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The doctrine of the Trinity

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The Biblicist

Well-Known Member
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Here are some scientists and theologians you can call stupid and dummies.

"In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (Matter)" - Genesis 1:1

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: - Rom. 1:20

The Tri-Universe
by Henry Morris, Ph.D.

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In a previous Back to Genesis article, "The Wonderful Truth of the Trinity" (Acts & Facts, November 2005), the Biblical doctrine of the tri-une God (or Trinity) was briefly expounded in terms of some of the key verses of Scripture teaching it. A comprehensive treatment was obviously impossible in three pages (entire books have been written on this subject), but at least the essential truth was presented, namely that the God of Creation is one God, in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

This is arguably the most important doctrine of Christianity—certainly the most distinctive. This does not mean that there are three Gods; there is only one God who created Heaven and Earth and everything in them. The term "God" as used in the Bible most commonly refers to the Father, but the Son and the Holy Spirit are each also recognized as God. This concept is so difficult for many to accept that some have argued that the three divine Persons are not really three distinct individuals but merely three modes in which the one God can express Himself as occasion demands.

But this also is a false invention. There are many accounts of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit speaking to each other, for example. The doctrine of the Trinity is admittedly difficult (in fact impossible) to comprehend fully with our minds, but it is taught so definitely in God's Word that we believe it with our hearts.

Skeptics can deride the Trinity doctrine as mathematically impossible. One plus One plus One does not equal One, but three. Nevertheless, the Bible reveals God to be a Trinity—one God in three Persons. Are we naïve and credulous to believe such a thing?

Well, not really. It is also a remarkable fact that the divine Trinity, the tri-une God, has created a great universe which is itself a trinity, with each of its three components also structured as trinities. This would not necessarily prove that God is a Trinity, but it is a fact that needs explanation. Could God have created it as a model (or type, or analogy) that would help people understand His own Nature, at least in some degree?

Consider: The created universe is actually a tri-universe of Space, Matter, and Time, each permeating and representing the whole. However, the universe is not partly composed of space, partly of matter, and partly of time (like, for example, the three sides of a triangle). A trinity is not a trio or a triad, but a tri-unity, with each part comprising the whole, yet all three required to make the whole. Thus, the universe is all Space, all Time, and all Matter (including energy as a form of matter); in fact, many scientists speak of it as a Space-Matter-Time continuum.

Furthermore, note the parallels between the divine trinity and the tri-universe in terms of the logical order of its three components. Space is the invisible, omnipresent background of everything in the universe. Matter-and-Energy reveal the reality of the universe. Time makes the universe understandable in the events occurring in it. Note that exactly the same sentence will apply if the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit replace the words, Space, Matter, and Time.

Space itself is also a tri-unity, comprised of three dimensions, with each dimension permeating all space. The reality of any portion of space is obtained by multiplying the three dimensions together (the "mathematics of the Trinity" is not 1+1+1=1, but rather 1x1x1=1). Further, Space is identified in the first dimension seen in the second dimension, experienced in the third dimension. The same sentence could be used with Father, Son, and Spirit replacing first, second, and third dimensions.

Similarly, Time is future, present, and past. The future is the unseen source of time, manifest moment-by-moment in the present and understood in the past. Again substitute Father, Son, and Spirit.

Finally, Matter is unseen, omnipresent Energy, manifesting itself in various forms of measurable motion, then experienced in corresponding phenomena. For example, light energy generates light waves, which are experienced in the seeing of light. Sound energy generates sound waves which we experience when we hear sound.

Thus, the physical universe is a great "trinity of trinities," with the inner relationships of each element modeling the relationships of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All of this (as cautioned above) does not prove that God is a Trinity, but it certainly is a remarkable fact. It is an amazing effect, which can at least seemingly be explained on the assumption that God is a tri-une God, and has made His creation to reflect Himself. In fact it is very hard to explain any other way.

The above several paragraphs have been quoted mostly from the footnotes supporting Romans 1:20 in The Defender's Study Bible. So far as I know, however, this striking analogy was first recognized by Dr. Nathan H. Wood, former president of Gordon College in his book The Secret of the Universe (Warwick Press, 1932), which included a very laudatory Foreword by Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, one of the greatest British Bible teachers of the early twentieth century. This book was also reprinted by Kregel in 1978, under the title The Trinity in the Universe.

It is therefore a fact that the physical universe is a great trinity of trinities. But how about the universe of life? Many expositors have called attention to the fact that each person is a trinity of body, soul, and spirit. Each of these entities is real and distinct, yet each involves the whole person. The prayer of Paul, in one of his first epistles was this: "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it" (I Thessalonians 5:23-24).

CONTINUED - http://www.icr.org/article/2590/321/

I am sure the arm chair scientists on this forum are far more qualified than Dr. Henry Morris to speak on scientific matters. Let them call him uneducated and over his head!!!!!!
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The Biblicist

Well-Known Member
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Here are some scientists and theologians you can call stupid and dummies.

