I did give you an approximate date. I said 1860's. Looking it up it was 1869.
A state cannot leave the Union. The Confederate states claimed to have done so, but they did not.
The Articles of Confederation established a perpetual union between the states. The Constitution, when implemented, only strengthened and perfected this relationship. (Per the SCOTUS....not me....I still never liked Texas).
But bless your heart. You are living in a fantasy world. Make your little plans for a Texit and see how far it gets you![]()
Yes you gave approximate because you were scared to give the actual. I understand. Someone else did it for you.
Who says a state cannot leave the Union? You?
If the Confederate States did not leave the Union then why were thy told they could not be reinstated to Union unless they voted correctly for the 13th and 14th amendment?
That so called perpetual union was thrown out the window. Where is the union described as perpetual in the Constitution of 1787?
You don't like Texas?....just breaks my heart. Have any more good news?
Texas doesn't need the U.S. So why shouldn't the U.S. let us go? As I said, "When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands...." Can't get any more American than that. Correct?
Which means if you oppose that, just how 'American' are you?