HP: Does anyone wonder why debate is impossible with DHK? it is because he can say anything he so desires at any time, regardless if it is a self contradiction or not, and all while condemning all others that would shed light on his errors.
Trouble with reading comprehension skills HP?
DHK says in one breath he never said faith was a gift. He says in the second breath faith as a spiritual gift can only be given to believers. If that is not a stark contradiction, and a denial of his own words, what can possible be?
You are right. Faith is not a gift. Jesus said that unless you have faith as a little child you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. Even little children have faith, and it isn't spiritual faith he is referring to.
Faith is faith is faith.
In 1Cor.12, faith is spoken of as a spiritual gift. In Gal.5 it is spoken of as one of the fruits of the Spirit. In this sense "faith" is not given to the unbeliever. Faith as a spiritual gift is not given to the unbeliever.
Let me quote a verse for you. Then I want your comment on it.
1 Corinthians 12:4-5 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
--In the early church there were several different
spiritual gifts most of them listed in chapter 12. One of them is the gift of administration. President Obama, being the president of your nation, is the high-raking administrator of your nation. Does he have the "spiritual" gift of administration? Why or why not? There are good CEO's aren't there. Do they all have the spiritual gift of administration. No. No unsaved person has the spiritual gift of administration. God does not give spiritual gifts to unsaved people. Does that make this any clearer?
Not only that, but he says a gift is unconditional, but obviously it is conditional to him anyway, for God "only gives faith to believers." That is about as conditional as you can get. You have to be a believer to get faith.
There are many administrators in this world that are not saved.
All people have faith. Only the saved have access to what can be deemed "spiritual faith," either as a gift or the fruit of the Spirit.
If that is not yet enough, he says that you have to be a believer to get faith, YET he says that
I never said that. That is what the Calvinist says. Reading comprehension??
"IF you believe you can be saved." Pray tell me how I am to have faith to believe to get saved, if faith comes subsequent to salvation, ONLY to believers as DHK states in yet another breath.
Because I never said that. Reading comprehension??
Forget it. I am finished for now with DHK, uttering such utter nonsense and contradictions so glaring that any reasonable person would have to marvel at. You cannot debate this kind of changing rhetoric. DHK changes his written remarks faster than a chameleon changes it colors.
No need for ugly rhetoric. Just read my posts more carefully, and I am sure you will understand them. God does not gift the fruit of the Holy Spirit to the unsaved, does he.
And yet every man has faith. Does the Muslim have faith in Allah? Yes or no?