"In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (Matter)" - Genesis 1:1

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: - Rom. 1:20

The Tri-Universe
By Henry Morris PhD.

continued -

The "soul" is that part of the person that is the actual "life" that energizes the "body," which then is the material component that others can see and hear and touch. The classic Old Testament verse relating these two is Leviticus 17:11: ". . . the life of the flesh is in the blood." The Hebrew word for "life" in this verse is the same word as for "soul," and scientists have known for many years that it is the blood's circulation throughout the body that maintains life in the body.

The body's "spirit," on the other hand, is the body's "breath," and this also is essential for maintaining its life (the Hebrew word for "breath" and its New Testament Greek equivalent are each used also for "spirit"). It is sometimes hard to differentiate between soul and spirit for this reason, but the fact that they are different is confirmed especially in Hebrews 4:12, which says that "the word of God is quick, [that is, alive] and powerful [that is, energizing], and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, . . ."

The "spirit" is more than merely the "breath" of the body, however, for the person's spirit somehow is also that entity which partakes of the very image of God. When the first man was yet an inert body formed of the dust of the ground, God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7). Thus "God created man in His own image" (Genesis 1:27). The breath of God thereby became the image of God implanted in man's body of dust and his living soul.

The analogy with the tri-unity of God is fairly obvious. The soul is the life of the body, unseen and intangible but nevertheless the very basis of the person's existence and actions; the body then is the visible and tangible manifestation of the soul. Furthermore the spirit of the person is (like the soul) invisible and intangible but very real in its capacity to interact intelligibly with others, especially with God, including also the ability to make moral and esthetic judgments.

Now animals also possess soul (that is life), body, and spirit (in the sense of breath). They also in a very limited sense seem able to interact with other animals and even human beings on more than a mere instinctive level; however, they cannot, so far as we know, comprehend moral, or spiritual concepts.

To what extent, if any, this animal tri-unity correlated with that of humans in the beginning we do not know. In any case, the entrance of sin and death into the world made drastic changes. Now there is a vast difference. Death comes to both men and animals, and "all turn to dust again." But then it is "the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth" while the spirit of man and "shall return unto God who gave it" (Ecclesiastes 3:20-21; 12:7), consistently with Paul's prayer noted above.

In any case, we can infer that both human life and animal life are actually trinities (three components in the logical trinitarian order with each also pervading the whole). However, the human tri-unity will be restored to live forever whereas animals (body, life, breath) will not. Only men and women are in the image of the eternal God.

Thus, there is a remarkable tri-unity pervading the physical universe, and also one throughout the biological creation. Neither one is perfect, of course. No model can ever be perfect when the original is God Himself. But they are each real trinities. Each unit is distinctive with its own function, and yet all three are necessary components of the whole, and each pervades the whole.

These trinities pervading the creation may not be perfect reflections of the Creator. But they are good and realistic models of the tri-une God who made them.

It would seem there must be some good explanation for this remarkable fact other than coincidence. A plausible explanation would surely seem to be that they were deliberately created by God to help us understand, in at least some small degree, His own tri-une nature - http://www.icr.org/article/2590/321/

I am sure the arm chair scientists on this forum are far more qualified than Dr. Henry Morris to speak on scientific matters. Let them call him uneducated and over his head!!!!!!
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The Biblicist

Well-Known Member
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Here are some scientists and theologians you can call stupid and dummies.

"In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (Matter)" - Genesis 1:1

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: - Rom. 1:20


BlueBar gif

(The Outer Universe – A Summary)

Why is the universe what it is? What is its structure? What is the equation of the universe? Does the cause explain the structure and the structure confirm the cause?

It is not enough to say that all things evolved into their present form out of some previous simpler form. For if they did evolve, why did they evolve into this particular order and not intosomething quiet different. In our human minds we can't begin to reach out to the never-ending infinities of universes and realize what it means that some star is millions of light years away. Nor can we grasp the inward infinities of the atom and understand that the electron moves in an orbit around the proton a quadrillion times a second. Our minds aren't geared to the infinite. Besides, would it profit us to grasp the vast nebula and the atom and starve or freeze to death?

Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork.”Paul said in Romans 1:20; "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead." This Is The KEY: To find the structure of the physical universe we need but simplify and look at the basic things, which form the universal structure. Having an understanding of the physical universe, we will be able to have a better understanding of the creator of that universe and prove Him, for the physical universe is a mirror which reflects upon its creator much as a picture reflects upon its painter.

The first and most basic thing in the universe is SPACE for without it there could be no physical universe. Space is made up of three independent directions or dimensions; length, breath, and height. Nothing that man sees or makes orknows of consists of more than or less than 3dimensions.

Are these three directions an absolute, necessary three? Yes. Have you ever seen a 2 dimensional house, or one of 4dimensions? Elementary space is exactly and always of 3dimensions. No one of these 3can possibly be either of the others and on the other hand no one of the 3 can exist without the others? Why? Let ustake away height. Length and breath now become aplane surface, which is purely imaginary. It does not existent, in the world of actual and real things, therefore the other 2 dimensions become imaginary and non-existent. To give existence to any one, all three are necessary.

