By the numbers
1) 1 Corinthoians 2:14 says "the things" not "all the things" so what things might natural men understand?
Not the the things of the Spirit.
2) Spiritual milk, the fundamentals of the gospel are "the things" of the Spirit that men of flesh can understand as shown in
1 Corinthians 3:1.
No, they cannot. Paul is speaking to them as men of flesh, because they are spiritually immature. They are not "men of flesh", but "men of Spirit". They are new creatures in Christ ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 ).
3) Therefore scripture teaches here and elsewhere that "total spiritual inability" is bogus. The effort to change "the things" to "all the things" in 1 Cor. 2:14 does not reflect the context of
1 Corinthians 3:1.
There is no effort to change "the things" to "all the things". It is a clear effort to show you, by the text, that there are two sets of "things"..."the things of the Spirit" and "the things of man". The natural man only knows the things of man. The spiritual man knows the things of God, the things of the Spirit of God.
I've replied within the body of your quote above.
Respectfully, Van, the way I see it,
When you can do the same thing that I did and break down the Scriptures line by line to give the reader the chance to see how you arrive at your conclusions, then we will never get any farther than where we have in this thread.
I'm more than happy to get into the "nuts and bolts"...but it seems that if I ask you to do the same, you run from it.
I've nothing to hide from my brothers and sisters, sir.
Any one of them can ask me why I believe what I do from God's word, and I will be more than willing to take the Bible out, open it up, and expound any passage, verse by verse, in my own words ( and as closely as possible to the very words on the page ) to give them the opportunity to see why I understand it the way that I do.
Are you?
Not from what I've seen so far.
In addition, within the short time that I've been here on this forum this opportunity has been presented to both you and to
@Revmitchell ( please see
Choice: God or Man - exegete John 6:32-40 ) , and
neither of you has been willing to tackle that opportunity.
Frankly, I don't see why you are unwilling to do this, as it really isn't all that difficult if a believer has studied the Bible deeply, IMO.
The reward is definitely worth the effort.
It's also not like I'm trying to re-write Scripture, as you have accused me of here, Van:
Your effort to rewrite the verse to say Paul spoke to born anew believers who were "in the flesh" is nonsense.
To me, it's one thing for a person to twist it, and quite another for that person to
draw it out and expound it, bringing in support from other places in the Bible and "fleshing things out" for the reader to see.
Perhaps someday one or both of you will indulge me on this...
But then again, perhaps not.
For some reason, I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.
This is my final reply in this thread.
My apologies to the OP for the apparent hijack, but I feel that the teaching of 1 Corinthians 2:14 is closely related to the effect of "free will" on Scripture.
May God, in His kindness, bless all of you richly as you study His words.