Adam's (Hebrews 2:14-18), except, of course, that it never saw corruption and did not became dust. And if Christ returns before we die, nor will ours (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).
This is absolutely true of fallen man; we are 'brought forth in iniquity,' and conceived as sinners (Psalms 51:5). But it was not true of Adam who was made 'upright.' 'The LORD knows the days of the upright, and their inheritance shall be forever' (Psalms 37:18). 'Whoso walks uprightly shall be saved' (Proverbs 28:18). Moral uprightness is an attribute of God (Psalms 25:8).
Try not to be silly, not to mention sacrilegious.
The reason no one dies spiritually today is that because of Adam's fall, we are all born spiritually dead. Of course He is! This is true of everyone born since Adam; there is no spiritual life outside of Christ for them. Nor, come to that, was there spiritual life for Adam apart from Christ He was formed and made by Christ for close fellowship with the triune God. But if your tradition does not enable you to see the difference between Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 5:3, then I'm really not sure that I can help you find the truth of the matter.
Our disagreement is that simple. No need to wring out things that do not exist.
If you believe there is spiritual life outside of Christ then perhaps you should give the topic more thought.
If you believe Adam was created with "Christ living in him" and later "dying in him" (dying spiritually) then you may want to give the matter more thought.
If you believe this Life temporary then perhaps you have not thought it through (even if you believe you have).