Is space also a genuine oneness? The kind in which each must be the whole? Let us consider length for a moment: There are in space an infinite number of parallel lines all running forward and back. All the possible points in space are contained in those parallel forward and back lines. Therefore the direction called length includes all of space. Every point in breath and height are included in its length. So, length is in a sense the whole of space.

Space itself does not exist unless it has all three. Length, breadth and height, in one space. Yet the three are one in that kind of absolute oneness in which each is not a part of space, but the whole of space. They are an absolute unity much like the Triunity of Scripture, where each 1 of the 3 is not a part of God, but rather each one is God.

Next to space is MATTER. It is that which fills and embodies it and gives us all the phenomena of the physical universe. According to modern chemistry and physics, the first, and basic ingredient to matter is energy or as Einstein said, "mass multiplied by the square of the velocity." This is not what energy is but how we measure energy. Energy is not the result of the multiplication of mass by its velocity; rather the energy is itself the cause. Velocity is a result, a manifestation of energy. The second thing in matter, which grows out of energy and embodies it, is motion. Third, are the infinite variations and complexities of motion into which motion differentiates itself, giving us recognizable phenomena as light, color, sound and heat. We call them phenomena.

Are energy, motion and phenomena distinct from one another? First of all the three span theentire range of matter, from the energy it begins as to the phenomena which strikes our senses. Let us compare the three and see if they are distinct from each other.

Is energy the same as motion? No, energy is the source, the cause of motion. It passes into Motion but is not itself motion. Motion embodies energy, contains energy but isn’t the same as energy. Energy issues through motion, in phenomena, but is always unseen and isn't the same as phenomena which is visible, audible and tangible. Can any of these three, exist without the other two, or any two exist without the third? Is it an absolute threeness of no more or less than three? It seems to be so. While energy is not dependent upon motion -as its cause, it cannot exist without begetting motion and through motion, phenomena. If energy never begets motion, it isn't energy, for such is the nature of energy. Motion cannot, exist without energy in back of it. Neither can motion take place without phenomena inevitably issuing from it. Motion also can hardly be motion without being a definite kind of motion, meaning phenomena. Phenomena naturally cannot exist without motion. So it is self evident that no 2 can exist without the third.

Is matter also an absolute oneness in which each is the whole? The physical universe consists entirely of phenomena. Everything we have seen, heard, felt, or smelt, we find by oursenses. These phenomena are nothing more than the impact of various kinds of motion on our senses. So the material universe consists entirely of motion appearing to us as phenomena. Also; we know that motion consists entirely of energy at work. Therefore, the material universe consists entirely of energy.

Matter then, is the same extraordinary oneness and threeness that is found in the spiritual Triunity presented by the Bible as being God.

Then are energy, motion, and phenomena three modes of being? How do they compare with absolute unity?We cannot say that the physical universe acts through energy, motion and phenomena, but- itself exists apart from them. They are not the things it does but three things, which it is. Therefore, they are 3 modes o£ beings, just as much as 3 dimensions in space or the triunity of scripture.

A further examination of these three bring out relationships of rich content. The logical order of the three are:

I. Energy first, motion second, and phenomena third. This is the absolute casual order in matter.

a. Energy is the source. It begets and embodies itself in motion, perpetually. It works and acts through motion.

b. Motion is the embodiment of energy. It makes energy operative in the physical universe. It acts; it carries out and executes the possibilities of motion. Energy acts, but it acts entirely through motion, whether light, heat or sound or anything else that makes up the physical universe.

c. Phenomena proceeds from motion. They do not embody motion but proceed from energy through motion. They reveal and interpret motion. They are the medium by which motion touches using the physical world.

- Continued

The Biblicist

Well-Known Member
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Here are some scientists and theologians you can call stupid and dummies.

Continued -

The Secrets of the Universe​

What a remarkable parallel with the triunity of scripture.

II. The Father is represented as first, the Son as second, and the Holy Spirit as third, in a logical, casual order.

a. The Father is the-Source and begets the Son, perpetually. He embodies Himself in the Son and works and acts through the Son.

b. The Son is the. physical embodiment of the Father. He carries out and executes the plans and potentialities of the Father. The Son acts. Indeed, the Father acts, but he primarily acts through the Son, whether in creating, living, dying, rising or judging.

c. The Holy Spirit "proceeds" from the Son. He doesn't embody the Son, as the Son embodies the Father. He is represented as a personal mediumthrough whom the Son touches human beings. He reveals and interprets the, Son. He proceeds from the Father through the Son.

Like space, matter is an absolute trinity, by every test of threeness and of oneness and in all these characteristics and relationships like the Triunity of scripture.

The third and last great element in the physical universe is TIME, which is made up of past, present and future.

Is time also an absolute threeness, no more or less, in which no two can exist without the third? It seems self-evident that time has never had more or less than these three distinct parts. But,can time exist without any one of the three? Lets see. If, there is nopast, then time has never existed until this instant and in amoment this instant will be non-existent. If there isno present then time has never existed at any moment. If there is nofuture, time ceases now, and in fact ceased long ago. So, we see that it is an absolute threeness.

