Control involves a number of inter-related elements including some physical deterrents, surveillance systems, signage, etc.
Yep, already addressed that.
It also involves more effective things like immigration policies
Policies are intra-government. Laws are what affects and "supposed" to have force and effect in a relationship between the people and the government.
How much "more effective" ? Title 8 is full of immigration laws, alien laws, and similar application to foreigners. A law has NO EFFECT, if it is not enforced! How to not enforce a law? Ignore it!
that provide a strong guest worker program,
Why? Do we not have thousands of American's on the welfare doles, that do not work?
Quotas pertaining to what?
assistance to our southern neighbors in economic and law enforcement operations against drug cartels
On whose dime? And FYI ~ whom exactly would you propose giving the financial support to? The upstanding "law enforcement" ? LOL
that make life extremely difficult for those who would normally want to stay in their home countries, but cannot because of economic, political, or safety reasons.
And? You think foreigners, with an allegiance to their country, flag, heritage, history, language, culture, should come to the US for safety?
What about assimilation?
There are not easy solutions, but motivated people will get past physical barriers.
Uh huh ~ Undermining is what criminals do. Being diligent in thwarting a criminals undermining is what lends to the security of Americas citizens.
The solution is to create outcomes that change motivations and create processes that ease the human stress.
What "human's stress"? The American or the foreigner?
Even if we had an impenetrable wall, people could still easily come in from the seas (Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mexico) or through under-the-radar flights.
The "WALL" is only one measure. It's not like no one thought of addressing the air and seas entrance to the the US.
Well you claimed a standard, now it doesn't exist.
If a person is not KNOWING of what the standard IS, it doesn't exist.
And our borders are not "proved" to be under the control of criminals.
MILLIONS of illegal aliens ARE presently in the US. According to you, that is not proof illegal aliens have the control of when and how they entered the US. That's funny.
We have some issues on the southern and northern borders, but given the enormity of the northern and southern borders, we actually do a pretty good job with it.
June 3, 2016 - A record 94,708,000 Americans were not in the labor force in May -- 664,000 more than in April -- Labor Department's
Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday.
Number of Americans receiving government assistance/ welfare 110,489,000
And those are general figures, because welfare is grouped and counted by, individual recipients, different programs, percentages, and amounts doled out.
And not to forget over half of the "immigrants" are receiving public assistance, in one or more "programs".
That is a HORRIBLE, disgusting, shameful that half the Americans are providing for their own, want to set aside some to take care of themselves upon retirement, but are thwarted, by being forced to pay for individuals, families and their needs, because they can't, or refuse, to take care of themselves, AND additionally being forced to pay for illegal immigrants and refugees! WRONG!
You say you have visited the Texas-Mexico border. That's great!
Now consider what it would take to actually built a consistent border wall all the way across just that part of the US southern border. The Texas-Mexico border follows the Rio Grand/Bravo, and the river has an enormous number of curves and turns. Unless we wanted to build an insanely long wall, would have to build the wall well within the bounds of the United States,
Uh huh ~ Perhaps you did not notice, America has an UN-employment problem.
Perhaps you did not notice ~ IF you are paying taxes ~ you are supporting welfare programs that those not working are receiving.
Or was MONEY to build the wall your concern?
How about the government STOP doling out money to foreigners and allocate that money toward a wall, to prevent illegal foreigners from entry?
effectively ceded off millions of acres of private property to Mexico
Why would that be necessary?
There are Americans who live on the border. They can move, or remain there with armed guards on their property....or keep what they have now, which is illegal aliens sneaking around on their property!
and impeded the irrigation of the Lower River Grande Valley, a agricultural area supplying and outsized portion of the nation's fruits and vegetables.
I trust all facts are a consideration.
Just as President Trump is now realizing that a lot of the simplistic solutions he offered as a candidate are completely unrealistic in the real world,
Men of vision accomplish what others can not imagine.
We are talking about a Barrier WALL, not taking an afternoon flight to and back from Saturn!
Maybe we should keep our unemployed, those who refuse to work and our immigrants and refugees on welfare and hire the Chinese to build the WALL, since they have proved it's possibility and effect.
I'm sure he and his staff are realizing that basic geography - that could have been learned by bothering to consult a map for five minutes - makes their plan nearly impossible to do without harming a huge number of people.
Harming a huge number of people? What people, and harming how?
As an exercise to demonstrate my point,
take a look at a map showing the Texas-Mexico border between Langtry and Del Rio, Texas. Now figure out where to put a wall that won't be ridiculously expensive because of all of the double-backing of the Rio Grande, a location that won't cede off an enormous amount of property to Mexico, a wall that won't block access to the reservoirs there, and won't destroy heavily-developed property near Del Rio. And remember, you are going to be seizing an enormous amount of privately owned property to do it.
Remember - as well -
The citizens have an option to vote for a President who will uphold the laws of the US.
Having a "friendly" border with people crossing and knowing in which country they belong and remain living there is one thing....
And when THAT is no longer the case ~ it is the duty of the government to remedy the problem.
Not everyone will be satisfied with the remedy, that is a given.
I do not fathom no accommodation for an American food supply, and was shocked at California's "save the fish and turn the crops into a dust bowl".
And there are already in place laws concerning private land owners.
How would you like your property seized or walled off from the rest of the nation for an ineffective political statement?
Seized? Actually I would probably take the first option, which is they would have to "purchase it".
Walled "off" ~ I would probably like it, since I tend to like privacy more than seeing my neighbors.
Ineffective political statement? ~ An actual wall would be beyond a statement. And "ineffective"? Can you provide some facts on its failure, before it is constructed? I think the stats on the Berlin wall proved effective for its intended purpose.
You probably wouldn't care for it.
I am willing to say I would rather deal with the issue of a wall, than the issue of criminals entering the US and freeloading on the working class of Americans.
So, yes, I have been to the border and been in Mexico and have had some lengthy conversations with Mexicans legal and illegal. So, have you ever had an illegal alien harm your property or your family? I have. And just so you know, your recourse (short of murder) is pretty much non-existent.