If you truly wish to discuss it, tell me the points of your soteriology and we will start from there.
I hold to human inability not total inability. I deny that the sin of man has do corrupted him that he cannot respond to the gospel. Scripture does not bear this out. Further, Scripture tells us that the Holy Ghost inspired word of God is the power to salvation (Romans 1:16). God does not need to add more grace to his work of grace which is the gospel. His grace and His word is sufficient (Romans 10:17)
I deny that all of man is guilty of Adam"s sin or that the result of his sin has destroyed the free will of man. Sin certainly had corrupted man but we still bear some of the image of God. Our faith comes from hearing the word of God. (Romans 10:17)
I find it a serious error to conflate the choice of man to repent with God's choice to save man. I reject the notion that man's responsibility to receive the gift of God (salvation) is meritorious in any way or can be deemed to have a causation in the saving of man.
Since when is the giving of a gift, also part of the receiving of the gift?
Election is not individualistic it is corporate. God decided, before the world began, that He would save whoever would receive His free gift. (Ephesians 1:4; John 1:12)
Now, what you need to know is I have been on this board a long time. To me you are a newbie. I have debated these issues over and over again, I have made long posts delineating my positions on things, and even recently have made my positions clear. What I have posted here in this post is not new in the last 6 months.
Your accusations of me are only adhominems repeated from some others I have long ago put on ignore. Its not honest and its not accurate. Just like your characterization of the video is not accurate.
Further, I post one liners because what I am responding to doesn't deserve any more than that. When you post something significant you will get more from me. Right now I will keep my posts to a minimum to your own one liners.