Is time also an absolute oneness in which each is not a part but the whole of time? First, all of time is or has been future. It is all that is now past, present and yet to come. The present is allthat is now past, the present and will be all that is future at one time. All of time is or will become past. So each is an absolute triunity. Is this triune time three modes of being? Yes. Past, present and future are 3things which time is, not 3 things which it does. They are the nature of time.

Before proceeding let us summarize. First, there was space, the simple essential triunity. Then, Matter, a richer and fuller triunity, as absolute as the personal triunity of scripture, yet no more truine than Space. Now, we have time, which is no more a triunity than either of the other two, but we will find that it has yet more relationships and characteristics within itself. Of the 3 primal things in the physical universe it is the nearest to spirit and is almost as much a thing of the spirit as of the material. The following analysis will touch untrodden realms, from which the mind may shrink, but hopefully will accept as reality.

How does time exist and what is its source? Moralists, poets and scientists carelessly speak of time as a stream flowing out of the past. But no, time comes out of the future and flows into the past. We have but to take any specific point in time and trace its course thru time to see this self-evident fact. Consider what we call today. It was once next year, far into the future. Then it was next month, near future; then-tomorrow, immediate future. Then it became today. It will soon become yesterday, immediate past; then last month, near past; then last year; distant past. Never has time come out of the past and gone into the future.

We get the misconception of timebecause man’s history comes into the present out of the past. The human race passes from past through the present into the future. So we have thought that time does the same, but it comes out of the future and the two continually meet, instant, by instant. That is why the present is always instantaneous; because we do not go with it but meet it.

Pay close attention to-the next few, paragraphs:

The FUTURE is the source. The FUTURE is unseen, unknown, except as it continually embodies itself and makes itself visible in the PRESENT. The PRESENT is what we see, and hear, and know. It is ceaselessly embodying the FUTURE day-by-day, hour-by-hour, moment-by-moment. Itis, perpetually revealing the FUTURE, hitherto invisible.

The FUTURE is logically first, but not chronologically. For the PRESENT exists as long as TIME exists, and was in the absolute beginning of TIME. The Present has existed as long as TIME has existed. TIME acts through and in the PRESENT. It makes ITSELF visible only in the PRESENT. The FUTURE acts, and reveals ITSELF through the PRESENT. Itis through the PRESENT that TIME, that the FUTURE, enters into union with human life. TIME and humanity meetand unite in the PRESENT. It is- in the PRESENT that TINE, that the FUTURE becomes a part of human life, and so is born and lives and dies in human life.

The PAST in turn comes from the PRESENT. We cannot say that it embodies the PRESENT. On the contrary, TIME in issuing from the PRESENT into the PAST becomes invisible again. The PAST does not embody the PRESENT. Rather IT proceeds silently, endlessly, invisibly from IT.

But the PRESENT is not the source of the PAST, which proceeds from it. The FUTURE is the source of-both the PRESENT and the PAST. The PAST issues in endless, invisible procession from the PRESENT, but, back of that, from the FUTURE out of which the PRESENT COMES.

The PAST issues, IT proceeds, from the FUTURE through the PRESENT.

The PRESENT therefore comes out from the invisible FUTURE. The PRESENT perpetually and ever newly embodies the FUTURE in visible, audible, livable form; and returns again into invisible TIME in the PAST.

The PAST acts invisibly. IT continually influences us with regard to the PRESENT. IT casts light uponthe PRESENT. That is IT'S great function. IT helps us to live in the PRESENT, which we know, and with reference to the FUTURE, which we expect to see.

- http://www.hissheep.org/messages/secrets_of_the_universe.html

The Biblicist

Well-Known Member
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Here are some scientists and theologians you can call stupid and dummies.

"In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (Matter)" - Genesis 1:1

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: - Rom. 1:20

Continued -

The Secrets of the Universe​

If that sounds remarkable, it isn't half as remarkable as what we are now going to do. Let's take this setting-forth of all we know to be the relations of the Future, Present and Past and to read it without change, substituting the words God for Time, Father for Future, Son for Present, and Spirit for Past. We will then have an exact description of the relations between Father, Son, and Spirit as presented in scripture.

The FATHER is the source. The Father is unseen, unknown, except as He continually embodies Himself and makes Himself visible in the Son. The Son is what we see, hear and know. HE is ceaselessly, embodying the FATHER day-by-day, hour-by-hour, moment-by-moment. HE is perpetually revealing the FATHER, hitherto invisible.

The FATHER is logically first, but not chronologically. For the SON exists as long as GOD exists, and was in the absolute beginning of GOD. The SON has existed as long as GOD has existed. GOD acts through and in the SON. HE makes HIMSELF visible only in the SON. The FATHER acts, and reveals HIMSELF, through the SON. It is through the SON that GOD, that the FATHER enters into union with human life. GOD and humanity meet and unite in the SON. It is in the SON that GOD, that the FATHER becomes a hart of human life, and so is born and lives and dies in human life.

