There is no verse in the book of John that says the "elect" know His voice and they come to Him.
I agree, Mark.
There is no one,
all-inclusive verse that outright declares that the elect are the ones being spoken of there.
But I do know of a letter that develops who the elect are...Romans.
For example, in Romans chapter 8 we see that the elect in Romans 8:33 are the ones who cannot ever be separated from the love of God further down to verse 39.
In prior statements throughout the letter, they are the ones who are justified, glorified, called according to His purpose, predestinated, foreknown, and who love God ( Romans 8:28-30 ).
They are also the ones to whom the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation ( Romans 1:16 ).
The elect are the sheep, the sheep are the "whosoever believeth" from the heart ( see Romans 10:8-17 ).
In other letters, I see that the ones that endure to end shall be saved ( see Matthew 24:13 ), they are the ones who are convinced that the preaching of the cross is the power of God and not foolishness ( 1 Corinthians 1:18 ) and are given the Spirit specifically so that they may know the things that are freely given to them of God ( 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 ).
They are also the ones given to Him by His Father ( John 6:37-47, John 6:64-65, John 17:2 ), and are the ones who received Him
because they were not born of blood, nor of the will of their flesh, nor of the will of men...but they were born "of" ( by or from ) God ( John 1:12-13 ).
In addition, Christ's sheep are the ones chosen to be placed within His spiritual body, the church, from
before the foundation of the world ( Ephesians 1:4 ) and predestinated to their adoption as children ( Ephesians 1:5 ) at that point.
God's choice of them to salvation ( 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 ) was the first piece in a very complex and gracious process to bring the recipients of His love and mercy ( Romans 9:14-24,Titus 3:5-7 ) to Him in
this life.
Finally, they are the ones who hear God's word, because they are "of" God ( John 8:43-47 ).
After over two years of being on this site,
I'm still not entirely sure of what you see when you read the Bible for yourself on these matters;
But I clearly see that, when
I put all the pieces together with regard to
who believes and
who does not,
why they believe and
why they do not;
I can safely say that
the elect are the ones who have ears to hear ( Matthew 11:15 ), who were given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God ( Matthew 13:10-11 ) and who hear His voice and follow Him, not men ( John 10:27 )...
Because they were
given the privilege to believe in the behalf of Christ ( Philippians 1:29 ), not because of anything they were
directly responsible for.
Indirectly, perhaps, but not because they ever sought Him out of concern for their situation or condition prior to His work of grace in their hearts and minds.
God loved them even while they were dead in trespasses and sins, and saved them by His grace through their gift of faith...all the while being His workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus ( Ephesians 2:1-10 ).
I can also safely say that, according to Scripture, they are not of those in John 10:26...
Who do not believe
because they are
not "of" His sheep.
As always, may He bless you greatly in your continuing studies of His word.