Regarding the "abomination of desolation", I am going to provide a link to Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History, Book 3, Ch. 5. This is not from a "biased" preterist web site. Eusebius was a 4th century Christian pioneer. Eusebius connected the abomination of desolation with the destruction of the temple in 70AD. Click on Book III and then Chapter 5,_Eusebius_Caesariensis,_Church_History,_EN.pdf
Here is the quote:
But the number of calamities which every where fell
upon the nation at that time; the extreme misfortunes to which the
inhabitants of Judea were especially subjected, the thousands of
men, as well as women and children, that perished by the sword, by
famine, and by other forms of death innumerable, all these things, as
well as the many great sieges which were carried on against the
cities of Judea, and the excessive sufferings endured by those that
fled to Jerusalem itself, as to a city of perfect safety, and finally the
general course of the whole war, as well as its particular
occurrences in detail, and how at last the abomination of desolation,
proclaimed by the prophets, stood in the very temple of God, so
celebrated of old, the temple which was now awaiting its total and
final destruction by fire, all these things any one that wishes may
find accurately described in the history written by Josephus.
Historical evidence from an unbiased source.
Maybe "unbiased", but also UNRELIABLE.
Do you know what "calamites" are? They're an extinct type of horsetail-like plants. Now, if a hail of calamite fossils fell upon jerusalem, HOW COME NOT A SINGLE EXAMPLE HAS BEEN FOUND???????????????????????????????????
There's NO reliable record of the AOD having occurred in the old temple. Such an event would NOT have been overlooked by the Jews.
Also, when was all green grass burned up? If you wanna make Titus the "beast", then WHO WAS HIS DEPUTY THE FALSE PROPHET? And Titus worshipped the Roman pantheon of gods/goddessses & was never known to have proclaimed himself God!
And when was all life in the seas killed? OK, let's make that more simple - When was all life in the Mediterranean Sea killed?
Remember, Jesus' prophecies MUST come to pass EXACTLY, TO THE LETTER of their writing in their original language!