The SPIRIT in turn comes from the SON. We cannot say that HE embodies the SON. On the contrary, GOD in issuing from the SON into the SPIRIT becomes invisible again. The SPIRIT does not embody The SON. Rather HE proceeds silently, endlessly, invisibly from HIM.

But the SON is not the source of the SPIRIT, which proceeds from HIM. The FATHER is the source of both the SON and the SPIRIT. The SPIRIT issues in endless, invisible procession from the SON, but back of that, from the FATHER out of which the SON comes.

The SPIRIT issues, HE proceeds, from the FATHER through the SON.

The SON therefore comes out from the invisible FATHER, The SON perpetually and ever-newly embodies the FATHER in visible, audible, Livable form; and returns again into invisible GOD in the SPIRIT.

The SPIRIT acts Invisibly. HE continually influences us with regard to the SON. HE casts light upon the SON. That is HIS great function. HE helps us to live in the SON, which we know, and with reference to the FATHER, which we expect to see.

This is more than likeness. It is identity, not of substance, but of principle. Analogy falls far short of describing such exact repetition of detail arid intricate relationship. It is the same principle in terms of God in the Bible, and time in the world. This is a time universe, and time is exactly like the triunity of Father, Son and. Holy Spirit.

Can there be any doubt in our minds that "The heavens declare the glory of God;" or that "the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead."

The Triunity of the physical world presents the same triune structure in every point as that of the triune God inscripture. They are the same, just as the image of yourself in the mirror is exactly the same in form, color and movement, but not in terms of flesh and blood and spirit, but of glass and quicksilver and light. In every point the same triune structure, the one being God and the other the universe which reflects God. A11 this brings up two self-evident conclusions.

1. The Triunity shown in the, Bible manifestly, presents a vast and adequate reason for the triune structure of the physical universe.

The physical universe is essentially like its: creator and declares that the creation reflects the creator.

2. The fabric of space, matter and time presents a universal and exact confirmation of that triunity in God.

The universe reflects its God and thereby attests that Biblical Trinity which it so completely reflects. It also means that in its triunity, the physical universe brings to us its strongest proof of the existence of God. The triunity of the universe, paralleling that of-God, with all its relationships, with such accuracy, fullness of reflection and precision are impossible without God. By this we can recognize His existence with great clearness, from His world, whether we call it His reflection or creative impress left on the world or His visible vesture revealing His moving presence in the world. - http://www.hissheep.org/messages/secrets_of_the_universe.html

The Biblicist

Well-Known Member
Site Supporter


Here are some scientists and theologians you can call stupid and dummies.

"In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (Matter)" - Genesis 1:1

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: - Rom. 1:20

The Wonderful Truth of the Trinity​
by Henry Morris, Ph.D.​

But it seems that God Himself has made such a model. "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead" (Romans 1:20). This is the second mention of "Godhead."

That is, the creation itself can be seen as a model of the three-in-one Godhead. This remarkable fact cannot be discussed in the limited space here, but will be elaborated in more detail in the Back to Genesis section of the December issue of Acts & Facts.

The physical universe is, in a very real sense, a trinity of trinities. Also, in a certain sense, human life is a trinity of body, soul, and spirit.

In fact, tri-unity in various ways is often seen in the creation (but note that a "trinity" is not an entity composed of three individual parts, like the sides of a triangle, but rather an entity of three parts, each of which is the whole).

Thus, although no man could ever model the Godhead, God has seemingly done this in His creation. But then the third mention of the Godhead is given in Colossians 2:9. "For in [Christ] dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." Thus, the Lord Jesus can say to His disciples: "...he that hath seen me hath seen the Father" (John 14:9), for He Himself is "the image of the invisible God" (Colossians 1:15).

We can close with one more Biblical mention of the Trinity: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all" (II Corinthians 13:14). - http://www.icr.org/article/2494/


I am sure the arm chair scientists on this forum are far more qualified than Dr. Henry Morris to speak on scientific matters. Let them call him uneducated and over his head!!!!!!

OF COURSE NO CREATED MODEL OF THE TRINITY IS GOING TO PERFECTLY REFLECT THE TRIUNE NATURE OF GOD because God is one of a kind and these are mostly materialistic in nature. However, creation provides more than sufficient trinune models for man to clearly perceive that a Triune God is reasonable, even if full comprehension is above are level of understanding. We don't understand how God can speak something into existence out of nothing, but the Word of God provides sufficient information for faith to grasp that He did (heb. 11:4). Likewise, natural creation provides an abundance of triune models including the very Tri-Universe sufficiently for faith to grasp the truth of Triune God
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Well-Known Member
Here are some scientists and theologians you can call stupid and dummies.

"In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (Matter)" - Genesis 1:1

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: - Rom. 1:20

I would simply note that you are the only one in the exchange of posts that has used the words stupid or dummy. I said you were in over your head and you are. That has nothing to do with your intelligence or lack of!


