Paul repudiates Rome's spin on baptism in Romans 4:11 and I would love for you to challenge me on that statement.
In Romans 4:1-11 Paul systematically repudiates the whole sacramental system of Roman Catholicism.
1. Abraham a PRE-JEWISH illustration is used so that none can challenge the use of the phrase "deeds" or "works of the law" to have refernce to Moses or Jewishism espeically the term "works" as used in Romans 4:1-6 as that term refers to Abraham's own deeds 430 years before Moses.
2. Circumcision is clearly and explicitly denied to play any role in conveying justifying grace as Paul explicitly and clearly and unambiguously demands that justifying grace; justifying faith "had" already been accomplished "in uncircumcision" and "NOT IN CIRCUMCISION.
3. Roman's CCC explicitly and clearly and unambiguously demands that baptism in regard to its sacramental value as a "sign" and "seal" is parallel with not only "circumcision" but other Old Testament ordinances.
4. Paul admits that circucmison is a "sign" and "seal" of justification but that it played absolutely no part with actual justifying grace but justification by faith was received "NOT IN CIRCUMCISION" so that the same principle of justification by faith would be standardized with those who were circumcised or uncircumcised as circumcision had no part to play in obtaining justufication.
5. So "sign" and "seal" cannot mean the actual conveyance of what is signified as that was conveyed BEFORE circumcision. Hence, ordinances are "signs" and "seals" in that they only convey a PICTURE or SYMBOLISM of what was already "had" before submitting to the ordinance.
6. Hence, the issue is not whether ordinances convey saving grace but HOW they do it! They do it SYMBOLICALLY as a "sign" and "seal" of what was already "had" previous to submission to the ordinance as in the case of Abraham "IN UNCIRUCMCISION."