Dr. Walter;1562829[I said:] ……Here is the crux of our disagreement in regard to Matthew 28:1-4. You see this as describing Christ’s resurrection on Saturday evening based on Matthew 28:1 while you see Mark 16:1-8 as a different visit on Sunday morning. [/I]
Dr. Walter;1562829[I said:[COLOR=“DarkRed”]In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
However, I agree with many great Greek scholars in the past and present who translate the term “opse” to mean “after” the Sabbath was completed and “into the twilight of sunrise” they came to the tomb on Sunday morning.
There are several contextual reasons why this is the proper interpretation.
In Matthew 28:7-8 as they quickly departed from this visit and went toward the disciples Jesus met them. (vv. 9-10) to calm their fears as they were not going to tell anyone (Mk. 16:8). Hence, Matthew 28:9 occurs immediately after Mark 16:8. This special appearance to the women as they ran away gave them the boldness to go ahead and tell the disciples proving that Matthew 28:1-9 is parallel with Mark 16:1-8 and not two separate visits.
Hence, the supposed objection that the women ran away and didn’t tell anyone is countered by Matthew 28:9 as Jesus relieved their fears and they did go tell the disciples.
Re: Dr Walter, “Here is the crux of our disagreement in regard to Matthew 28:1-4. You see this as describing Christ’s resurrection on Saturday evening based on Matthew 28:1 while you see Mark 16:1-8 as a different visit on Sunday morning.”
Re DW: “Here is the crux of our disagreement in regard to Matthew 28:1-4.”
I am glad you noticed the Text-demarcation, “Matthew 28:1-4.” Remarkable properties separate this pericope from the foregoing and following Text. Find my discussion of this phenomenon, here, http://www.biblestudents.co.za/books/Book%202.%20Resurrection.pdf . That was many years ago. Only for about two years of late have I begun to stress the interrelationship of verse 28:5a as Matthew’s connective interpolation in the angel’s ‘explanation’ or ‘answer’ or ‘story’ or ‘witness’. See various articles, inter alia, http://www.biblestudents.co.za/docs/html/Appeared%20at%20no%20visit.htm.
Re DW: “You see this as describing Christ’s resurrection on Saturday evening based on Matthew 28:1”.
If you rectify this, you will see that I ‘see this’ as describing Christ’s resurrection on ‘Saturday’=”Sabbath’s-time”-‘sabbatohn’, NOT “on Saturday evening” which would have been 1) after “afternoon”; 2) after sunset; 3) on the NEXT having started day the First Day of the week (‘Sunday’)— and NOT what I believe or what Matthew says in “Matthew 28:1”.