Well-Known Member

I am familiar with the Institute for Creation Research and have been for 40 or more years. I had the opportunity to meet Henry Morris at Virginia Tech while I taught there. I note that you got your definition of matter from his writing. Good of you to finally post the source. Morris states:

Finally, Matter is unseen, omnipresent Energy, manifesting itself in various forms of measurable motion, then experienced in corresponding phenomena. For example, light energy generates light waves, which are experienced in the seeing of light. Sound energy generates sound waves which we experience when we hear sound.

Dr. Morris was a very intelligent and capable Christian. I admire him greatly for his work in Creation Science. However I believe his definition of matter above is faulty. Light energy and sound energy cannot be converted into matter [mass occupying space]. Matter can be converted into energy but insofar as I know energy has never been converted into mass since creation. So Dr. Morris is not infallible.

Dr. Morris also has an incorrect view of the incarnation. Dr. Morris wrongly teaches that a completely new human nature was created for Jesus Christ {page 134f, The Modern Creation Trilogy, Volume 1, by Henry and John Morris}. If this were true He would not be the seed of Abraham, the seed of David, or the seed of woman, Mary and is, therefore, directly contrary to Scripture. Martin Lloyd-Jones also clearly refutes this error by Morris and others in his book God the Father, God the Son, page 259ff.
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Well-Known Member
Would you please expound on what you mean when you said "Christ emptied Himself of His external glory of God?"

I've a Dake's Annotated study bible, and he used the term "emptied Himself". I am not Dake-ite, just have his study bible, and I am not sure I can go along with this, as to how I understand it. But please expound. Thanks.

I use the words "laid aside" rather than emptied himself. Scripture teaches that mortal man cannot look upon the glory of God and live, therefore God the Word had to lay aside His Glory in the incarnation.

Shhhh! This is just for you Willis:

I am not into book burning but if, God forbid, I had a Dake I would put it where no one could ever find it.


Well-Known Member
Things are not always as simple as folks think.

1Timothy 6:16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

Revelation 15:3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.

One of the most startling discoveries over the 20th century was how many elementary particles that exist in the universe. Though the concept of fundamental, indivisible particles goes back to the ancient Greeks (a concept known as atomism), it wasn't really until the 1900s that physicists began to explore what was going inside matter at the smallest levels.

In fact, quantum physics predicts that there are just 18 types of elementary particles (16 of which have been detected by experiment already). It is the goal of elementary particle physics to continue searching for the remaining particles.

The Standard Model of Particle Physics is at the core of modern physics. In this model, three of the four fundamental forces of physics are described, along with the particles that mediate these forces - gauge bosons. (Technically, gravity isn't included in the Standard Model, though theoretical physicists are working to extend the model to include a quantum theory of gravity.)
Groups of Particles

If there's one thing that particle physicists seem to enjoy, it's dividing up particles into groups. Here are a few of the groups which particles exist in:
Elementary Particles - The smallest constituents of matter and energy, these particles which don't seem to be made from combinations of smaller particles.

Fermions - Fermions are particle that have a particle spin equal to a half-integer value (-1/2, 1/2, 3/2, etc.). These particles make up the matter that we observe in our universe.

Quarks - A class of fermion. Quarks are the particles that make up hadrons, such as protons and neutrons. There are 6 distinct types of quarks:
Up Quark
Charm Quark
Top Quark
Down Quark
Strange Quark
Bottom Quark​

Leptons - A class of fermion. There are 6 types of leptons:
Electron Neutrino
Muon Neutrino
Tau Neutrino​

Bosons - Bosons are particles that have a particle spin that is equal to an integer (1, 2, 3, etc.). These particles are what mediate the fundamental forces of physics under the quantum field theories.
W Boson
Z Boson
Higgs Boson - part of the Standard Model, but not yet detected experimentally
Graviton - theoretically predicted as part of quantum gravity, but not actually part of the Standard Model​

From: http://physics.about.com/od/atomsparticles/a/particles.htm


Active Member
Things are not always as simple as folks think.

1Timothy 6:16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

Revelation 15:3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.

Thanks for calling out your debater on using inappropriate adjectives of those he debates.

I think,(pretty sure) Higgs Boson particle was in fact "discovered" recently in experiments at the LHC. If memory serves me correctly, HB was theorized for a number of years, but only very recently was solid evidence encountered to validate the theory. HB is one of the more interesting particles to date. I think the theories suggest that HB plays a role in "giving" mass to other particles.

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The Biblicist

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I am familiar with the Institute for Creation Research and have been for 40 or more years. I had the opportunity to meet Henry Morris at Virginia Tech while I taught there. I note that you got your definition of matter from his writing. Good of you to finally post the source. Morris states:

Dr. Morris was a very intelligent and capable Christian. I admire him greatly for his work in Creation Science. However I believe his definition of matter above is faulty. Light energy and sound energy cannot be converted into matter [mass occupying space]. Matter can be converted into energy but insofar as I know energy has never been converted into mass since creation. So Dr. Morris is not infallible.

