Dr. Walter
New Member
See you don't even articulate what it is being said. Lets look Wrong. Works do not save. I've said that time and again. I've also said works are the expression of faith.
Look, you are not saying they are merely an "expression" of faith! You are saying they are a NECESSARY and INSEPARABLE expression of faith and therefore essential to true salvation as you go on to argue that their absence to SOME DEGREE invalidates salvation altogether.
The problem you have as I see it, is that you cannot distinguish between "faith" and what actually justifies a person! Faith does not justify anyone and neither does works justify anyone. Demons have faith but they are not justified by it. It is the object of faith that justifies and it is a completed action of justification because it is based SOLELY upon the works of Jesus Christ IN OUR BEHALF. Hence, your works cannot improve it or disprove it they can only express it or fail to express it. In Lot's case they failed to express it. In I Cor. 3:11-15 they completely fail to express it, but the person is saved nevertheless.
You are stuck in the single point and time which you believed on Jesus. I'm speaking of beyond that time. You're stuck with a person becoming regenerate. I'm speaking after regeneration has occured. Big difference. And a different situation.
Yes! Because you cannot confuse justification with sanctification as they are two distinct and separates ideas concerned with two distinct and separate aspects of salvation IN GENERAL. The former has to do with your position before God which secures entrance into heaven while the lattter has to do with your progressive condition and what secures present blessings, usefulness and reward in heaven. Quite a difference.
You keep wanting to talk about that one point and time. I'm discussing once you are firmly in the salvation camp.
You do not believe anyone is "firmly" in the salvation camp because you believe works ultimately determine that not justification and therefore some that were "in" can be ultimately be lost not due to justification but due to works. Hence, you confuse justification with sanctification.
You're still talking about getting there to begin with. Sure, but thats up to God to decide.
No, I am talking about what secures you there for eternity and God has already decided that the beleiver cannot come into any future judgement in regard to eternal life or death (Jn. 5:24). You are talking about the IMPERFECT manner in which all true believers live. NEVER sinless, always sinful to some degree at some times more than other times. Works do not always manifest the spiritual condition of a professor as those in matthew 7:21-23 were FULL OF GOOD WORKS performed in the name of Jesus but were lost. They were lost, because their foundation was a MIXTURE of faith plus works rather than the solid rock of the sinlessness works of Jesus Christ (Mt. 5:20,48) as this is "the will of the Father in heaven" (Jn. 6:37-40).
I just know as it is stated in scripture if your not expressing your faith your faith isn't faith its a dead belief.
Certainly, but your justification is not obtained IN FAITH expressed or unexpressed by works but IN CHRIST and his completed propitiation.
You make the distinction of human observation. Scripture does not. James never once uses the terms Human Observation nor does he argue from it.
You need to go back and reread James 2:14-18 as the whole discussion is human observation and he specifically uses the words "shew you" versus "shew me" and a man may "say...to me." His very illustration of a poor person asking for food is a point of human observation.