I shouldn't have to explain the difference between the two, but I will. Consider. Suppose I had a flat tire on the way to the retreat I preached at last week. However, suppose that having to change my tire prevented me from being involved in a tunnel collapse. Thus God has protected me through natural means and circumstances. This is God's providence.
Providence.....of the sort you describe is "miraculous" as well. I think you are quite mixed up here. Unless you are going to assign the flat tire to "sheer dumb luck", than it is miraculous that God (having perfect Omniscience) allowed/caused your tire to go flat at precisely the time necessary for you to avoid that collapsed tunnel. If you're going to credit and thank God for it at all, you are thanking him for what is essentially a "miracle".
A miracle, on the other hand, is when God reaches down into the natural world and works against nature. When Jesus did His many wonderful miracles, He accomplished things that were impossible humanly speaking: walking on water, healing leprosy, casting out demons. Miracles are impossible to us humans.
Having or causing that flat tire in just such a way due to a perfect foreknowledge that just such an event would save your life
IS ALSO impossible for humans. Perhaps you knew perfectly well that your tire needed to be changed the week before, and
in lieu of doing so....God simply allowed so many distractions or important things to come up in your life that you failed to get around to it until such time as the tire "naturally" went flat on it's own? How do you know which things God might have caused or done in your circumstances and those surrounding you to guarantee that your tire would go flat at that moment? Wouldn't it have been "miraculous" for that particular carpenter to have failed to properly secure that box of nails in the back of his truck 30 mins. prior to your having run into it?
When God helped me to find the errors in my translation last week, He did not do it with a miracle.
If he indeed "helped" you...it was miraculous.
I didn't see the words magically rearrange themselves on the page. I had no vision. God did not write on the wall as He did for Daniel. He worked providentially, without miracles. Now do you understand?
Arguably...the parting of the Red Sea was a miracle...but the waters didn't "magically" just decide to part and create walls on either side. There were actually PHYSICAL causes which took an over-night to make it occur.
Exd 14:21 ¶ And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go [back]by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry [land], and the waters were divided. Since the waters didn't just "magically" and instantly rearrange themselves without an external (and quite natural force of nature) was it simply "providential" and not miraculous?
What caused the fountains of the deep to break open and cause the flood? Is it possible that in God's providence....the Earth simply had a certain pressure build up such that God knew
perfectly and
precisely when they would break open and cause the flood? Those forces could have been perfectly "natural" and only the fact that God's perfect plan was already Omnisciently set in motion makes it a "miracle".
Now do you understand?