You keep asking me that question, and I keep giving you the scriptures, yet you ignore them.Where in the Bible does it say a person must be sorry for their sins in order to be saved?
That is not true. I have given you much evidence. I even gave you the English dictionary meaning for repent and it says to be sorry.It doesn't. You have been challenged about that before and have failed to produce any evidence.
For you to keep saying we can repent before we are saved but only a repentance without sorrow, that is a dead repentance. Why would God accept repentance from someone who is not sorry?Nowhere does it say a person must be sorry for their sins to be saved. Judas was sorry for his sins and went to hell. That type of preaching will end with the same results.
As for Judas, you keep on using him as an example to try to support your beliefs, but I have explained to you that a person must have faith that God forgives them.
If you keep telling people that they do not have to be sorry for their sins, then that type of preaching is from hell.