Dr. Morris also has an incorrect view of the incarnation. Dr. Morris wrongly teaches that a completely new human nature was created for Jesus Christ {page 134f, The Modern Creation Trilogy, Volume 1, by Henry and John Morris}. If this were true He would not be the seed of Abraham, the seed of David, or the seed of woman, Mary and is, therefore, directly contrary to Scripture. Martin Lloyd-Jones also clearly refutes this error by Morris and others in his book God the Father, God the Son, page 259ff.

Pathetic! :laugh: He is making the very same point I have made concerning Romans 1:20 in regard to the Tri-universe and all you can do is nit pick minor areas of disagreement and fault find. Pathetic!


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I challenge any naysayers to put my hypothesis to this simple test. Take a peice of chalk and draw a line on the chalk board. Now try to eliminate only one aspect of space (length, width, depth). Or better yet, try to only provide just one aspect of space on the chalkboard - draw simply width without depth or length - Try it! Notice that length never becomes width or depth. Notice that depth never becomes width or length. Notice that width never becomes depth or length. Distinctively Three but inseparably one.

If you cannot do it, then obviously space is a perfect analogy of a trinity as the whole depends on each aspect and each aspect depends on the whole - that is the concept of a trinity whether applied to science or to the doctrine of God in regard to the Divine Persons. One cannot exist apart from the other Two and the whole depends upon existence of one.
Your analogy still fails b/c you are speaking of 3 parts of the 1 whole. The persons of the godhead are not parts but fully and equally divine. All analogies fail b/c this is divinely revealed only in God's Word.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for calling out your debater on using inappropriate adjectives of those he debates.

I think,(pretty sure) Higgs Boson particle was in fact "discovered" recently in experiments at the LHC. If memory serves me correctly, HB was theorized for a number of years, but only very recently was solid evidence encountered to validate the theory. HB is one of the more interesting particles to date. I think the theories suggest that HB plays a role in "giving" mass to other particles.

I believe you are correct about the HB but I am just not sure.

The last few years I worked there was a young Dr. of Physics in our group and a fine young Christian. He and I used to speculate about all the sub-atomic particles that had been identified and wonder about the possible simplicity of Creation if the full truth were ever known. He wanted to college teach part time but could not find a part time position around here so took an opportunity to go to the Hanford Works at Richland, Washington. I thought his problem here was his Prince Valiant hair cut but really don't know. He was a brilliant young man and is teaching part time at a college out there. I believe one reason he wanted to teach was it gave opportunity to keep abreast of his field and stay proficient in the mathematics.

Depending on what you do in industry a lot of those skills simply fade away. I don't believe I could do simple Algebra now!


Active Member
I believe you are correct about the HB but I am just not sure.

The last few years I worked there was a young Dr. of Physics in our group and a fine young Christian. He and I used to speculate about all the sub-atomic particles that had been identified and wonder about the possible simplicity of Creation if the full truth were ever known. He wanted to college teach part time but could not find a part time position around here so took an opportunity to go to the Hanford Works at Richland, Washington. I thought his problem here was his Prince Valiant hair cut but really don't know. He was a brilliant young man and is teaching part time at a college out there. I believe one reason he wanted to teach was it gave opportunity to keep abreast of his field and stay proficient in the mathematics.

Depending on what you do in industry a lot of those skills simply fade away. I don't believe I could do simple Algebra now!

I understand the principle "if you don't use it, you lose it". I have been in charge of Transitional Courses (Developmental Math, English and Reading) consequently I have only taught courses recently up to the level of Pre-Calculus. My calculus, DE and Linear Algebra is quite rusty.

The Biblicist

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Your analogy still fails b/c you are speaking of 3 parts of the 1 whole. The persons of the godhead are not parts but fully and equally divine. All analogies fail b/c this is divinely revealed only in God's Word.

Time is one, and Past is time, present is time and future is time and all are the same in essence - time. Past is not less time than present or future. All are equally time and all are inseparably one as to destroy one is to destroy all.

God is one, and The Father is God, The Son is God and the Spirit is God, and are the same in essence - God. The Father is not less God than the Son or the Spirit. All are equally God and to deny one is to deny all.

Space is one, and length is space, width is space and depth is space and are are the same in essence - space. Length is as much equally space as depth and width are space. All are equally Space. And to deny one is to deny all.

God is one, and the Father is God, the Son is God and the Spirit is God, and all are the same in essence - God. The Father is not less God than the Son or the Spirit. All are equally God in essence.

But this is besides the point. No one is claiming that tri-universe is a perfect model for the uncreated Trinune God. What is being claimed is that the universe provides a sufficiently CLEAR TRIUNE MODEL that can be "CLEARLY SEEN" - Rom. 1:20.

