I know that sometimes the following is used as an excuse to not witness, but it may not be in every case.
And that is this - "My life will be a witness". One day at work I delivered a package to a fellow worker (I worked for IBM at the time) and he said to me "what is it with you? You seem so free!" I then had an opportunity to witness (Ya, company time - but I was salaried and they took advantage of my status
And at that time in my life I was going door to door and doing street preaching, passing out tracts, etc..
As for failures, you never know, NEVER, in fact there are no failures when you speak as an ambassador for Christ... One plants, another waters and God gives the increase.
One fellow who the pastor and I visited (His kids came to Pioneers) and witnessed to got angry and chased us out of his house with a meat clever (He was chopping up chickens) only to be saved later and eventually become an officer in the church after many more visits (carefully of course
Don't give up, always look for opportunity, always be ready to give an answer, pray to that end then watch and wait.
And that is this - "My life will be a witness". One day at work I delivered a package to a fellow worker (I worked for IBM at the time) and he said to me "what is it with you? You seem so free!" I then had an opportunity to witness (Ya, company time - but I was salaried and they took advantage of my status
And at that time in my life I was going door to door and doing street preaching, passing out tracts, etc..
As for failures, you never know, NEVER, in fact there are no failures when you speak as an ambassador for Christ... One plants, another waters and God gives the increase.
One fellow who the pastor and I visited (His kids came to Pioneers) and witnessed to got angry and chased us out of his house with a meat clever (He was chopping up chickens) only to be saved later and eventually become an officer in the church after many more visits (carefully of course
Don't give up, always look for opportunity, always be ready to give an answer, pray to that end then watch and wait.