You fella's for some reason are intent on NIT PICKING, and trying to deny what is obvious to all who are not educational idiots. The universe does provide Triune models so that the triune nature of God can be clearly seen in his handiwork. Romans 1:20 is not demanding a science degree but merely observation by the common man as he is referring to what is "CLEARLY SEEN" by common uneducated persons. There are scores of tri-une illustrations in nature.
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The Tri-Universe
By Henry Morris PhD.

continued -

The "soul" is that part of the person that is the actual "life" that energizes the "body," which then is the material component that others can see and hear and touch. The classic Old Testament verse relating these two is Leviticus 17:11: ". . . the life of the flesh is in the blood." The Hebrew word for "life" in this verse is the same word as for "soul," and scientists have known for many years that it is the blood's circulation throughout the body that maintains life in the body.

The body's "spirit," on the other hand, is the body's "breath," and this also is essential for maintaining its life (the Hebrew word for "breath" and its New Testament Greek equivalent are each used also for "spirit"). It is sometimes hard to differentiate between soul and spirit for this reason, but the fact that they are different is confirmed especially in Hebrews 4:12, which says that "the word of God is quick, [that is, alive] and powerful [that is, energizing], and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, . . ."

The "spirit" is more than merely the "breath" of the body, however, for the person's spirit somehow is also that entity which partakes of the very image of God. When the first man was yet an inert body formed of the dust of the ground, God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7). Thus "God created man in His own image" (Genesis 1:27). The breath of God thereby became the image of God implanted in man's body of dust and his living soul.

The analogy with the tri-unity of God is fairly obvious. The soul is the life of the body, unseen and intangible but nevertheless the very basis of the person's existence and actions; the body then is the visible and tangible manifestation of the soul. Furthermore the spirit of the person is (like the soul) invisible and intangible but very real in its capacity to interact intelligibly with others, especially with God, including also the ability to make moral and esthetic judgments.

Now animals also possess soul (that is life), body, and spirit (in the sense of breath). They also in a very limited sense seem able to interact with other animals and even human beings on more than a mere instinctive level; however, they cannot, so far as we know, comprehend moral, or spiritual concepts.

To what extent, if any, this animal tri-unity correlated with that of humans in the beginning we do not know. In any case, the entrance of sin and death into the world made drastic changes. Now there is a vast difference. Death comes to both men and animals, and "all turn to dust again." But then it is "the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth" while the spirit of man and "shall return unto God who gave it" (Ecclesiastes 3:20-21; 12:7), consistently with Paul's prayer noted above.

In any case, we can infer that both human life and animal life are actually trinities (three components in the logical trinitarian order with each also pervading the whole). However, the human tri-unity will be restored to live forever whereas animals (body, life, breath) will not. Only men and women are in the image of the eternal God.

Thus, there is a remarkable tri-unity pervading the physical universe, and also one throughout the biological creation. Neither one is perfect, of course. No model can ever be perfect when the original is God Himself. But they are each real trinities. Each unit is distinctive with its own function, and yet all three are necessary components of the whole, and each pervades the whole.

These trinities pervading the creation may not be perfect reflections of the Creator. But they are good and realistic models of the tri-une God who made them.

It would seem there must be some good explanation for this remarkable fact other than coincidence. A plausible explanation would surely seem to be that they were deliberately created by God to help us understand, in at least some small degree, His own tri-une nature - http://www.icr.org/article/2590/321/

I am sure the arm chair scientists on this forum are far more qualified than Dr. Henry Morris to speak on scientific matters. Let them call him uneducated and over his head!!!!!!

I personally believe it is the spirit life from God in the blood giving life to the cells of the flesh and making that one, a living soul.

Jesus commended his spirit unto the hands of the father. At that moment his soul was poured out unto death and the dead flesh of his body hung on the cross.

The spirit had gone to God who had given it.
The soul resided to Hades, the realm of dead souls, persons, for three days and three nights.
The dead flesh, body, hung on the cross for about three hours and then was laid in the tomb of Joseph.

The once living soul, Jesus of Nazareth, was dead for three days and three nights.

I Am. Living? Life? To Be?

I Will Be. The one who was dead yet now lives?

Tell them, I Will Be-come sent me?

A & O?


Active Member
Time is one, and Past is time, present is time and future is time and all are the same in essence - time. Past is not less time than present or future. All are equally time.

God is one, and The Father is God, The Son is God and the Spirit is God, and are the same in essence - God. The Father is not less God than the Son or the Spirit. All are equally God.

Space is one, and length is space, width is space and depth is space and are are the same in essence - space. Length is as much equally space as depth and width are space. All are equally Space.

God is one, and the Father is God, the Son is God and the Spirit is God, and all are the same in essence - God. The Father is not less God than the Son or the Spirit. All are equally God in essence.

But this is besides the point. No one is claiming that tri-universe is a perfect model for the uncreated Trinune God. What is being claimed is that the universe provides a sufficiently CLEAR TRIUNE MODEL that can be "CLEARLY SEEN" - Rom. 1:20.

You fella's for some reason are intent on NIT PICKING, and trying to deny what is obvious to all who are not educational idiots. The universe does provide Triune models so that the triune nature of God can be clearly seen in his handiwork.

Something so seemingly simple as your offered analogy of time is vastly more complex than you suggest. If you really wish to have a richer understanding of time I suggest:

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